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隔距 Gauge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-05 00:38:54


隔距 Gauge英语短句 例句大全



1.Influences of Carding Machine Back Stationary FlatGauge on Neps and Impurities;梳棉机后固定盖板隔距对结杂的影响

2.Influences ofGauge between Licker-in and Carding Plate on Carding Sliver Quality;刺辊与分梳板隔距对生条质量的影响

3.Set up and calculation of the gauge to determine the center distance of the roller on the cradle draft assemble;摇架牵伸装置上罗拉中心距隔距规的设定和计算


1.The machines shall be at least ... m apart.机器间隔距离至少..米

2.The letter was well spaced, ie typed, etc with a suitable amount of space between each line, etc.信中的间隔距离处理得很整齐.

3.Wider gauge between flat and cylinder (more than 0.25 mm).盖板与锡林间的隔距宽(大于0.25毫米)。

4.Gauge Design Idea Analyses of C60 Carding MachineC60型梳棉机隔距参数设计理念分析

5.A Karyological Study of Six Species of Cleisostoma from Hainan海南隔距兰属植物6个种的核型分析

6.The distance in time or space that separates two vehicles traveling the same route.间隔距离在同一路线上行驶的车辆之间在时间或空间上的距离

7.To separate or keep apart.隔开隔开或保持距离

8.Space from Start,Specify Spacing从起始间隔,指定间距

9.Space from End,Specify Spacing末端间隔,指定间距

10.incremental printer有行距隔空的印字机

11.--the astronomical distances which separate us.分隔我们的天文距离。

12."apart: at a distance in place, position, or time."相隔,相距: 在地点,方位或时间上成距离

13.Clairtangency. You can use far hand at any distance.超距接触:你可以在任意距离使用“隔空之手”。

14.They posted sentries at regular intervals.他们每隔一定的距离就设置一些岗哨。

munication Between parties at a distance from one another.彼此相隔一段距离的各方之间的通信。

16.so as to leave much space or distance between.使得相互间隔很大的空间或者距离。

17.Letterspace: Space between letters. Also called Inter-character space.字母间距:字母间所加的间隔。

18.Line-spacing: The introduction of space between lines of types.加行间距:在字行间加间隔的操作 。


Roller Gauge罗拉隔距

1.Through analysis of drafting mechanism of spinning machine,conclusion is made that less roller gauge and short floating length and reinforced apron holding force of fiber plus effective control of movement of short fiber will improve the eveness and thus marked improvement of spinning quality.通过对细纱机牵伸机理分析,说明减小细纱机罗拉隔距缩小了浮游区长度、增强了胶圈对纤维的握持力、有效地控制短纤维的运动,从而提高了条干均匀度,使纺纱质量水平大幅度提高。

2.Auto adjjustment of roller gauge on line can reduce poor draft,thus stablizaing the yarn quality.针对棉涤等混纺产品存在纤维长度差异,使棉条中纤维分布不匀,引起罗拉钳口控制不当,造成牵伸不匀的问题,介绍了棉纺并条机上按照纤维长度的变化对罗拉中心距进行自动调节的新技术,以适应特殊纤维的需要;调节机构包括快速傅里叶转换器、转换超限定频率宽度的信息及应用逻辑原理的判断、对螺杆的动作发出指令的机构,且每个控制动作的循环迅速;并条机上的中、后罗拉由电子控制的步进电机传动;代替了齿轮传动;在线罗拉隔距的调节可以减少牵伸不匀的产生,减少纺纱质量的波动。

3)Nip Gauge钳口隔距


1.Problem and Settlement in Using Spinning Press Bar Spacer;细纱压力棒隔距块使用中的问题及解决措施

2.The key factors of curve drafting,leather roller,apron andspacer of the drafting system in compact spinning were introduced.通过对紧密纺牵伸系统中后区曲线牵伸、胶辊、胶圈以及隔距块等影响成纱条干质量的关键因素所作的相关实验和分析,探讨了紧密纺牵伸系统对C14。

3.Introduction is made thespacer with press bar regarding the specification and the application theory.介绍了细纱压力棒隔距块的特点和应用机理,工艺方面采取加大后区牵伸倍数,加大后区罗拉隔距,减少粗纱捻系数的"两大一小"工艺措施;加强设备维修,加大操作管理力度,合理的温湿度管理控制措施;能够有效控制管间CVb值差异、毛羽数量以及牵伸不开出硬头的问题,达到降低条干CV值,提高成纱质量的目的。

5)detaching distance落棉隔距

1.Thedetaching distance is an important parameter for adjusting comber noil and combing quality.落棉隔距是影响精梳机落棉率与梳理质量的重要参数。

6)stretch-breaking gauge length牵切隔距

1.Then,the relationship between the pressure from roller and thestretch-breaking gauge length was figured out according to the textile fiber friction coefficient.主要分析了新型牵切机皮辊加压量和牵切隔距的关系,通过拉伸机牵断纤维束测得纤维的平均强度,然后根据纤维的摩擦系数得出皮辊对纤维束的压力与牵切隔距的关系式,在牵切机上实验加以验证关系式的合理性。


大序隔距兰大序隔距兰介绍 大序隔距兰 (Cleisostoma paniculatum(Ker-Gawl.)Garay)科属: 兰科 隔距兰属别名: 形态特征: 性状附生兰。花色黄绿色花期5-7月果期10月分布与习性:产云南永胜、宾川、勐海、马关、屏边、西畴、广南、罗平等县。我国的西南及华南亦有分布;印度东北部、泰国、越南亦有记录。海拔下限1200海拔上限1300附生于常绿阔叶林中树干上或沟谷林下岩石上。繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:国家二级保护植物图片:
