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行为 behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-31 08:40:00


行为 behavior英语短句 例句大全



1.Environmental Response and Behavior of Heavy Metal in Soil;重金属在土壤载体中的行为和环境响应

2.Pupils" Knowledge and Behavior of Road Traffic Safety in Chongqing;重庆市小学生道路交通安全知识与行为调查

3.The Behavior Harm and Prevention of Thallium in Nonferrous Attractive Metallurgy;铊在有色冶炼过程中的行为、危害及防治


1.preconsummatory behavior满足前行为 满足前行为

2.theory of collective behavior集体行为论 集体行为论

3.postconsummatory behavior完成后行为 完成後行为

4.pastconsummatory behavior满足后行为 满足後行为

5.A negligent act or a failure to act.疏忽行为疏忽的行为或行为所失败

6.Rule by Law: Government Behavior, Fiscal Action and the Budget法治化:政府行为·财政行为·预算行为

7.On Omission Caused by Pre-action in Tort Law先行行为导致的不作为侵权行为研究

8.bribery of a purchasing agent in order to induce the agent to enter into a transaction.为了进行商业交易而进行的行贿行为。

9.(5) to regulate administrative acts and to regulate administrative remedy acts;(5)规范行政行为与规范行政救济行为;

10.Viciousness of conduct or action.行为堕落行为或行动的邪恶

11."Both Parties" banks, refer to_____________, as buyer"s bank; ____________________, as Seller"s bank."买卖双方银行:买方银行为_________;卖方银行为__________。

12.sta ndardizing the banks actions;规范银行行为 (包括资产管理公司行为 ) ;

13.We regard your action as a crime/as criminal.我们认为你这种行为是犯罪行为.

14.A person who commits a tort is called a tortfeasor.实施侵权行为的人被称为侵权行为人。

15.Significance of Renaming the Concept of “Legal Act”法律行为概念更名为设权行为的意义

16.On the Dynamic State of Juristic Act--Take Contract for Example法律行为动态性研究——以契约行为为例

17.dilatory behaviour, actions, etc拖拉的行为、 行动等.

18.A base or mischievous act.恶行低级或淘气的行为



1.Oral Health Behaviour of 6~7 years old 1356 School Children in Yichang City;湖北省宜昌市6~7岁儿童口腔健康行为及其影响因素

2.Design and analysis of pupilsbehaviour scale;小学生行为问题调查表的设计与分析

3.Study of dynamicbehaviour of horizontal-axial-roadheader as transverse cutting;横轴式掘进机横向截割的动力学行为研究


1.Investigation on knowledge,attitude and practice towards contribution of hematopoietic stem cells among medical students;医学生造血干细胞捐献知识、态度、行为调查

2.Investigation on Nutritional Knowledge、Attitude andPractice among Pregnant Women in Jiaozhou City;胶州市城区孕妇营养知识、态度及行为调查

3.The knowledge attitude and practice investigation among the pregnant women about drug safe use;妊娠妇女安全用药知识、态度、行为的调查


1.Survey on Foodstuff Practitioners Knowledge, Attitudes andActions About AIDS;深圳市食品从业人员艾滋病知识、态度及行为的调查

2.Influence of the Health Education onthe Pregnancy Countrywomen s HealthActions;健康教育对农村妇女孕期保健行为的影响

3.Optimized node action of chord in structure-P2P networks;结构化P2P网络Chord中节点行为优化的研究


1.Study onbehaviors of PO_4~(3-)in the sediment of the West Lake using isotope trace technique.;利用核素示踪技术研究磷酸根在杭州西湖沉积物环境中的行为

2.Analysis on Traffic Behaviors and Influence Factors of Community Residents in Nanjing;南京市社区居民道路交通行为及其影响因素分析

3.Effects of hyperthermia combined with radiation on nervous system andbehaviors of infant mice;高温联合辐射对仔鼠神经系统与行为的影响

6)act[英][,e? si: "ti:][美]["e "si "ti]行为

1.On the Advocate of the Concept of Relations Act in Criminal Law;论关系行为概念在刑法中之提倡


