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摄像机 Camera英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-17 22:22:01


摄像机 Camera英语短句 例句大全



1.The Breakdown Analysis and Maintenance of PanasonicCamera NV-M9000;松下NV-M9000摄像机常见故障分析及维修

2.Distorted image rectification of camera in calibration of fringe projection measurement;条纹投射测量标定中摄像机畸变图像的修正

3.Research of laser calibration method for the image plane center of the CCD camera;CCD摄像机像面中心的激光标定方法研究


1.three image orthicon camera三超正析摄像管摄像机

2.image orthicon camera图像正析像管摄像机

3.siingleband camera单频道(带)摄像机

4.ion camera including animage isocon tube分流直像管电视摄像机

5.iconoscope film camera光电摄像管电视电影摄像机

6.one shot camera分光摄影机,单镜头摄像机

7.Select vcr If you are using a vcr , dvd or other non - camera video source选择摄像机,如果使用摄像机、dvd或其它非摄像视频源

8.Select VCR if you are using a VCR, DVD or other non - camera video sources选择摄像机,如果使用摄像机、dvd或其它非摄像视频源

9.Animated Camera/Light Settings摄像机/灯光动画设置

10.Which tv camera do you prefer?你喜欢哪台电视摄像机?

11.high resolution television camera高分辨率电视摄像机

12.Orbit Camera(/Spotlight)旋转摄像机(/聚光灯)

13.Truck Camera(/Spotlight)平移摄像机(/聚光灯)

14.Dolly Camera(/Spotlight)移动摄像机(/聚光灯)

15.transistor type camera晶体管式电视摄像机

16.color ITV camera彩色工业电视摄像机

17.miniature colour TV camera小型彩色电视摄像机

18.camera signal characteristic摄像机输出信号特性


video camera摄像机

1.Application of real time holographic method to combustionanalysis by using avideo camera for recording interferograms;用实时全息法配合摄像机研究固体火箭推进剂的燃烧过程

2.Following the bumping development of digital video equipment production and the ceaseless decreasing of their sales price,more and more digitalvideo cameras entered ordinary families in our country,thus nowadays numerous common people become new digitalvideo cameramen which actually are not familiar with the sophisticated knowledge of digital video technology.近几年来,随着数码摄像器材生产的蓬勃发展和售价的不断下降,我国越来愈多的普通家庭已添置了数码摄像机,很多非专业人员成了数码摄像师,但一般对于数码摄像的精细、复杂技术并不熟悉。


1.From the angle of studio design and lighting requirement ofvidicon,some common sense about illumination intensity in studio performing area lighting was introduced.从演播室设计、摄像机对照度要求的角度,介绍演播室演区灯光照度方面的一些常识。

2.This paper put forward a method of controlling stepper motor through computer serial port,and designed a control system ofvidicon.提出了运用计算机串行口发送指定信号来控制步进电动机的方法,并设计出相应的摄像机控制系统,运用VB语言编制出计算机与摄像机的通信程序,并在通信过程中实现了CRC校验,利用VB程序所提供的MSComm控件实现了通过串行通信口控制数字摄像机的缩放、变焦等功能。

4)image dissection camera析像摄像机

5)CCD cameraCCD摄像机

1.Adaptive regulation ofCCD camera in eye gaze tracking system;视线跟踪系统中CCD摄像机的自适应调节

2.Technology analysis of addingCCD camera to gunner′s periscopic sight;稳瞄炮长镜加装CCD摄像机技术分析

3.Design of WFOV optical lens forCCD camera;CCD摄像机大视场光学镜头的设计


1.Global Calibration ofMulti-camera System Based on 1D Target基于一维靶标的多摄像机现场全局校准

2.Camera calibration is a key technology in computer vision,and multi-camera calibration is the inevitable step towards an efficient use of multi-camera systems.针对多摄像机系统标定,提出一种基于多视定位算法的标定方法,标定过程只需一块可自由移动的平面模板即可,利用约束优化思想,将各摄像机坐标系转换到参考摄像机坐标系下,从而得到摄像机之间相对位置关系。

3.The implementation of object handoff in overlapping fields of view is one of the key techniques of continual object tracking in multi-camera tracking systems.多摄像机之间重叠视野区域内目标交接问题是实现多摄像机监控系统持续目标跟踪的关键,传统方法是在摄像机重叠视野区域内采用特征匹配方法或基于视野分界线的目标交接算法。


