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命名法规 nomenclature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-26 13:25:52


命名法规 nomenclature英语短句 例句大全



1.The standardization and harmonization of phytolithnomenclature and description has become crucial with the development of phytolith analysis in many scientific fields in recent years.文章对国际植硅体命名法规中植硅体类型划分、命名和描述的方法与术语进行介绍,提供部分中文对应译名,并对该法规中存在的问题进行探讨,以期引起国内学术界的重视,为我国植硅体命名规范化提供参考。

2)code of stratigraphic nomenclature地层命名法规

3)international rules of nomenclature国际命名法规

4)naming criteria命名规范

1.It also interprets thenaming criteria of OBD II terms of components and systems related to automotive emission.简单介绍OBD的标准化和OBDⅡ术语的概要,对与汽车排放相关的零部件及系统进行符合标准化OBDⅡ的术语命名规范作了详细的解析。


1.The only naming conventions I have are in PLSQL.我唯一的命名规范是用在pl/QL中。

2.designation system and basis for specifications命名系统和基本规范

3.The topic of variable naming and code conventions is a touchy one.变量命名规则和编码规范一直是一个比较敏感的话题。

4.fluoropolymer dispersions and moulding and extrusion materials - part1 : designation system and basis for specifications含氟聚合物的分散,模塑和挤压材料-第1部分:命名系统和基本规范

5.acrylonitrile(san) moulding and extrusion materials-part 1:designation system and basis for specifications丙烯腈(san)共聚物的模塑和挤塑材料-第1部分:命名系统和基本规范

6.UDDI Version 2.0 introduces the notion of external checked namespaces.UDDI规范2.0版引入了已校验(checked)的外部命名空间的概念。

7.Thus this specification is a definition of the syntax and semantics of the XSLT namespace.因些本规范是一个XSLT命名空间的语法和语义的定义。

8.Fact Proposition, Value Proposition, Norm Proposition and Their Logic事实命题、价值命题、规范命题及其逻辑

9.Title Logic behind "shall not"--A Normative Analysis of "Normatity Decline"“不得”的逻辑——“规范性下降”命题的规范分析

10.Creates a programmatic identifier that does not collide with other identifiers in the scope, and follows the current language naming rules.创建不会与范围内的其他标识符相冲突的编程标识符,并遵循当前的语言命名规则。

11.It is concluded that “压缩因数”might be taken as a unified standard name for Z in order to facilitate academic exchange and prevent any confusion concept.为便于学术交流,避免概念的混淆,可取压缩因数作为Z统一规范化的命名。

12.Selects specified cell, range, or named range.选择指定的单元格、范围或已命名的范围。

13.A Survey of Health - Related Quality of Life among 430 Teachers College Students;430名师范大学生生命质量的初步调查

14.Information processing--Specification of single-hit decision tablesGB/T15535-1995信息处理单命中判定表规范

15.On Regression of Moral Education from "Standard" to Life;论道德教育由“规范”向生命的回归

16.Science, Reason and Standardization are the Key Elements of Assigning Test Papers;科学、合理、规范是命题工作的关键要素

17.The Prove Of Some Questions About Normai Matrix With Row Characteristic Vector;规范矩阵若干命题的行特征向量证法

18.Research on Ecological Demonstration Area Construction Planning of Scenic Spot;风景名胜地生态示范区建设规划研究


code of stratigraphic nomenclature地层命名法规

3)international rules of nomenclature国际命名法规

4)naming criteria命名规范

1.It also interprets thenaming criteria of OBD II terms of components and systems related to automotive emission.简单介绍OBD的标准化和OBDⅡ术语的概要,对与汽车排放相关的零部件及系统进行符合标准化OBDⅡ的术语命名规范作了详细的解析。

5)naming rule命名规则

1.In the process of database application system development,naming rule is an important sign of normalization.数据库系统的设计目前已经进入可视化和面向对象技术的时代,并以网络技术作为最基本的依托,命名规则是数据库应用系统开发过程中规范化的重要标志。

6)naming conventions命名规格


