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分叉 bifurcation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-23 04:52:03


分叉 bifurcation英语短句 例句大全



1.Cavitation andbifurcation in an incompressible sphere;不可压缩球体的空穴和分叉

2.Dynamics of dislocation and globalbifurcation for a system;位错动力学与系统的全局分叉

3.Thebifurcation analysis of shear band of rock under the plane strain condition;岩石在平面应变条件下剪切带的分叉分析


1.The state of being divergent.叉开被分叉(叉开)的状态

2.A forked device or part.分叉装置,分叉部分

3.A three-pronged spear used in fishing.鱼叉一种用于捕鱼的、有三个尖端分叉的鱼叉

4.The crotch of a person or animal.两腿分叉处人或动物的两腿分叉处

5.The degree by which things diverge.分歧事情分叉(叉开)的程度

6.The river branches off here.这条河在这儿分叉。

7.Where does the road branch?这条路在哪儿分叉?

8.I check my hair for split ends .我检查分叉的头发。

9.(of birds) having a deeply forked tail.(指鸟)有深深分叉的尾巴。

10.The two paths diverge here.这两条路在此分叉了。

11.small South American deer with unbranched antlers.南美洲角不分叉的小鹿。

12.To branch out, as a river.成支流分叉,如河流

13.The two roads divaricate here.两条道路在此分叉。

14.A sigle reflection will often split.单个反射波常分叉。

15.Repair bifurcate: The lubricant in protecting hair vegetable can the bifurcate of repair hair.修复分叉:护发素中的润滑剂能修复毛发的分叉。

16.dichotomous branch二歧分枝, 二叉分枝

17.He uncrossed his legs.他把交叉的腿分开。

18.crossed laser-molecular beam technique激光-分子束交叉技术



1.The analysis of nonlinear dynamics and localbifurcations of a simply supported flexible beam subjected to harmonic axial excitation is presented.研究了轴向激励作用下简支柔性梁的非线性动力学和分叉,导出了简支梁在参数激励作用下具有五次非线性项的运动方程,分析了局部分叉和稳定性。

2.Also thebifurcations are obtained.讨论了一类带参数非对称振子的周期解的存在性、唯一性和稳定性;对若干情形给出系统的振幅与参数的关系式,以及参数的分叉值;最后求出振子的一阶近似周期解、周期、频率和相图,并与数值法作了比较。


4)bifurcation analysis分叉分析

1.Application ofbifurcation analysis to the stability control of underwater high-speed vehicles;分叉分析在水下高速运动体稳定控制中的应用

2.Based on equilibrium branches of flight dynamics calculated bybifurcation analysis and continuation methods,the feedback control law is designed by the eigenstructure assignment technique with the characteristic of the global continuation schedule of gains and the uncoupled longitudinal-lateral dynamics.该方法以分叉分析和连续算法计算得到的飞行动力学系统平衡图为基础,采用特征结构配置方法设计全局调参的纵、横航向解耦反馈控制律,满足飞行品质要求,从而裁剪偏离运动对应的平衡分支;应用前馈控制修改平衡图的主分支形状,使系统输出根据设计要求跟踪操纵输入指令。

3.Thebifurcation analysis of materials and numerical simulation of strain localization phenomena can provide a new method for the mechanism analysis, prediction and control of geological disasters.采用材料的分叉分析方法和变形局部化的数值模拟研究 ,可望对地质灾害的机理分析、预测和控制提供新的思

5)fractal-like networks分形分叉

6)bifurcation ratio分叉比;分叉率


