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基音 pitch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-04 15:13:33


基音 pitch英语短句 例句大全



1.Improved mean-shift-basedpitch determination;改进的基于均值移动的基音检测(英文)

2.An endpointing decteting algorithm of speech based on energy of frequency atpitch;基于基音频能值的端点检测算法

3.Application of Improved Algorithm based on Pitch Detection;基于改进算法的基音检测及其应用


1.Research into the Teaching Significance of "Fundamental Tone and Harmonics Series" from the Point of View of Musicology;从律学视角探究“基音泛音音列”教学含义

2.Pitch Detection Algorithm Analysis in Speech Signal;语音信息中的基音参数检测算法分析

3.(music) of a key containing no sharps or flats.(音乐)没有高音和降半音的基调。

4.Of or based on the keynote.主音的主音的,以主音为基础的

5.(music) based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones.(音乐)基于有12个半音组成的音阶。

6.based on or using the five tones and two semitones of the major or minor scales of Western music.西方音乐中大音节、小音节是基于或使用五个音阶或两个半音。

7.Studies on the Syllables of Contemporary Japanese Language--Basic and Extended Syllables现代日语的音节研究——基本音节与扩张音节

8.Articulatory feature based on audio-visual speech recognition model基于发音特征的音/视频双流语音识别模型

9.The Shape of Sound:The Embodied Basis of Music Metaphor and Cognition声音的形状:音乐隐喻与音乐认知的体验基础

10.A system of shorthand based on phonetic transcription.表音速记法基于语音表述的速记方法

11.The two holes furthest from the player are fundamental tone holes and next to them are two auxiliary tone holes.尼端开有基 音孔、辅助音孔各两个,

12.A Brief Description of Some Basic Pronunciation Rules in English Monosyllables英语单音节词中几个基本的读音规则

13.From Culture View Seeing Foundation Sound Fastens Of 《The Rhyme Of Central Plains》;从文化视角看《中原音韵》的基础音系

14.The Speech Foundation Studies on HongWuZhengYun from Korean Phone Contrast Documents;从朝鲜对音文献看《洪武正韵》语音基础

15.Research on the stops by dynamic palatogram in Mongolian;基于EPG的蒙古语塞音、塞擦音研究

16.The Standard of Music Curriculum and Reform of Radical Music Education;音乐课程标准与基础音乐教育的改革

17.Classification of speech and music based on Probabilistic Neural Network基于概率神经网络的语音与音乐分类

18.Steganalysis of Speech Compressed Based on Voicing Features基于浊音特性的语音压缩域隐写分析



3)fundamental tone and harmonics series基音泛音音列

4)Fundamental frequency基音频率

1.According to the fundamental frequency of speech is low,the filter charater of wavelet transform is applied to reject the high-frequency signal of speech,and then detecting the fundamental frequency of speech by using ACF which is a simple and effective algorithm.根据语音的基音频率较低这一特点,利用小波变换的滤波特性剔除了语音的高频部分,然后再利用计算速度较快的自相关函数法检测语音的基音频率,有效剔除了高频共振峰和噪音的影响,其估计基音频率准确性高,稳定性好,运算速度较快。

5)pitch detection基音检测

1.Apitch detection algorithm based on wavelet multiresolution analysis and its Simulink implementation;基于小波多分辨分析的基音检测算法及Simulink实现

2.Integratedpitch detection method based on linear predictive analysis;基于线性预测的综合基音检测法

3.Research ofpitch detection based on LPC-residual cepstrum;一种基于线性预测残差倒谱的基音检测算法

6)pitch synchronous基音同步

1.Mandarin speech synthesis based onpitch synchronous time-frequency interpolation;基于基音同步的时频域插值的汉语语音合成


