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培育 cultivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-26 11:41:08


培育 cultivation英语短句 例句大全



1.Thecultivation of excellent entrepreneur"s mettle of Chinese textile & Garment industry;我国纺织服装业优秀企业家精神的培育

2.Discrimination andcultivation of coalmine enterprises" core competitive ability;煤矿企业核心竞争力的甄别与培育

3.Cultivation of Core Competitive Ability in Middle-and-small-sized Pharmaceutical Enterprises;论中小型制药企业核心竞争力的培育


1.Forming a Unique Training Mode and Improving Teaching Quality;培育人才培养特色 提高教育教学质量

2.The Development in Market of Physical Culture and Cultivation of Physical Culture Professionals;体育市场的培育与体育专门人才的培养

3.On developing technological train to cultivate new peasants based on the actual situation;结合实际开展科技培训培育新型农民

4.A brief analysis on cultivation and development of Automobile driving training market;浅谈汽车驾驶培训市场的培育与发展

5.A carefully nurtured person or thing.被精心培育的人或物

6.Some hothouses held them.有暖房培育着她们。

7.Grandpa is interested in raising flowers and plants.爷爷对培育花卉感兴趣。

8.A person who breeds animals or plants.饲养动物者,培育植物者

9.Carry forward and cultivate the national spirit弘扬和培育民族精神:

10.The conditions of life nurtured it.生活的条件培育着它。

11.To propagate(a plant) by means of a layer.用压条法培育(植物)

12.breed evolved from shorthorn beef cattle.有短角牛培育出来的牛。

13.Raise, rear or educate sb培养,养育或教育某人

14.Focusing Details on Training Achieve Creations in the Training;注重教育培训环节实现教育培训创新

15.Physical Education Iidea of Cai Yuan-pei and Contemporary Physical Education蔡元培体育教育思想与当代体育教育

16.Cultivation on Lifelong P.E Consciousness in College;高校体育教育中终身体育意识的培养

17.Physical Education and the Cultivation of Students Sports Consciousness in Colleges and Universties;高校体育教育与学生体育意识的培养

18.Carry out the Development of Aesthetics Education and Appreciation Ability on High-Professional Physical Teaching;体育课实施美育教育与欣赏能力培养



1.To Cultivate the Spirit of Vocational Colleges by Centering on the Quality Education of Humanities;以人文素质教育为核心培育高职院校精神

2.Analysis again on Television and film creation should pay attention to develop andcultivate the national spirit;再论影视创作应注意弘扬和培育民族精神

3.Institutions of higher learning should carry forward andcultivate the national spirit strongly;高校应大力弘扬和培育民族精神


1.Discussions of the development andfostering of Chinese national spirit;弘扬和培育中华民族精神的几个问题

2.On education sfostering for ethical spirit;论教育对伦理精神的培育

3.Economic consequence of accounting for intangible assets and thefostering of intangible assets;无形资产会计规范的经济后果与无形资产培育


1.Study on Breeding and Management of the Coagulation Factor IX-knockout Mouse;凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠的培育历史与建系方法

2.The appraising andbreeding of corporation core compete force;企业核心竞争力的评价与培育


1.Devoting to the three innovations of the enterpriseandcultivating its main competitive ability;致力企业三个创新培育核心竞争能力

2.Briefly Talking about Carrying forward and Cultivating National Spirit;浅谈弘扬和培育民族精神


1.Finally on this basis studies how tonurture and enhance the core competence of training schools.随着培训学校规模及数量的不断扩大,对培训学校核心竞争力研究显得特别必要和重要,本文旨在以新东方教育科技集团为例研究培训学校如何培育和提升核心竞争力,并结合新东方教育科技集团成功的经验提出相应的政策建议。

2.Deng Xiaoping vigorously promoted the opening up to the outside world,at the same time he constantlynurtured the spirit of openness among the Chinese people.一个国家要重新进入全面的开放状态,培育公民的开放意识必不可少。

3.We shouldnurture the constitutional spirit and construct the constitutional culture.构建中国特色社会主义民主宪政必须科学对待中国传统文化与西方宪政文化,培育宪政精神,构建宪政文化。


培育1.培养幼小生物,使其发育成长。 2.指使某种情感得到发展。 3.培养教育。
