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胜任模型 competency model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-08 16:46:57


胜任模型 competency model英语短句 例句大全

胜任模型,competency model

1)competency model胜任模型

1.Search on Competency Model of Financial Staff;企业财务人员胜任模型研究

2.Through the investigation of more than 20 veterinary enterprises in the south of Shanxi,factors that restricting the development of enterprises were summed up,and thecompetency model were used to find the difference of excellent performance and general performance.通过对山西晋南地区二十几家兽药企业的调研,总结制约企业发展的因素,引入了人力资源管理中胜任模型,帮助企业掌握区分绩效优与绩效一般员工的特征,针对企业自身特点,制定合理的人员招聘计划。

3.Study on competency characteristics andcompetency model are mature in abroad, while it is in initial phase on verification and establishment ofcompetency model for government and company.对胜任特征及胜任模型的研究国外已经比较成熟,而国内还处在验证性研究以及政府、公司等建立胜任模型的初步探索性研究中,将胜任模型与企业的招聘、甄选、管理相结合的研究还比较少,在电信行业中尤其如此。

2)Competency Model胜任力模型

1.Application Study ofCompetency Model on Health Organization Human Resource Management;胜任力模型在卫生机构人力资源管理中的应用初探

2.Hospital finance director competency model building;医院财务处处长胜任力模型构建

3.The Application of theCompetency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用


1.Research on the Competency Model and Competency Actuality of Preschool Teachers;幼儿教师胜任力模型及胜任力现状研究

2.Construction of the Professors" Competency Model at Research Universities in China中国研究型大学教授胜任力模型构建

3.A Study of Human Resource Management Based on Competency Model;基于胜任力模型的人力资源管理研究

4.A Conceptual Model:Entrepreneurial Competence Based on Enterprise Competitiveness;基于企业竞争力的企业家胜任力模型

5.The Empirical Study on the Human Resource Management Competency Model企业人力资源管理者胜任力模型研究

petency Modelling and Validation of Chinese Civil Servants;公务员胜任力模型的构建与检验研究

7.Study of Steel Company Senior Leaders" Competency Model;钢铁企业高层领导者胜任力模型研究

8.The Marketing Personnel Competence Model Design Idea and Steps in Machinery Manufacturing Industry;机械制造业营销人员胜任力模型研究

9.A Research of Publishing Company Editor Staff Competence;出版社编辑人员胜任力模型构建研究

10.The Application of the Competency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用

11.The Construction and Evaluation of Middle-level Managers Competency Model;中层管理者胜任力模型的构建与评价

12.A New Interview and Select Technology Called BEI Based on Competency Model;基于胜任力模型的BEI面试选拔新技术

13.Application of Competence Model in Logistics Enterprises;胜任力模型在物流企业中的应用研究

14.Verification Study on Competency Model of Head in Township Hospital乡镇卫生院院长胜任力模型验证研究

15.The Study on the Competence Structure Model of Middle-level Managers in Commercial Banks商业银行中层管理者胜任力模型研究

16.Research on competency-model-based method of talent evaluation基于胜任力模型的人才评价方法研究

17.A Study on HR Staffs Competence Model of Manufacturing Companies;制造型企业人力资源管理者胜任力模型研究

18.The Research on the Competency Model of the Division Managers in a Building Material Supermarket;A建材超市主任经理职位胜任力模型研究


Competency Model胜任力模型

1.Application Study ofCompetency Model on Health Organization Human Resource Management;胜任力模型在卫生机构人力资源管理中的应用初探

2.Hospital finance director competency model building;医院财务处处长胜任力模型构建

3.The Application of theCompetency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用

3)Competence Model胜任力模型

1.Performance Management Based onCompetence Model;基于胜任力模型的绩效管理体系

2.Research onCompetence Model and Its Relationship with Performance of Elementary and Secondary School Principals;中小学校长胜任力模型及其与绩效的关系研究

3.This paper discussed the competence model of grass-roots cadres and countermeasures on enhancing their competency,by analyzing the basic connotation of competence of grass-roots cadres and existing problems.本文通过分析农村基层干部胜任力的基本内涵和目前农村基层干部胜任力建设中存在的问题,探讨了适应新农村建设要求的农村基层干部胜任力模型及提高农村基层干部胜任力的基本对策。

4)competency model胜任能力模型

parison of VEBO curriculum development andcompetency model construction process;订单式职业教育课程开发和胜任能力模型构建的比较研究

petency Model Can be Applied in the Integration of Human Resource after Corporation M&A;胜任能力模型在公司并购之人力资源整合中的应用

3.The vast recognition and deep research on thecompetency model provides a new method for human resources in the modern economic era.在胜任能力模型的基础上,本研究针对A公司在甄选和培训系统中存在的问题,提出胜任能力模型甄选应用方案和培训中的应用方案,展示了胜任能力模型对于企业人力资源管理的可操作性和实用价值,同时也根据实践的经验,对应用胜任能力模型需要注意的事项进行了深入的思考,以启发思路。

5)competence construction model胜任力结构模型

6)competency model胜任素质模型

1.Chinese Civil Officials at County Level Training Research Based on Competency Model;基于胜任素质模型的县处级公务员培训研究

2.Research on Human Resources Managers Competency Model in China s Enterprises;我国企业人力资源经理胜任素质模型研究

3.The Application Research of the Competency Model in the SME;胜任素质模型在中小企业的应用研究


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