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意见 opinion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-04 23:01:24


意见 opinion英语短句 例句大全



1.Someopinions on ammonium phosphate standard;对磷铵产品分析标准的几点意见

2.Opinions on properly Using New Multi——functional official Doeument Types;规范使用新增多功能公文文种“意见”

3.Study on the Opinions Communicated of the "Forum on Making the Country Prosperous" of People s Daily Online;人民网“强国论坛”意见传播研究


1.To hold or state as an opinion.持有意见或发表意见

2.a concurrence of ideas, views, etc意见、 观点等一致.

3.deliver oneself of an opinion, a judgement, etc发表意见、 看法等.

4.Yes, I wish to make a complaint.是的,我要提意见。

5.I must differ from you.我不能同意你的意见。

6.Broadly speaking, I agree with you.我大体上同意你的意见.

7.Will you take my advice?你乐意接受我的意见吗?

8.I really must take issue with you there.我确实不同意你的意见。

9.No one has taken notice of his remark.他的意见没有引起注意。

10.We agree to differ .我们同意各自保留意见。

11.I fully agree with you.我完全同意(你的意见)。

12.I totally agree with you.我完全同意你的意见。

13.We echo Lowell"s criticism.我们同意洛威尔的意见。

14.His opinions are converse to mine.他的意见和我的意见正相反。

15.Our neighbor "s opinion is counter to that of my parents我家邻居的意见与我父母的意见相反

16.Two kinds of people hold views differing from ours.有两种人的意见,和我们的意见不相同。

17.Your opinion identifies with mine.你的意见和我的意见一致的。

18.To say that your opinion is the same as someone else "s说你的意见和另一人的意见相同



1.Somesuggestions on developing industrialization of flue gas desulfurization;关于加强火电厂烟气脱硫产业化发展的若干意见

2.The article analyzes the present situations of ecological environment in northeast mountain areas of Yunnan province and provides somesuggestions about the restoration and reconstruction of the areas.分析了滇东北山区生态环境现状,提出了生态环境恢复与重建意见。

3.The achievements, major problems, cognitions and experiences in practicing stock system in the construction of paper making forestry bases are introduced, and thesuggestions for applying forestry-paper integration are put forward.阐述了推行股份制建设造纸林基地的工作成绩、主要问题及认识和体会,实施林纸一体化的意见。


1.Suggestions for Distribution of Good Varieties of Farm Crops in Dingxi,Gansu;定西市主要农作物良种布局意见

2.This paper puts forward somesuggestions and points out the issues and causes in terms of fire education,fire investment,fire forces,fire responsibility and fire supervision.通过实地调研,指出了当前农村消防工作存在的主要问题,分析了问题的主要成因,并结合实际,从消防教育、消防投入、消防队伍、消防责任、消防监管等方面,提出了加强社会主义新农村消防工作的意见。

3.This paper also analyzes the necessity of zero endurance policy and specificsuggestions for addressing the violation of fire laws.介绍了零容忍政策的由来及理论依据,分析了消防执法引入零容忍政策的必要性,探讨了实施零容忍打击消防违法、消除火灾隐患的具体意见。


1.To optimize the raw material structure so as to raise the level of waste paper utilization——An introduction to the general situation of andadvices on the waste paper utilization in Zhejiang Province;优化原料结构构 提高废纸利用水平——谈浙江省废纸利用的情况和意见

bined with the construction practice,the paper discussed the economical and social benefit of engineering supervision system,and proposed improvedadvice.但在实行的过程中也发现存在有不少问题,通过几年的实践,提出了改进意见。

3.The paper introduces the contents and tasks of highway construction initial work, proposes the problem and some relativeadvice.介绍了公路建设前期工作的内容和任务 ,指出了存在的对前期工作重要性认识不足等问题 ,并针对性提出今后应注意的几点意


1.On the Coherence of Opinions—Passages Structures;论“意见”语篇话题结构衔接

2.The paper presents someopinions of protecting and controlllng rivers in management inaccordance with the damage causes of the buildings such as dykes, bridges and wharves etc.从管理上,提出若干河道保护与整治的意见。



