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过滤机 filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-15 14:14:14


过滤机 filter英语短句 例句大全



1.Running condition analysis of TA unitfilter in Tianjin PTA plant;天津PTA装置TA单元过滤机运行状况分析

2.Dewatering tests and production practice of TT series ceramicfilter for sulfur concentrate in Yunfu Pyrite Mine;硫精矿应用国产TT系列陶瓷过滤机的脱水试验及生产实践

parison between the Application of Tilting Panfilter and Rotary Vacuum Disk Filter in Wet Process Phosphoric Acid;翻盘过滤机与转台过滤机在湿法磷酸生产中的应用比较


1.Structure Characteristic and Filtration Mechanism of CFF泡沫陶瓷过滤板过滤机制和过滤板选择

2.double cylinder vertical solution filter双筒立式溶液过滤机

3.rotary vacuum string discharge filter线排料回转真空过滤机

4.The Oretical Investingation and Structure Design of the Serial Drum Filter;串联转鼓连续过滤机理研究与过滤机研制

5.Influence on filter effect of major parameters of disc vacuum filter圆盘真空过滤机的主要参数对过滤效果的影响

6.Does not need the cardboard, compares to the cardboard purifier, it can save the filtration cost.无需纸板,较纸板过滤机可节省过滤成本。

7.Experimental Investigation on Bauxite Positive Flotation Concentrate Filtration by Vertical Disk Filter立盘过滤机过滤铝土矿正浮选精矿的试验研究

8.Corrosion and protection of the filtration board for white clay refining unit白土精制装置过滤机滤板的腐蚀与防护

9.Terminology of centrifuge and filterGB/T4774-1984离心机和过滤机名词术语

10.In this paper, we have given an analysis for the filtration mechanism of mould system used cellular ceramic filters, and made certain the equation for filtration efficiency.本文对采用泡沫陶瓷过滤器的浇注系统过滤机制进行了分析,并确定了过滤效率的方程式。

11.The model designation of filtersGB/T7780-1987过滤机型号编制方法

12.The concentrated sodium hydroxide is filtered through a pressure filter.浓缩过的氢氧化纳通过压滤机过滤。

13.filter for television receiver aerials电视接收机天线过滤器

14.Install a new oil filter.安装新的机油过滤器

15.filter ,intake air, for internal combustion engines内燃发动机进气过滤器

16.filter –press for filtering or clarifying beverages other than water过滤或净化除水以外的饮料用压滤机

17.A Study on the Filtration Properties of Fiber Inorganic Ceramic Nanofiltration Membrane;纤维状无机陶瓷纳滤膜过滤特性研究

18.17 Mechanical dewatering processes include belt filters, pressure filters, vacuum filters, centrifuges.机械化脱水工序包括:带状过滤,压力过滤,真空过滤,以及离心脱水。



3)filtering machine过滤机

1.According to the status about lower flotation productivity of washed coal with larger vary of coal quality and higher ash,some measures were taken,such as strengthening system management,improving deciduous effect offiltering machine and selected new-style medicament,so as to improve productivity of washed coal.针对吕家坨矿选煤厂入选原煤煤质变化较大、浮选入料粒度细及灰分偏高导致浮选精煤回收率低等状况,采取了加强制度管理、改善过滤机滤饼脱落效果、选用新型药剂等措施,使精煤产率有所提高。

2.Because of the ageing, lower efficiency and severe oil leakage of th e originalfiltering machine of the Comprehensive Utilization Company under Taiy uan Steel and Iron Complex, the simple maintenance is difficult to satisfy the c urrent equipment management code, therefore all thefiltering machines with full mechanically-driven speed-regulation in the company have been transformed.针对太钢综合利用公司原有的过滤机设备老化,效率低,漏油现象严重,简单的维修很难满足当前的设备管理规范,对公司内所有全机械传动调速的过滤机进行了改造。


5)filtration board of filter过滤机滤板

6)Filtration mechanism过滤机理

1.The main content of filtration theory of grainy filtering media consists of filtration mechanism,filtration equation and backwashing mechanism.粒状滤料过滤理论的主要内容是过滤机理、过滤方程式和反冲洗机理。


