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除尘灰 dust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-13 11:38:21


除尘灰 dust英语短句 例句大全



1.Preparation of highly effective desulfurizer using variousdusts as additives;利用除尘灰制备高效脱硫剂

2.Synthesis of Nanometer-sized Magnetic Black Iron Oxide Pigment by using Dust of Steel Industry;利用钢厂除尘灰合成纳米级磁性氧化铁黑颜料的研究

3.A great dealdust that contains noble metal elements produced during the stainless steelmaking.不锈钢生产过程中产生大量的除尘灰,其中含有贵金属元素,对其进行回收利用具有重要的经济价值和环保效益。


1.Cause Analysis of Dust Hardening in Dry Process Dusting System and Treatment Measures干法除尘系统除尘灰板结原因分析及解决措施

prehensive Utilization of Sintering Dust Pulp and Iron & Steel Sludge;济钢烧结除尘灰制浆及炼钢炼铁污泥综合利用

3.Application of Sintered Plate Dust Collector at the Production Line of Lime烧结板除尘器在白灰除尘线上的应用

4.Discharge method of ash from an ESP ash bucket and its operation电除尘器灰斗排灰方式及其运行分析


6.Remove dust and dirt by high-pressure air before paint application.用高压空气吹扫除去灰尘等污物。

7.Impurity and dust can be cleared up by dust collector cyclone.小杂质及灰尘可通过吸风风网清除。

8.Where the exclusion of air-borne dust is essential.有必要排除空气中灰尘的地方;

9.She swept the dust off the table with a towel.她用毛巾拂除了桌上的灰尘。

10.Research on Dust Cleaning System of Electrostatic & Fabric Composite Filter;静电布袋复合除尘器清灰系统的研究

11.Application of sonic cleaning device to Horizontal Electrostatic precipitator声波清灰器在卧式电除尘器中的应用

12.Optimization Design of Soot Blowing System of Bag Filters袋式除尘器喷吹清灰系统的优化设计

13.Analyses of the Dust-cleaning System Fan s Liberation and Optimization of Its Cleaning Device;除尘系统引风机粘灰振动分析及清灰系统优化

14.One day she took it down to dust and set it on top of a newspaper.有一天她清除证书上面的 灰尘,清完灰尘后随手放在一份报纸上。

15.To free from dirt, defilement, or guilt; purge or clean.使清洁,清洗使免除灰尘、玷污或罪责;洗净或清除

16.Then Susan and I go upstairs to make the beds, dust upstairs and downstairs, and do the carpets with my vacuum cleaner.然后我和苏珊一起上楼去铺床,掸扫楼上和楼下的灰尘,用真空吸尘器清除地毯上的灰尘。

17.She was beating the carpet/beating the dust out of the carpet, ie removing dust from the carpet by beating it.她正在敲打地毯[敲打地毯上的灰尘](以敲打的方式除尘).

18.To show how to take away the dust. The electrostatic force act on the dust which has charge, the dust will float to the other side.静电除尘:是带电的灰尘在静电力的作用下吸附到另一端的壁上。


fly ash除尘灰

1.Granular activated carbons were prepared from coalfly ash that was pr etreated with potassium hydroxide and physically activated with steam.用除尘灰分离炭粉为原料,采用KOH预处理,水蒸汽活化的方法制备颗粒活性炭。

2.The optimize preparating process for granular activated carbons fromfly ash was defined.以除尘灰分离炭粉为原料,确定了制备颗粒活性炭的最佳工艺,并对制备的颗粒活性炭进行不同的改性处理和对不同有机蒸气的吸附实验。

3)precipitator dust除尘灰

1.In this paper, the characteristices of sinteringprecipitator dust was analyzed, the new method ofprecipitator dust reclaim ultilization was proposed The industrialprecipitator dust granulation process and effect were sumerized An effective and feasible way has been obtained to comprehensive ultilize metallurgy industrial dus对烧结除尘灰的性质进行了分析 ,提出了除尘灰回收利用的新方法 ,总结了工业除尘灰制粒的新工艺及应用效果 ,为冶金行业粉尘综合利用提供了一条行之有效的途径。

2.The study on cold- bonded pelletizing with addition ofprecipitator dust in Laiwu I&S Co.简要介绍了莱钢矿建公司采用精矿配加除尘灰生产冷固结球团矿的试验。

4)dedusting ash除尘灰

1.This paper focused on the application of ashveyor fordedusting ash conveying in pellet plant,and the problems in its application were analysed,and then the solution method was given as a reference.重点对灰槽在球团厂除尘灰输送中的应用情况进行了介绍,并分析了现场出现的问题,提出了解决办法。


6)dust-removal limewater除尘灰水


声波清灰器在除尘设备中的应用声波喇叭清灰系统是一种高效,安全的辅助清灰装置。通过有效利用声波的能量来震松并清理积聚在积尘表面的粉尘,使锅炉风机等体内的灰粒子处于悬浮状态,声波的能量使微粒分散,不能相互结合,然后由气流或重力将其带走。阻止粉尘的积聚和结焦,而对原有设备结构不产生任何破坏力。 声波清灰系统,和燃爆式清辉器相比没有温度变化,对受热面没有腐蚀和损坏。适用在除尘设备够能帮助清除灰斗悬料 积料 架桥和鼠洞,物料储藏设备和其它易形成粉尘堆积的生产装置。
