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节距 Pitch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-24 16:42:39


节距 Pitch英语短句 例句大全



1.Tolerance of Chain ContactPitch and Chain Length in the New Edaphic and Mineral Chain Ditcher;刀式矿土复合型链条接触节距及链长公差的研究

2.The formulas concern two kind of saw chains with same pitch and different pitch and three kind of sprockets,which are rim sprocket,spur sprocket and nose sprocket.这套公式涉及了等节距锯链和不等节距锯链两种情况,还涉及星形驱动链轮、轮辋式驱动链轮和星形导向链轮三种链轮。

3.Based on study and precision analyses on the outer diameter and pitch measure of the synchronization belt-wheels,the paper considers that standard offset can be measured only by using ordinary tools and effective and dependable result obtained.对同步带轮的外径和节距的测量进行了研究和精度分析,提出仅使用通用量具即可实现标准规定偏差的检验,并能得到有效可靠的结果。


1.standard pitch roller chain标准节距套筒滚子链

2.propeller pitch control螺旋桨节距操纵机构

3.propeller governor drive螺旋桨节距调节器传动装置

4.Convolutions frequently alternate in direction of rotation and vary in pitch.盘旋经常改变回转方向和节距。

5.Short pitch transmission precision bush chainsGB/T6076-1985传动用短节距精密套筒链

6.traumatic arthritis of talonavicular joint距舟关节创伤性关节炎;距舟关节创伤性关节炎

7.Don"t forget to focus the lens.别忘了调节镜头的焦距。

8.Biomechanical Study of Subtalar Joint after the Talar Neck Fracture;距骨颈骨折后距下关节生物力学演变研究

9.The logical distance between two nodes.One hop is the distance from one node to an adjacent node.两个节点间的逻辑距离,即一个跃距为从一个节点到邻近一个节点的距离。

10.Distance between fibular head and articular surface of tibial plateau and its clinical significance in total knee arthroplasty腓骨头与关节面间距在全膝关节置换中的意义

11.Study on control characteristics of sluice regulation systems for long distance canal长距离输水渠道节制闸调节系统控制特性研究

12.You must focus your camera before you try to take a picture .拍照以前你必须调节照相机的焦距。

13.(physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the lens of the eye.(生理学)用眼的透镜来自动调节焦距。

14.The field glasses adjust with a screw.双筒望远镜是用一个旋钮调节焦距的。

15.His eyes were so tired that he had difficulty focusing them.他的眼睛累了,调节焦距困难。

16.The British plum season is well under way.距离英国李子上市的季节已经不远了。

17.Study on Range-free Based Node Self-Location Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks;无需测距的WSN节点自定位算法研究

18.Mediating Income Gap by the Government:Defect and Advice;政府调节收入差距的欠缺与对策建议


chordal pitch弦节距节距

3)pitch spread节距,间距

4)Slub Distance竹节节距

5)diameter pitch整节距,径节距

6)full pitch全[节]距,整[节]距


