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生理性别 sex英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-05 16:30:20


生理性别 sex英语短句 例句大全



1.Queer theory advocates eliminating the traditional binary oppositions of the heterosexual/homosexual, the male/ female and the so-called masculine/feminine, and emphasizes the uncertainty of biologicalsex and social gender in a certain context, the vague boundary between man and woman, cross-dressing, and change ofsex.“怪异”理论主张消除异性恋和同性恋、男性和女性以及所谓的“女性气质”与“男性气质”的传统定义上性身份的二项对立,强调在种族的历史背景下生理性别和社会性别的不稳定性,男女两性界限的模糊以及易装和易性等超性别的重要性。

2.West feminists separate "sex" from "gender".在西方第二次妇女解放浪潮中,西方女性主义者把生理性别和社会性别区分开来,认为社会性别并不是女性或男性内在的特质,而是社会建构的产物,在不同的历史时期,不同的价值观规范了两性在社会活动中的行为准则,并且被不断强化,而性别的自然差异,只是性别的社会差异的前提。


1.Gender,Sex,and Conflict in the Online Classroom;网络课堂中非生理性别与生理性别对人际冲突的影响(英文)

2.Gender Theory Analysis on the Unusual Sexual Proportion of Infant;出生性别比异常的社会性别理论分析

3.The Gender Pressure and gender Ideal of school Girls;当今女中学生的性别压力与性别理想

4.biological theory of sex type性别类型的生物学理论

5.Differential diagnosis and management of ambiguous genitalia外生殖器性别不清的鉴别诊断与处理

6.Gender identification based on biomimetic pattern recognition仿生模式识别理论在性别识别中的应用

7.A Study of Gender Differences in Senior Schools;高中生恋爱与性心理的性别差异研究

8.Gender Difference Research of Junior Middle School Student Geography Ability;初中生地理空间能力的性别差异研究

9.Defense Style of Graduate Students;研究生心理防御方式特点及性别差异

10.A study on phychosocial status with different sex of university students;不同性别的大学生心理健康调查研究

11.Pondering Over the Control of the Sex Ratio at Birth;关于治理出生人口性别比问题的思考

12.Gender difference between middle school students of Zang nationality in Shanghai在沪藏族中学生心理卫生状况的性别差异

13.The Rational Thought about the Sex Inequality in Childbirth;生育观念上男女性别不平等的理性思考

14.The Psychological Advantages for Woman PE Teacher to Communicate with Students;女性体育教师与学生沟通的性别心理优势探讨

15.A Study of Differentiated Gender Role Identity and its Relation to Psychological Well-being in Chinese University Students大学生性别角色类型与心理健康的相关性研究

16.Meta-analysis of Adolescent Sexology in China;我国青少年性生理、性心理发展性别差异的元分析

17.To study the eitology, differential diagnosis and management of am biguous genitalia.目的 :研究外生殖器性别不清的病因、鉴别诊断和处理。

18.(of especially a person"s physical features) not shaking or trembling.(特别是一个人的生理特性)不摇摆或颤栗。


physiological sex生理性别

1.The thesis studied effects of concentration and time of male hormone (17-a-methyltestosterone) onphysiological sex of Bumper crucian carp {Carassius auratus of Fengze x Cyprinus acutidorsalis Wang).本文主要采用17-α-甲基睾丸酮(17-a-methyltestosterone,MT)投喂异育彭泽鲫鱼苗,研究改变异育彭泽鲫的生理性别所需投喂雄性激素的合适浓度和时间,并研究在雄性激素作用下,异育彭泽鲫生理性别的改变、性腺发育情况以及雄性激素对异育彭泽鲫生长率和死亡率的影响。


4)managing sex ratio at birth出生性别比治理

5)physical difference生理区别

6)biological theory of sex type性别类型的生物学理论


生理发展性别差异生理发展性别差异sex differences in physical development生理发展性别差异(sex differenees inphysical development)两性在机体发育上的不同。女孩在出生前的发育比男孩要早些,出生时比男孩成熟,进入青春期也较男孩早1一2年,结束青春期生理发育的时间或发育成熟的时间一般早于男性。研究证实,在伴随着生理发育的心理发展方面仅是女孩的言语能力比男孩发展得早和快,其他方面则少有证据。由于女性生理成熟较早,使她们通常是与比自己年长些的男性交往,一般也是与比自己年长些的男子结婚。(茜香务撰高玉样审)
