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盘式 disc英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-07 00:04:34


盘式 disc英语短句 例句大全



1.The development of technologies ondisc press filters,including their applications,performance and main characteristics,etc.概述了盘式加压过滤机的技术发展、应用、性能及主要特点等。


1.Glitsch ballast valve tray格利奇重盘式浮阀塔盘

2.magnetic traveling crane电磁吸盘式门式起重机

3.The disk used in a disc brake.用于盘式制动器的停车计时圆盘.

4.metal disc fuel filter金属盘式燃料过滤器

5.sel type mo(u)lding lay-out转盘式造型生产布置

6.axial double-tilting frame type oil motor轴向双斜盘式油马达

7.Qwerty keyboardqwerty式健盘

8.If you want to format the disk, click Format Disk.如果要格式化磁盘,请单击“格式化磁盘”。

9.Memory is the new disk. Disk is the new tape.内存是新式磁盘,磁盘是新式磁带机。

10.induced magnet type cartridge感应磁铁式盒式磁盘

11.Turn the mode dial to select normal mode.转动模式盘至普通模式。

12.8 print out control sheet inventory checking list, and two-ply inventory cards.列印盘点控制表,盘点清单及盘点卡一式二联。

13.Hard drives include spinning disks and magnetic media.硬式磁盘机包括纺织磁盘和磁性媒体。

14.Format a disk, which erases all information on the disk.格式化磁盘将删除磁盘中的所有信息。

pact discs( CDs): Widely used optical disk format.光盘(光唱碟)广泛使用的光学磁盘格式.

16.Use the following partition style for the selected disks为所选磁盘使用以下磁盘分区形式

17.Convolution:a form or part that is folded or coiled.盘旋结构:卷曲或盘绕的形式或部分.

18.high precision vertical circular sawing machine高精度立式圆盘锯床


disc type盘式

1.This paper deals with the key points to design aspects ofdisc type axial-field induction mo tors, such as main dimensions,relationships among main dimensions and power and rotational speed,and optimum value of main dimensions ratio,etc.本文讨论了盘式轴向磁场感应电动机设计的关键点:主要尺寸的确定、主要尺寸与输出功率和转速间的关系、主要尺寸的最佳值等问题,旨在为盘式电机设计的独特性提出探讨性观点。


1.A novel analytical method for calculating the stator natural frequency ofdisk permanent magnet machine is presented in this paper.本文介绍了一种新的解析法来计算盘式永磁电机定子的固有频率,通过实验证明了利用该解析法估算盘式永磁电机定子固有频率的可行性。


5)disk brake盘式刹车

1.Single-Chip Microcomputer Controlled Autodriller for Disk Brake in Oil Drilling;盘式刹车单片机控制自动送钻技术

6)disc brake盘式刹车

1.New development on technology ofdisc brake for drilling rig;石油钻机盘式刹车技术的新发展

2.The analysis of the connection between adjustingdisc brake and WOB;盘式刹车调节与钻压关系的分析

3.Discussion on development and application ofdisc brake;盘式刹车开发与应用探讨


