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车站 station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-01 19:54:11


车站 station英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on Time Data of Fixed Equipment Occupation during Station Technical Operation;车站技术作业占用固定设备时间数据的分析

2.Analysis on Application of Intelligent Simulated Board in Station Commissioning;浅析智能模拟盘在车站开通过程中的应用

3.Approach to Building Design of Stairs and Exit and Entrance in Subway Station;地铁车站楼梯及出入口建筑设计探讨


1.the station platform, staff站台、 火车站员工.

2.The bus stop in Station Road.就是车站路的汽车站。

3.(of a train)leave (a station)(指火车)驶离(车站)

4.public transport depot/ terminus or station公共车辆车厂/总站或车站

5.The train station, and make it fast.到火车站,开快点。

6.station house[美]派出所,车站

7.We waited at the bus stop.我们在公共汽车站等(车)。

8.The train flew past the station.火车飞快地通过车站。

9.rail station platform火车/地铁/轻铁车站月台

10.The train dashed through the station.列车飞速驶过车站。

11.The train puffed out of the station.火车吐着烟驶出了车站.

12.The train arrived at the scheduled time.列车准时到达了车站。

13.He changed trains at central station.他在中央火车站换车。

14.We watch the departure of the train from the station.我们看著火车驶离车站。

15.Inertia carried the train past the station.惯性使火车驶过了车站。

16.The train steamed into/out of the station.火车驶进[出]了车站.

17.The railway train puffed into the station.火车喷着烟驶进了车站。

18.The train thundered into the station.火车隆隆地驶进车站。


railway station车站

1.On the same roof-Oppotunities of intermoderailway station brought by architectural design;同一个屋檐下——建筑设计带给“联合型车站”更多机遇

2.Software design for Electronic Guiding System inrailway station;车站旅客电子导向系统软件设计

3.An investigation of the pedestrian density and travel speed for arailway station;火车站客流密度与移动速度的观测研究


1.This paper takes the public space around thestations on Beijing Urban Railway Line 13 as the object of research.以北京地铁13号线车站地区公共空间为研究对象,以创造“以人为本”的城市公共环境为目标,以13号线环境专题调研为依据,从优化交通组织、结合公共空间环境等方面,探讨轨道交通与改善此类地区空间环境的要点。

2.To begin with, the distribution ofstations of high speed railways in foreign countries and in China, such as Beijing Shanghai high speed railway and Qinghuangdao Shenyang passenger special line, is introduced.通过对国外及国内京沪高速、秦沈客运专线铁路车站分布的研究 ,结合我国实际情况 ,从列车停站、通过能力、高中速列车数量及速度比等几方面对高速铁路车站的合理站间距进行了分析 ,根据中速列车不同的追踪间隔时分 ,提出不同的车站间

3.Objectives: to provide elementary information for preventing invasion caused by mice and cockroaches in the railroadstations and trains.鼠类主要分布在车库、车站周边环境,其次为宾馆、饭店和行李房等处,旅客列车鼠害主要有两种,即小家鼠和褐家鼠,主要分布在车厢的茶炉附近、餐车的后堂与顶棚、小卖部、柜子缝隙等;鼠类侵入旅客列车的途径主要有两种。

4)station car站车

5)Station platform车站站台



