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镁砂 Magnesia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-25 23:47:57


镁砂 Magnesia英语短句 例句大全



1.X-ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis of magnesia powder pressed into disks;镁砂的粉末直接压片法X荧光光谱分析

2.Effect of Cr powder addition on reaction and sintering between magnesia and chromite powders金属Cr粉末对镁砂-铬矿间反应与烧结的影响

3.This paper is inclined to present the authors" study results of the inexpensive magnesia sands from Dashiqiao area, Liaoning, to be applied as absorbents.以辽宁省大石桥市廉价镁砂为主原料,制备具有吸附功能的氧化镁吸附剂。


1.Studies on Preparation of High Purity Magnesia from Bischofite in QingHai Salt Lakes;青海盐湖水氯镁石制备高纯镁砂研究

2.Sales : magnesia, magnesia brick, Meitanzhuan, bottom material, a special material that is not stereotypical fire-proof material, the light burning powder, steel.销售:镁砂,镁砖,镁碳砖,炉底料,捣打料,不定型耐火材料,轻烧粉,钢材。

3.The Technological & Economics Study on A Enterprise"s Investment in Magnesite Production Line;A企业投资镁砂生产线技术经济评价

bined Determination of Fe_2O_3,Al_2O_3,P_2O_5 and TiO_2 in Magnesia镁砂中Fe_2O_3、Al_2O_3、P_2O_5、TiO_2的联合测定

5.Spectrophotometric Determination of Calcium in Magnesite with Sulfonazo-DBM二溴对甲基偶氮磺光度法测定镁砂中钙

6.Effect of Cr powder addition on reaction and sintering between magnesia and chromite powders金属Cr粉末对镁砂-铬矿间反应与烧结的影响

7.Determination of Boron Trioxide in Magnesite;姜黄素—草酸分光光度法测定镁砂中三氧化二硼的研究

parison of slag corrosion resistance of MgO-CaO-C bricks prepared using fused doloma or sintered doloma低钙电熔镁钙砂与高钙烧结镁钙砂制备的MgO-CaO-C砖抗渣性对比

9.(2)The strength of castable containing MA spinel was better than that of the one contaning chrome ore.(2)加入镁铝尖晶石的镁质浇注料在强度方面要好于加入铬矿砂的;

10.Research on the Effect of Magnesia-zirconia Powder and Environmental Protection Pitch on Properties of the Low Carbon MgO-C Brick;添加镁锆砂及环保沥青对低碳镁碳砖性能影响的研究

11.Quanlity Control of Aluminium and Magneisium Alloy Castings by Cold Harden Resin Sand Process冷硬树脂砂铸造铝镁合金铸件的质量控制

12.Synthesis and Hydration-resistance Technique of High-quality MgO-CaO Clinkers and Its Application;优质镁钙砂合成和抗水化技术研究与应用

13.The analysis and predicting about the magnesium alloy surface quality based on abrasive belt grinding镁合金砂带磨削表面质量分析及其预测

14.Effect of synthesis process of doloma clinker on corrosion resistance of MgO-CaO brick镁钙砂的合成工艺对MgO-CaO砖抗侵蚀性的影响

15.Influence of different magnesia-calcia clinkers on slag resistance of MgO-CaO-C brick不同类型镁钙砂对MgO-CaO-C砖抗渣性的影响

16.Drainage Sand is used in the bottom of ladle.The main specifications of this kind of productions are silica based,magnesia based,chromium based and magnesia olivine based,which can be chosen by the clients.引流砂是钢包底部水口填充散状料,主要品种有硅质、镁质、铬质和镁橄榄石质等可供客户选用。

17.Promotion of sandy FCMP based on effect of its particle size on values of available nutrient determination从粒度对钙镁磷肥有效养分测定结果的影响说明应发展砂状钙镁磷肥

18.Magnesium deficiency most commonly occurs in acid, sandy soils in areas of moderate to high rainfall.缺镁常常发生在中雨量或高雨量区的酸性砂质土。



1.The improved method that calcium oxide and magnesium oxide inmagnesite are determined by EDTA titrametric method;EDTA滴定法测定镁砂中氧化钙和氧化镁的改进

2.Determination of Silicon and Iron in Magnesiteby Atomic Emission Spectrometry;原子发射光谱法测定镁砂中的硅和铁

3.The results obtained by this method in the analysis of some samples ofmagnesite wa.研究了新显色剂二溴对甲基偶氮磺与钙的反应,建立了直接测定镁砂中钙的光度分析方法。

3)magnesium sand镁砂

1.Experiment and Study on Preparation of Magnesium Sand with Low Boron and Low Calcium from Bittern by Rehydration;再水化法制备低硼低钙卤水镁砂的试验与研究

2.The effects of granularity distributing of alkalescence refractory bone material ofmagnesium sand,the inverse proportion of bone material and power,alumina power,adhesive,retarder,the content of water and sinter on bulk density,intensity and sinter temperature are investigated.介绍了感应熔炼电炉成型炉衬的国内外概况和对耐火材料的质量要求,研究了镁砂质碱性炉衬耐火材料的骨料粒度分布、骨料与细粉(基质)、氧化铝微粉、结合剂、缓凝剂、加水量以及烧结剂对耐火材料体积密度、强度及烧结点等性能的影响。

4)magnesia hydration镁砂水化

5)fused magnesia电熔镁砂

1.By usingfused magnesia and sintered spinel as main materials and sulphite liquor as binders,magnesium compound side gate was researched.以优质电熔镁砂、烧结镁铝尖晶石为主要原料,采用纸浆废液作为结合剂研究镁质复合滑板材料。

2.MgO-ZrO2 samples were prepared byfused magnesia and zircon.以电熔镁砂和锆英石为原料,研究锆英石质量分数和烧成温度对镁锆质试样物理性能的影响,利用X射线衍射、扫描电镜及能谱分析等手段对试样的物相组成和显微结构进行分析。

3.In this paper, effect of properties of advanced magnesite-chrome brick on fine powder turning very small, the chromium concentrate powder andfused magnesia powder content, the amount of Zirconium dioxide to be studied identified RH furnace quality magnesite-chrome brick in the best process technique.本文主要研究了细粉微细化、铬精矿细磨、电熔镁砂粉的含量和ZrO_2的加入量对再结合镁铬砖性能的影响,确定了RH炉用优质镁铬砖的最佳生产工艺。

6)MgO-CaO powder镁钙砂

1.Carbonation kinetics of synthesizedMgO-CaO powder;镁钙砂细粉碳酸化反应的热分析动力学研究

2.The carbonation behavior ofMgO-CaO powder in CO_2 has been investigated by means of TG-DTG technique.采用TGDTG技术对镁钙砂细粉的碳酸化反应特征进行研究,以阐明镁钙砂碳酸化反应特性。

3.Carbonation reaction mechanism ofMgO-CaO powder in CO_2 has been investigated by means of thermogravimetry of single scanning rate of 2 ℃/min for valuable information relevant to the kinetics of surface carbonation of MgO-CaO coarse particles.采用单一扫描速率(2℃/m in)法对镁钙砂细粉的碳酸化反应进行了热分析动力学研究,为镁钙砂颗粒表面碳酸化改性反应动力学研究提供相关信息。


