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闭锁 blocking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-18 21:04:48


闭锁 blocking英语短句 例句大全



1.Unloading valve forblocking and capacity calculation of paver;摊铺机闭锁卸载阀及卸载能力计算

2.It has hardware and software multipleblocking function and full-digital simulation and debugging function.同期并列操作是发电厂频繁而又重要的操作,介绍一种新型的智能微机自动准同期装置,它采用具有DSP功能的新一代单片机为控制核心,快速准确地完成发电机并网操作;采用PID控制方法对发电机进行调频调压;具有多重软硬件闭锁功能;具有全数字仿真调试功能。


1.lock [locking] mechanism锁定[制动,闭锁]机构

2.functional tricuspid insufficiency机能性三尖瓣闭锁不全

3.cam shaft reversing lock凸轮轴换向闭锁装置

4.wedge breech mechanism楔形炮闩,楔式闭锁机

5.resia of osseous auditory meatus先天性骨性耳道闭锁

6.Patients with a high pouch have a poorer result.高位闭锁患者结果更糟。

7.blocking distance protection equipment闭锁式距离保护装置

8.ous atresia of anus膜样肛门闭锁切开术

9.Talking about How to Reduce the Unlocking Rate of Computer"s Locking in Substation浅谈如何降低变电站微机闭锁解锁率

work type microcomputer-based anti-misoperation locking system based on large-scale network structure and locking in the partition基于大网络结构+间隔内闭锁设计思想的网络型微机防误闭锁系统

11.Latching device. Engaged or disengaged can be specified.闭锁设备。可指定为已占用或未占用。

12.Purpose: To investigate the CT features of imperforate hymen in adolescence.总结青春期处女膜闭锁的CT表现。

13.choking velocity适合闭锁压缩机的气流速度

14.The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum.肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。

15.switch locking bar道岔锁条[锁闭杆]

16.mechanical latching机械锁闭, 机械锁闩

17.open, shut, close, lock, bolt the door开、 关、 闭、 锁、 栓门

18.reverse anchor jam nut反向锁闭机构紧固螺帽



1.Starting-locking and Speech Alarming System for Shearer;采煤机启动闭锁及语音报警系统

2.The electric currentlocking measure that preventingthe reserve power starting by mistake;防止备用电源误起动的电流闭锁措施

3.According to the requirements of,the technological reconstruction oflocking control of shaft signal and machine operation equipment is carried out.根据《煤矿安全规程》规定的要求,对井口信号与操车设备实施闭锁控制的技术改造。


1.the article taking the circuit breakers auto-closing phenomenon as example,analyses the defect of LFP-941 protection equipment in effect of reclosingblock,proposes 3 solutions for that;and compares these solutions in detail,gets the best one in accordance with the practice.以现场发生的一起断路器自合现象为例,分析了LFP-941保护装置在重合闸闭锁功能上存在的缺陷,提出了3种解决方案,并对所提出的方案进行详细的比较,找出符合现场实际的最佳方案。

2.The special primary connection that changing non-voltageblock to the voltage-startup in the third and the fourth action sequences can avoid effectively the accidents about non-operation of automatic bus transfer,which im.采用第三、四动作序列把无压闭锁改为有压启动,这种特殊的一次接线可有效地避免备自投拒动事故,进一步提高了供电可靠性。

3.The 7RE2800 voltageblock relay is applied to solve the problem.文中介绍应用7RE2800电压闭锁继电器闭锁ELIN公司80%定子接地保护和匝间保护的交流输入端的方法,解决了一次熔断器熔断时80%定子接地保护和匝间保护误动的问题,并提出预防电压互感器二次电压回路断线导致误闭锁的措施。


1.Analysis on the Main Problems in Design,Commissioning and Operation for Mis-lockout Prevented Devices防误闭锁装置设计验收运行中的主要问题分析

2.The Analysis of the Management of 26 Cases Posterior Urethral Stricture or Lockout with Internal Urethrotomy;腔内手术治疗后尿道狭窄或闭锁26例体会

3.Electromagnetic and electric mechanical simulations as well as the RTDS method were used to study AC/DC interactions involved in large receiving-end grids,and it was pointed out that general or serious AC faults occurred at DC inverter side may cause a short period of simultaneous commutation failure of multiple DC lines but will not lead tolockout.采用电磁暂态、机电暂态和实时仿真等手段,深入研究了交直流系统间的交互影响机理,指出华东端电网的交流单一或严重故障虽会导致多回直流发生短暂的同时换相失败,但并不会导致它们发生闭锁,因而不会威胁到未来华东电网的安全稳定运行。


1.Thelock method study of transverse differential current direction protection;横联差动电流方向保护闭锁措施的研究

2.Alock delay experiment power source based on 555 time base circuit;基于555时基电路的闭锁延时实验电源

3.Accident signal and recloser slock in operation of remote control when transforming general substation into an unatfended one;常规变电站无人值班改造遥控操作事故音响及重合闸的闭锁


1.The improvement of electrically operated safetyinterlocking in AC shaft elevators;竖井交流提升系统电控安全闭锁的完善

2.The demand for the application of theinterlocking logic in the substation automation based on wide area security defense is analyzed,and a multi-layer logicalinterlocking mechanism in the substation automation consisting of the bay layer,station layer and wide area protection layer is proposed.分析了广域安全防御环境下对变电站自动化闭锁逻辑的应用需求,提出了包含间隔层、变电站层和广域保护层的变电站自动化多层逻辑互锁机制,并提出利用广域测量系统(WAMS)中的相量测量单元(PMU)来采集电网实时动态信息的方法,设计了广域保护层在线安全约束检查机制,介绍了该机制的具体实现技术和方法,并给出了一个应用实例。

3.According to IEC 61850, network based switch operation needs an appropriateinterlocking mechanism to implement safe related functions.根据IEC 61850标准,网络环境下的倒闸操作需要通过在线闭锁机制来防止误操作,与传统模式下操作票推理系统结合微机闭锁装置的安全防误方法相比,在线闭锁表现出更高的可靠性、实时性等优点,但现阶段实现的难点在于智能电子设备(IED)计算与存储资源有限,难以在较高的实时性要求下快速准确地计算闭锁结果。


