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真实性 authenticity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-21 06:08:46


真实性 authenticity英语短句 例句大全



1.On The Authenticity Of Garden Heritage;关于保护历史园林遗产的真实性

2.Research and Realization based on the identityauthenticity of arbitration in real-time verification mechanism;基于仲裁的身份真实性实时确认机制的研究与实现

3.How to guarantee theauthenticity of the news which are reported as soon as possible;如何确保在第一时间报道新闻的真实性


1.The quality or condition of being true, factual, or real.真实性;确实真实的、真正的或确实的性质或状况

2.plausibility check真实性检查[核对]

3.The quality or state of being actual or true.真实性具有真实的性质或处于真实的状态

4."The Authenticity of Realism" and "the Truth of Matter s Inherent Law";“现实主义的真实性”与“本质真实”

5.The Truth of the Long Camera Lens --The real narration of the real problems;长镜头的真实——兼论纪实的真实性问题

6.Genuineness and Authenticity of EFL Teaching Materials英语教学材料的“真实”与“真实性”

7.Re-exploration of the Authenticity of Literary Art from the Perspective of Illusory Reality;从虚幻的真实再探文学艺术的真实性

8.attest the truth of it证明这件事的真实性

9.There isn" t a grain of ( ie any ) truth in it.那事无丝毫真实性.

10.Mary" s words have the stamp of truth.玛丽的话具有真实性。

11.validating the authenticity of something or someone.确认某事、某人的真实性。

12.demonstrate the truth of a statement证明一说法的真实性

13.a concept whose truth can be proved.真实性可以证明的观念。

14.There is not an atom of truth in the rumor.那谢意毫无真实性。

15.Her story had a ring of truth about it!她的故事有真实性。

16.The story does not contain a fraction of truth.这故事没有一点真实性。

17.The story bore the stamp of authenticity.这个故事具有真实性。

18.I doubt the truth of this story.我怀疑这故事的真实性。



1.On the Reality and Scientific Nature in Literary Works;文学作品的真实性与科学性


1.Probe into truthfulness of electronic files;对电子文件真实性问题的探究

2.Tendency & Limitation --Subjective and objective restriction of news′ truthfulness;倾向和局限——浅析新闻真实性的主客观制约因素


1.On thetruth and loyalty principles of CPC journalism during anti-Japanese war;抗战时期中共关于新闻真实性和党性原则的论述

2.The Truth of Accounting Information: A Rational Thought Based on "Legal Truth Theory";会计信息真实性:基于“法律真实说”的理性思考

3.Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Truth of the Accounting Information in Our Country;我国会计信息真实性问题的博弈分析


1.The aboriginality andfacticity of electronic files or archives and the evidence in law of electronic archives;浅谈电子文档的原始性和真实性及法律证据作用

2.China Local Authorities Statistic Facticity Research;中国地方政府统计真实性问题研究

3.To make sure that the evidence deciding on a verdict is reflecting the articles,data,testimony or notes,conclusions and etc truthfully,thefacticity of the evidence must be checked first.真实性是证据必备属性之一,审查判断证据必须首先审查证据是否具备真实性,以保障定案依据是真实地反映案件事实的物品、资料、证言或笔录、结论等。


1.However,such uncertainty is little known in news coverage and set against thefactuality and accuracy of the news which even meets an opposition for misregarding as being short of the character and principles of the news, being faulse,exaggerating and devoid of content.在新闻报道中,很多人不太清楚这种不确定性,往往把它同新闻的真实性和准确性对立起来,甚至把它当作是新闻性不够、原则性不足和假大空的表现加以抵制。

2.Moreover expound story fabrication should not substantial evidence Factuality and history run that denaturation feature and the story fabrication reader receives.并且论述了小说虚构性的不可实证性、真实性和历史流变性的特征及小说虚构性的读者接受。

3.Its main artistic characteristics are timeliness, explosiveness,factuality.时事剧是以现时的重大政治事件为题材的戏剧作品,它具有时效性、轰动性、真实性等艺术特点,是明清之际动荡社会的特殊产物。


