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论断 Diagnosis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-12 14:38:00


论断 Diagnosis英语短句 例句大全




1.Do not judge, or you too will be judged.你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断。

2.Do not judge so that you will not be judged.太7:1你们不要论断人、得你们被论断。

3.Judge not, that ye be not judged.1你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断。

4.a precarious assumption assertion ]靠不住的假定论断]

5.a precarious assumption [assertion]靠不住的假定[论断]

6.This is a brilliant exposition.这个论断十分精辟。

7.Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it.人若批评弟兄,论断弟兄,就是批评律法,论断律法。

8.On the Consideration of the Meaning of Theory of the Peace and Development;关于“和平与发展”论断的理论意义

9.On the Philosophic Foundation of the Scientific Thesis--“Three Representatives”;试论“三个代表”科学论断的哲学基础

10."dogmatism:arrogant, stubborn assertion of opinion or belief."武断:对某意见或信条的傲慢而固执的论断.

11.Arrogant, stubborn assertion of opinion or belief.武断对某意见或信条的傲慢而固执的论断

12.Theory of Monopoly Effectiveness;垄断有效论——兼论“垄断者主权”

13.Research on the Anti-monopoly Law Regulation of China Medic Market s Monopoly;论我国医疗领域垄断的反垄断法规制

14.Our Country s Anti-monopoly Legislation Under GATS Anti-monopoly Rules;论GATS反垄断规则下的我国反垄断立法

15.Access regulation under the bottleneck monopoly and the administrative monopoly论瓶颈垄断与行政垄断下的接入规制

16.Theoretical Analysis on 126 kV Double-break Vacuum Circuit Breaker126 kV双断口真空断路器的理论分析

17.He cut the discussion short by clapping loudly.他大声鼓掌,打断了讨论。

18.talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner.武断、华而不实地谈论。


brittle fracture theory脆断理论

1.Firstly the initial cracklength is calculated according to the stress wave theory: then, the ultimate cracking length caused by blasting is got bythebrittle fracture theory of rock.文中运用炸药爆炸的应力波理论,计算初始裂纹的长度;然后按照岩石的脆断理论计算爆生裂缝的最终扩展长度,对预裂爆破中爆炸作用过程和裂缝的扩展机理进行分析。

3)judgement language论断语言

1.It is suggested in this paper that the artistic characteristic of Taishigong s Words is shown in three respects:the diversification of express feelings,rich and colorfuljudgement language and strong essay characteristic.本文不揣谫陋,揭示出《史记》“太史公曰”文学特征的三个方面,即抒情方式的多样化、丰富多彩的论断语言和富于杂文气息。

4)fault diagnosis故障论断

5)fracture theory断裂理论

1.It is based on test result andfracture theory to study the mechanism of the shearing failure of a slope.结合离心模型的试验成果 ,用断裂理论分析和解释了加筋在边坡土体剪切破坏过程中的阻裂机理 ,素土边坡和不同布筋方式加筋边坡的变形破坏机理 ,加筋边坡与素土边坡滑动面形状不同的机理 ,以及中间加密布筋是加筋边坡合理布筋方式的机理 ,得出了边坡中下部H/ 3 H/ 2范围内加密布筋是加筋边坡最经济合理的布筋方案的结

6)diagnosis theory诊断理论

1.We need to use the new multivariatediagnosis theory with two kinds of quality proposed by Prof.我们需要应用张公绪教授在1996年提出的两种质量多元诊断理论来解决此复杂问题。


论断1.推论判断。 2.指论证断定。 3.判决罪案。
