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法规 regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-19 11:08:55


法规 regulation英语短句 例句大全



1.Review of managementregulations and standards on food additives in the world;国内外食品添加剂管理法规与标准概述

2.Concerning issues and perfecting of the policies andregulations in the process of gold market deregulation;黄金市场放开过程中的相关问题及其政策、法规的完善

3.Standards andregulation of surfactants biodegradation;表面活性剂生物降解的标准与法规


1.(a) laws, regulations and procedures(a)法律、法规和程序

2.Administrative regulations has higher legal authority than local decrees and administrative or local rules.行政法规的效力高于地方性法规、规章。

3.where suspension is required by the provisions of the laws, regulations and rules.法律、法规和规章规定停止执行的。

4.Praecepta civilia市民法规范(戒条)

5.It contains 134 constitutions.它包括134部法规。

6.Any withholding of taxes to be made under laws or administrative rules and regulations shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws or administrative rules and regulations.法律、行政法规规定代扣、代收税款的,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。

7.Praecepta gentium万民法规范(戒条)

8.Praecepta naturalia自然法规范(戒条)

9.other conditions prescribed in regulations and rules.法规、规章规定的其他条件。

10.circumvent a law, rule, problem, difficulty规避一法规、 规则、 问题、 困难.

11.If any law or administrative regulation prescribes the value assessment, such law or administrative regulation shall be followed.法律、政法规对评估作价有规定的,从其规定。

12.however, except there are otherwise provisions in the relevant laws and administrative regulations of China and the present Provisions.但有关法律、行政法规和本规定另有规定的除外。

13.However, if there are otherwise provisions in the laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall be observed.但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的,依照其规定。

14.Where any laws and administrative regulations stipulate the method of the value assessment, the provisions shall apply.法律、行政法规对评估作价有规定的,从其规定。

15.Laws and Regulations Date of Implementation法律和法规 实施时间

16.Japanese Building Law Test Method日本建筑法规测试方法

17.a law enacted by a legislative body.由立法机关制定的法规。

18.normal interpolation process正规内插法 正规内插法


Laws and regulations法规

1.Analysis of laws and regulations of nuring education in Japan;日本护理教育法规的分析

2.Thinking about strengening laws and regulations on management of equiping information;对加强装备信息管理法规建设的思考

3.We must master the laws and regulations of WTO and act on them in order to face the international market.黄石市纺织服装业在我国加入WTO后 ,面临技术法规、技术标准、绿色环保等技术壁垒的制约 ,要面对国际大市场 ,必须在学习掌握好WTO法规 ,按WTO法规办事上下大功夫。


1.Research on EU,North American and Japanese Regulations about Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipments;欧、美、日关于电子电气产品有害物质管控法规现状研究

parison on technicalregulations and standards for textile and apparel care labeling of China and other countries;国内外纺织品和服装护理标签技术法规与标准

3.Analysis of food labellingregulations and standards at home and abroad;国内外食品标识法规及标准浅析


1.Inquiry into of Medical Record Management and Rules of Law;病案管理与有关法律法规的探讨

2.Strengthen the nurses’slaw awareness in operating room;强化手术室护士的法规意识

3.The Current and Further Emission Law Requirement for C.I. Engines of Automobile;现行及未来的车用压燃式发动机排放法规


1.Textiles quality detection andlegislation standard in Japan;日本纺织品质量检测管理及有关法规

2.This paper introduces the relation of European standards for flange joints with Europeanlegislations, and the new advance of these standards.欧盟的法兰接头标准反映现代密封技术的发展和环境保护对密封的更高要求,本文介绍欧盟法兰接头标准与相关法规的关系以及崭新进展,对提高国内密封技术和标准制订水平,并为进入欧盟市场有一定参考价值。

3.Through compari-son between China and other countries this paperrenders that public participation is an indispensablepart of urban planninglegislation.本文通过中外对比指出公众参与是《城市规划法》不可或缺的重要内容,必须完善我国城市规划法规当中有关公众参与的内容。


1.Dialectical relationship between policy andrule construction and hydrologic undertaking development;论政策法规建设与水文事业发展的辩证关系

2.Three Auto Emission Rule Systems;国外三大汽车排放法规体系

3.Envisaging EU REACHrule;直面欧盟REACH法规


