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心血管 cardiovascular英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-27 21:06:04


心血管 cardiovascular英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical application of puerarin injection incardiovascular disease;葛根素注射液在心血管疾病中的临床应用进展

2.Working Model of Clinical Pharmacists Engaged in Cardiovascular Diseases;心血管专业临床药师工作模式探讨


1.of or pertaining to or involving the heart and blood vessels.属于心血管,与心血管有关,或侵袭心血管。

2.Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Cardiovascular Diseases血管旁脂肪组织与心血管疾病的关系

3.Cardiovascular Actions of Angiotensin-(1~7)血管紧张素(1~7)在心血管中的作用

4.cardiovascular system alteration during weightlessness失重时心血管系统变化

5.otic congenital angiocardiopathy紫绀型先天性心血管病

6.X-ray cardiovascular examination system心血管X线检查系统

7.angiocardiography high pressure injector心血管造影高压注射器

8.Correlation between cardio-ankle vascular index and cardiovascular risk factors心-踝血管指数与心血管危险因素的相关性研究

9.Status of cardiovascular image in diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases心血管造影在心血管疾病诊断中的现状

10.The Postprandial Hyperglycemia and the Dangerous of Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病餐后高血糖与心血管危险

11.Influence of Platelet-Activating Factor on Cardiovascular System血小板活化因子对心血管系统的影响

12.Current Status on the Treatment of Heart Vessel Disease With Promoting Blood Circulation and Removing Blood Stasis活血化瘀法运用于心血管疾病之现状

13.Serum complement C3 changes following cardiovascular stent implantation心血管支架置入与血清补体C3的变化

14.The cardiovascular system is the heart and all of the passages that carry blood throughout the body.心血管系统是心脏和其他运送血液到达全身的血管的统称。

15.The Predictive Value of ST-Segment Changes on Preoperative Holter Recording in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery;心血管病人非心脏手术前Holter ST段改变的术后心血管事件预测价值

16.Certain other cardiovascular disorders cause right ventricular hypertrophy.某些其他心血管病,导致右心室肥大。

17.The affluence of blood to the heart through the blood vessels.血液经血管流入心脏。

18.Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease实用心脑肺血管病杂志


cardiovascular disease心血管

1.Progress in gene therapy ofcardiovascular diseases;心血管疾病基因治疗进展

2.CONCLUSION: Dengzhan xixin is a kind of effective durg in curecardiovascular disease.结论:该药为疗效较好的心血管药物,它的各种剂型有很大的发展前景。

3.This paper summarizes the correlation between tongue conditions andcardiovascular diseases from the perspectives of theory,experiment and clinical practice.舌与心在生理与病理方面均密切相关 ,从理论、实验、临床运用三个方面系统总结阐述了舌与心血管疾病的相关性研究。

3)Cardiovascular system心血管

1.Protective effect of dietary monounsaturated fatty acid on cardiovascular system;单不饱和脂肪酸对心血管的保护作用

2.The review emphasized on Shadowboxing could improve the health status of common person and patient, and Shadowboxing had the beneficial effects on nervous-endocrine system, cardiovascular system, exercise system and immunity system.文章主要通过太极拳对神经内分泌、心血管、骨骼肌肉和免疫指标的正面影响,来反映了太极拳的生理生化效应。


5)Cardiovascular disease心血管病

1.Preoperative management of 306 advanced age patients combined cardiovascular disease with colorectal cancer;合并心血管病高龄结直肠癌病人围手术期处理

2.Relationship of insulin resistance with cardiovascular disease among Mongoalian people;蒙古族人群胰岛素抵抗与心血管病关系

3.The trend of changes in cardiovascular disease of Uighur population in hotan Xinjiang China.A ten year study from 1996 to ;新疆墨玉县及皮山县医院维吾尔族住院病人心血管病病种演变回顾性研究

6)Cardiovascular diseases心血管病

1.Consecutive analysis on the death of cardiovascular diseases among Hefei city s residents in 1987~2001;合肥市居民1987~2001年心血管病死亡动态分析

2.Analysis on the epidemiological features of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in the rural population of southern Jiangsu province;江苏农村发达地区心血管病危险因素流行特征分析

3.Evidence-based medicine in cardiovascular diseases;心血管病领域循证医学的发展


发绀型先天性心血管畸形发绀型先天性心血管畸形cyanotic congenital cardiovascular anomaly见“发绀型先天性心脏病”。
