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访谈 interview英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-15 07:55:42


访谈 interview英语短句 例句大全



1.The Interview Research on the Influence of Family Environment to Anxiety in Senior High School Students;家庭环境对高中生焦虑影响的访谈研究

2.Analysis of the results ofinterview with unlicensed prostitutes in Lishui city about behaviors of AIDS prevention and treatment;丽水市暗娼艾滋病防治行为访谈结果分析

3.Interview on drug information among drug users;吸毒人员相关信息访谈分析


1.Interview teams and timing【访谈团队和时刻】

2.Stakeholder interviews【访谈利益关系人】

3.Enterprise Interview: It interviews with successful enterprises and demonstrates the profiles of the enterprises.企业访谈:采访成功企业,展示企业风采。

puter assisted telephone interviewing计算机辅助电话访谈

5.A Studay of Psychological Television Talk Show of CCTV Chanel 12CCTV12《心理访谈》栏目研究

6.non structured interview非结构式访谈非结构式晤谈

7.semi structured interview半结构式访谈半结构式晤谈

8.On the Literature of Chinese Immigrants:An Interview with Chen Ruilin;海外新移民文学纵横谈——陈瑞琳访谈录

9.A conversation, such as one conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited from another.访谈谈话,例如由记者进行的访谈,由此从他人处获得事实或陈述

10.Interview with a famous professor and specialist --Visiting Dr. Dechun Ba in Northeastern University;著名教授专家访谈录——访东北大学巴德纯教授

11.Data were collected in semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by content analysis and SPSS software.采半结构性深度访谈方式,并将访谈过程记录下来。

12.Conflict Talk: the Integrated Conversation Analysis of English TV News Interviews;冲突话语:英语电视新闻访谈的综合性谈话分析

13.Application of Behavior Event Interview in Cadre Examination Talk;行为事件访谈法在干部考察谈话中的运用

14.Methods The application of field investigation and deep interview.方法采用实地调查和深入访谈的方式。

15." I am very interested in interviewing its authors.我对访谈这一报告的作者很感兴趣。

16.-- An interview with the head of the EU delegation in China--欧盟驻华代表团团长访谈

17.Clay, Color and Fire(2): Talking with the Planner黏土·色彩·烈火(2) 策划人访谈

18.That"ll bring you up to speed on Tate associates.通过访谈你该了解TATE 公司的情况了。


telephone interview电话访谈

1.Methods: buildtelephone interview department and interviewed all discharged patients by telephone.目的:通过对出院患者全员电话访谈,获取患者对医院真实可靠的反馈信息,为持续改进医疗服务质量提供决策依据,从而培养医院忠实的客户群体。

2.To gain a comprehensive understanding of contractors risk perceptions of PPP projects and promote the consciousness of perceiving and managing risks of the parties who may enter into PPP projects (especially contractors), this paper investigated the contractors perceptions on risks associated with PPP projects through survey questionnaire andtelephone interviews.为了了解目前中国承包商对PPP项目的风险认知现状,本文采用调查问卷和电话访谈的形式对承包商关于PPP工程的风险认知情况进行了调查,并采用模糊层次分析法(fuzzy AHP)对调查结果进行评价和分析。


1.This essay introduces the basic characteristics of qualitative research,including its natural property,inductive method adopted,open character and wholism concept;the results of qualitative research are presented in a text form;and its commonly used methods include observation,individualinterview and focus group discussion.本文介绍了定性研究的基本属性,包括其自然属性、采用归纳的方法、开放性和整体观;定性研究的结果以文本形式表达,常用的研究方法包括观察法、个人访谈法和焦点组讨论法。

2.The article focuses on two topics:One is comparisons of acceptability betweeninterview and other personnel selection approaches,the other is on discussion of factors which affect validity and reliability ofinterviews.在人员选拔中,访谈法是被人们应用最广同时也是研究最多的方法之一。

3.Three important ones are discussed in this paper: observation,interview, archival records.本文介绍了特殊儿童个案研究中资料收集的三种重要方法 :观察法、访谈法和档案资料法。


1.Application of qualitativeinterviews in clinical research of traditional Chinese medicine;定性访谈法在中医临床研究中的应用

5)In-depth interview深入访谈

1.Methods From May to June,,in-depth interview was conducted to community members including drug users,family members of drug users,cadres of communities and administrations by researchers with designed syllabus.方法在四川省选择开展艾滋病防治工作的社区,研究人员使用制定好的定性访谈提纲对不同类型的访谈对象进行个人深入访谈。

2.9 Focus group discussions and 12 in-depth interviews were given to reflect the relationship between the individual health-seeking behaviors,quality of health services,health policy and the access to TB diagnosis and treatment.方法 通过小组访谈和深入访谈的方法,以江苏省北部某县3个乡的部分结防医生、村卫生工作者和肺结核病人为研究对象,从结核病诊断和治疗的个人就医行为、医疗卫生服务质量和结核病防治政策等方面来探讨影响农村病人获得结核病诊断和治疗的因素。

6)Nurse"s interview护士访谈


