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文明 civilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-11 11:46:26


文明 civilization英语短句 例句大全



1.Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (Ⅱ)--Ancient Greek Civilization and Its Furniture(Part Ⅰ);西方古典家具史论(二)古代希腊文明及其家具(上)

2.Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (Ⅲ) ——Ancient Greek Civilization and Its FUrnitUre(Part Ⅱ);西方古典家具史论(三) 古代希腊文明及其家具(下)

3.Ecological anthropology perspectives onenvironment issues in the periods ofcivilization evolution;文明演进中环境问题的生态人类学透视


1.mental and material civilisation精神文明与物质文明

2.enlighten age[enlightened]文明时代

3.cultural [culture] lag文明迟滞(指精神文明落后于物质文明)

4."two types of civilization, i.e. Both material progress and cultural and ideological advancement"两个文明(物质文明和精神文明)

5.The civilization and culture of ancient Greece.希腊文明古代希腊人的文明和文化

6.“The Clash of Civilizations” and the Cross-civilization Studies in Comparative Literature;“文明冲突论”与跨文明比较文学研究

7.Modern political civilization is first of all more the constitutionalist civilization than the constitutional civilization.现代政治文明首先是宪法文明 ,更是宪政文明。

8.On the Relationship of Political,Material and Spiritual Civilization试论物质文明、政治文明、精神文明的相互关系

9.Promoting the civilization of the city, communities and citizens ?加强文明城市、文明社区和文明市民的建设。

10.On the Contractual Civilization;论契约文明——兼论契约文明与法治文明的关系

11.On political civilization and its relation with material civilization and ethical civilization;论政治文明与物质文明、精神文明的关系

12.Reflection on Civilization History Research文明地对待文明的历史——关于文明史研究的思考

13.What is called "modern civilization",所谓“现代文明”,

14.the torch of liBerty [civilization]自由[文明]的源泉

15.YinXu Culture and Shang Civilization殷墟文化与商代文明

16.Judaical Culture and World Civilization犹太文化与世界文明

17.Chinese civilization be one of the oldest in the world中国文明是世界上最古老的文明之一

18.The civilization based on Islam.伊斯兰文明以伊斯兰教为基础的文明



munication and Dialogue——The way to resolve the conflicts betweencultures and religions;交往与对话——文明、宗教冲突的解决途径

2.Edgar Rice Burroughs is one of indispensable icons of American popularculture.巴勒斯在《人猿泰山》中从遗传、道德、文明三方面逐一诋毁非洲人。

3)plain text明文

1.This paper proposes generalized character sequence and two detecting methods based onplain text when the steganographic carrier is images.该文提出广义字符序列的概念及2种当隐蔽载体为图像时基于明文的检测方法。

2.A new method of encrypting software is designed synthetically by using theplain text compose.最后综合利用硬盘序列号和网卡物理地址作为明文,设计了一种新的软件加密的算法,并概述了软件保护过程。


1.The ASCII codedplaintexts are encrypted bit by bit and the output sequence of the chaotic map falls more frequently into any kind of-intervals.文中采用了直接对明文ASCII编码后的0、1序列进行加密的方式,使得混沌迭代输出序列进入任意类型子区域的概率大为上升,从而大大减少了对任意明文字符进行加密时混沌迭代映射所需要进行的迭代次数。

2.The scheme can be totally broken by a chosen-plaintext attack method suggested by Alabbadi and Wicker in 1992 with complexity O(n 3) , where n is the length of the code used in Xin-Mei scheme.1990年王新梅基于纠错码构造了一种数字签名方案—— Xin- Mei方案 ,1992年该方案被 Alabbadi和Wicker提出的选择明文攻击方法攻破 ,该攻击方法的工作因子仅为 O(n3 ) ,n为 Xin- Mei方案中使用的码的长度 。

3.It is most unsuccessful when the significant information transmitted inplaintext forms on network, so we need to encrypt datas.当重要的信息在网络上以明文的形式传输时是极不安全的 ,这就需要对数据进行加密 。

5)civilizing culture文明文化

6)Wenming Jie昆明文明街

1.Review of the Management System of Historic District Preservation inWenming Jie, Kunming;昆明文明街历史街区保护更新规划管理反思


