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粳稻 japonica rice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-08 09:09:22


粳稻 japonica rice英语短句 例句大全

粳稻,japonica rice

1)japonica rice粳稻

1.Genetic analysis on number of primary and secondary branches per panicle injaponica rice(Oryza sativa L.);粳稻一次枝梗数和二次枝梗数的遗传分析

2.Application of Controlled-release Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Japonica Rice;施用控释肥对粳稻生长发育及产量的影响

3.Differences in response of indica andjaponica rice variety to Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation in relation to its improvement;籼粳稻对农杆菌遗传转化反应的差异及提高转化率的研究


1.Improving the Quality of Erect Head Japonica Rice Using the Quality of Bending Japonica Rice in Japan;利用日本优质粳稻改良直穗型粳稻品质的研究

2.Study on High Yielding Cultivation Measures of Japonica Hybrid Rice in North Region北方稻区杂交粳稻高产栽培技术研究

3.Population Characteristics of Super Japonica Rice Ningjing 1 and Ningjing 3 and Its Responses to Nitrogen超高产常规粳稻宁粳1号和宁粳3号群体特征及对氮的响应

4.Restorable Ability of Japonica Male Sterile Lines with Iso-nuclear Allo-cytoplasm to Restorers of Indica and Japonica in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and Genetic Analysis of Quality Traits in Japonica Rice;同核异质粳稻雄性不育系对籼、粳恢复系的育性可恢性及粳稻稻米品质遗传分析

5.In the other grain quality characters, there was not a big difference between hybrid rice and conventional rice.在其它品质性状上,杂交粳稻与常规粳稻差异不明显。

6.Evaluation Results of Nation-wide Japonica Rice Varieties with Better Palatability in Seventh Japonica Rice Development Forum in 第七届粳稻发展论坛之09"全国优良食味粳稻品评结果报告

pared with the japonica hybrids from south China,those from north China showed a lower average value of CGP and CD.在地域上,北方稻区杂交粳稻的垩白粒率、垩白度的平均值低于南方稻区杂交粳稻。

8.Anther Culture- A Good Method for Selection of Restorer Lines in Japonica Rice花药培养是粳稻恢复系选育的好方法

9.Correlations and QTL Mapping for Eating Quality Characters in Japonica Rice;粳稻食味品质性状的相关性及QTL定位

10.Measuring of Fluctuation of Japonica Production in Northeast of China;我国东北地区粳稻生产波动测定分析

11.Analysis of Japonica Rice Market of and Trend Prospective of ;粳稻市场分析及走势展望

12.Analysis on japonica rice market and trend forecast in ;粳稻市场分析及走势预测

13.The Study of High-quality and Long-grain Japonica Rice Restorer Line C470 and its Improvement and Application优质长粒粳稻恢复系C470及其改良利用

14.Genetic Relationships among Northern Japonica Rice by SRAP北方部分粳稻品种遗传关系的SRAP分析

15.Tiyou 267,a New Upland Japonica Hybrid Rice Combination with High Yield and Fine Quality优质高产旱作杂交粳稻新组合屉优267

16.Bioinformatic Analysis of MYB Protein Family in Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica粳稻MYB蛋白家族的生物信息学分析

17.Innovations Advances of Techiques and Germplasm in CMS-D1 Based on Breeding of Hybrid Japonica Rice滇型杂交粳稻的种质和技术创新进展

18.Analysis of Combining Ability of Yield and Its Main Relative Characters in Japonica Hybrid Rice杂交粳稻产量及相关性状配合力分析



1.Genetic transformation of Bar-Bt-1Ab gene in Japonica rice with pollen-tube pathway;花粉管通道法转Bar-Bt-1Ab基因到北方优质粳稻的研究

2.Analysis on combining ability of main characters in Japonica CMS Lines from Jiangsu and Japan;中国江苏和日本粳稻不育系主要性状的配合力分析

3.Analysis of chalkiness character for the three crosses derived fromjaponica species;粳稻品种三杂交后代垩白性状分析


1.Preliminary Evaluation on theRice Germplasm Introduced from the GUVA in Cold Region;东亚粳稻遗传评价(GUVA)材料在寒地稻区试验初报

2.Relationship between grain quality and plant type of japonica rice;粳稻品质与株型的关系研究

3.The Comparison Analysis for the Uniformity of the Populationin Different RoundgrainedRice Varieties Ⅲ The Influence of Different levels of N Fertilizer Appliedon Property of Varieties and the Uniformity;不同粳稻品种群体整齐度的比较分析 Ⅲ.不同施氮水平对品种性状及整齐度的影响

4)Japonica rice(Oryza sativa L.)粳稻

1.Establishment of SSR fingerprint map and analysis of genetic similarity among 35 varieties in japonica rice(Oryza sativa L.);35个粳稻品种SSR指纹图谱的构建及遗传相似性分析

2.Polymorphism in seed storage proteins of different varieties in japonica rice(Oryza sativa L.);粳稻品种间种子贮藏蛋白多态性分析

3.Genetic variation of 3 seedling traits and their correlation with plant height in different ecotype varieties in japonica rice(Oryza sativa L.);不同生态类型粳稻品种3个幼苗性状的遗传变异及其与株高的相关性分析

5)Indica and Japonica籼稻和粳稻

1.In order to do the work ofIndica and Japonica s classification and distinction to provide the system reference (classification, classified system, distinction method根据当前中国稻作育种界十分关注的籼稻和粳稻分类问题,整合现存的研究成果,重点从中国栽培稻的分类、分类体系、主要鉴别方法等方面进行综述。

6)japonica rice in Northeast China东北粳稻


