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胶质细胞 Glial cell英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-16 01:01:00


胶质细胞 Glial cell英语短句 例句大全

胶质细胞,Glial cell

1)Glial cell胶质细胞

1.Effect of high cholesterol on Aβ-induced injury of neurons and activation of glial cell;高胆固醇对Aβ诱导神经元损伤和胶质细胞活化的影响

2.The effect of retinal pericyte conditioned medium on proliferation of RPE cells, glial cells and macrophage;周细胞条件培养液对视网膜色素上皮细胞、胶质细胞及巨噬细胞增殖的影响

3.Correlation between the IL-6 levels in supernatants of glial cells of Balb/c mice and brain lateralization;小鼠神经胶质细胞培养上清IL-6水平与脑不对称性的关系


1.perivascular oligodendroglia血管周少突胶质细胞

2.glioblastoma multiforme多形性成胶质细胞瘤

3.polarity glioblastoma of craniocerebrum颅脑极性成胶质细胞瘤

4.matofibrous astrocyte原浆纤维量形胶质细胞

5.fibrous astrocyte纤维性星形胶质细胞

6.mixed astrocyte混合型星形胶质细胞

7.Effects of the Incubation with Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation on the Cytokines Releases from Astrocytes星形胶质细胞释放细胞因子功能初探

8.Asymmetric Distribution of Cytokines in the Cortical Astrocytes Cultured in Vitro;皮质星形胶质细胞细胞因子不对称分布的研究

9.Interstitial Brachv-therapv of Malignant Gliocytomas with ~(125)I恶性胶质细胞瘤的~(125)碘瘤腔间质放疗

10.Establish human glioma cell strains and culture normal astrocytes.胶质瘤细胞株的建立和正常人脑星形胶质细胞的培养。

11.Bone marrow stem cell-derived astrocytes are involved in glia limitans formation in rats after brain injury骨髓干细胞来源的星形胶质细胞参与脑损伤后胶质界膜的形成

12.Study of Cell Cycle Machinery between Astrocytes and Neurons;星形胶质细胞与神经元细胞周期调控机制研究

13.Regulation of T Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis by Microglia Via the OX40-OX40L Costimulatory Pathway;小胶质细胞表达OX40L对T细胞增殖与凋亡的影响

14.horizontal cell水平细胞,星形[胶质]细胞

15.glioblastoma multiform多形性胶质母细胞瘤

16.glial filament acidic protein胶质(细胞)纤丝酸性蛋白

17.multiforme glioblastoma多形神经胶质母细胞

18.glial growth factor胶质(细胞)生长因子



1.The Role ofGlia in Morphine Tolerance;胶质细胞在吗啡耐受中的作用

2.Substance P of cornu dorsale medullae spinalis affected by activation of glia in rats with chronic prostatitis /chronic pelvic pain syndromes;胶质细胞活化对慢性前列腺炎/慢性盆腔疼痛综合征(CP/CPPS)大鼠脊髓背角P物质的影响

3.Primary study on the relationship between pain of prostatic and activation of glia cells in spinal cord;前列腺炎性疼痛与脊髓胶质细胞活化关系的初步研究

3)Glial cells胶质细胞

1.Impact of local affused dexamethasone on the proliferation of glial cells and reaction of neuronal axons in spinal cord after transection;脊髓横断损伤后局部灌注地塞米松对中枢神经系统胶质细胞增殖与神经细胞轴突的影响

2.ObjectiveGlial cells play essential roles in creation and maintenance of pain state.目的研究长春新碱致神经病理性疼痛中胶质细胞是否活化及其作用机制。

3.The development of both AD neuropathology and ischemic lesions in the central nervous system are characterized by activation of glial cells and upregulat.在中枢神经系统中AD神经病理学和缺血损伤的发展均存在胶质细胞的活化和炎性介质的上调。


1.Methods An in vitro post-traumatic neuroinflammation model was created by the coculture of leukocytes,which were freshly separated from rat whole blood,and primary cell culture of astrocytes,which had been traumatized by the scratch method.目的建立胶质细胞损伤后体外炎症模型,探讨轻度低温、槲皮素及清蛋白对白细胞黏附及胶质细胞损伤的影响。

2.Objective This study was undertaken to determine the effect of astrocytes on brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC).目的研究体外培养条件下,胶质细胞对脑微血管内皮细胞(BMEC)增殖及功能的影响。

3.Co-culture of neurons and astrocytes in vitro is an indispensable method to explore .星形胶质细胞在神经系统发育过程中扮演着极其重要的角色,它参与调节神经元的生长发育、调节神经元的信号转导、神经递质的分泌和神经可塑性的功能调节。


1.The influence ofastrocyte on immortalized endothelial cell:towards an in vitro blood-brain barrier;胶质细胞诱导内皮细胞系血脑屏障特点的实验研究

6)glial progenitor胶质细胞祖细胞

1.We observed these neuronal andglial progenitors migrated out from both ipsilateral and contralater.近年来很多实验证明各种脑损伤和中枢神经疾病都能促进神经干细胞或祖细胞向非嗅球区域迁移,本研究将成年大鼠一侧大脑皮层血管去除,用免疫组化方法标记前脑室下区正在分裂的细胞、神经元祖细胞和胶质细胞祖细胞。

2.The subventricular zone(SVZ) of the adult mammalian forebrain contains stem cells, neuronal progenitors andglial progenitors which give rise to neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.成年哺乳动物脑室下区(SVZ)富有神经干细胞、神经细胞祖细胞和胶质细胞祖细胞,它们能生成新的神经细胞、星状胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞。


胶质细胞结节胶质细胞结节glial nodule病毒性脑炎时,在脑和脊髓灰质内,于变性坏死的神经细胞周围或小血管附近,常见小胶质细胞增生,排列密集,形成小的结节。各种病毒性脑炎中的胶质细胞结节形态类似。但分布不同,如乙型脑炎以间脑、中脑及大脑皮质为多,而狂犬病时主要在延髓、中脑黑质和脊髓后根等处。
