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移动数据增值业务 the value-added service of mobile communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-21 15:22:34


移动数据增值业务 the value-added service of mobile communication英语短句 例句大全

移动数据增值业务,the value-added service of mobile communication

1)the value-added service of mobile communication移动数据增值业务

1.With development of the 3G mobile communication technology, the introduction of Streaming Media technology intothe value-added service of mobile communication has become one of the focuses in the global mobile service research.随着第三代移动通信技术的逐步成熟,将流媒体技术引入移动数据增值业务,已经成为目前全球范围内移动业务研究的热点之一。


1.The Marketing Strategy of Value-Added Mobile Data Service in ×× Unicom;联通××分公司移动数据增值业务营销策略

2.Research on Mobile Data Value-added Service Online Charging System Solution of China Unicom;中国联通移动数据增值业务在线计费方案研究

3.Application of Data Mining in Telecom Value-added Services数据挖掘技术在移动增值业务中的应用

4.Design and Application of Data Encrytion in Mobile Value-Added Services数据加密在移动通信增值业务中的设计与应用

5.Research on the Mobile Value-added Service Depth Operation Based on the Enterprise Data Warehouse基于企业数据仓库的移动增值业务深度运营研究

6.Mobile Communication Application & Development of General DB Gateway;移动通信增值业务应用及通用数据库网关的研究与实现

7.The Analysis and Research of the Innovation of the Mobile Data Increment Service for the N Company;N公司移动数据增值服务创新分析与研究

8.Mobile Value-added Service Base on Internet;基于Internet的移动增值业务

9.Application of digital right management in mobile value-added service;面向移动增值业务的数字版权管理方案

10.Value-based adoption of MDS:an empirical investigation;基于感知价值的移动数据业务购买意愿研究

11.Design and Implementation of Business for Location Based Service on 3G Phone;3G移动位置服务增值业务设计与实现

12.The Study and Innovation in the Business Model of Mobile Value Added Services;移动增值业务商业模式的借鉴与创新

13.Study of the Application of Data Mining in Mobile Telecommunication New Business;数据挖掘技术在移动通信新增业务中的应用研究

14.Investigation and Implementation of Value-Added Service SMS Platform;移动增值业务短信平台的研究与开发

15.Research of Mobile Stream Media Value-added Service Based on JAVA;基于JAVA的移动流媒体增值业务研究

16.The Research on the Development Strategy of China Mobile Increment Service Market;中国移动增值业务市场发展策略研究

17.Mobile Value-Added Business Application in Olympic Games;移动增值业务在奥运会中的应用

18.Design and Realization of Mobile Value-added Service Based on IMS;基于IMS的移动增值业务的设计与实现


Mobile Data Increment Service移动数据增值服务

1.The Analysis and Research of the Innovation of theMobile Data Increment Service for the N Company;N公司移动数据增值服务创新分析与研究

3)Value-added mobile data service数据增值业务

1.Value-added mobile data service could be the key driver to boost the 2nd wave in the industry and increase ARP.本文旨在通过对联通XX分公司发展移动数据增值业务所处的市场条件和竞争环境进行分析,再结合对联通XX分公司自身特点的分析,运用经济学和市场营销的理论试图为企业提出一套符合企业发展特色的可以解决企业目前在开拓数据增值业务市场时所面临的困境的市场营销策略。

4)mobile value-added service移动增值业务

1.The application ofmobile value-added service in logistics enterprises;移动增值业务在物流企业中的应用

2.With the rapid development of the mobile communication technology and market, themobile value-added service has been the main methods to attract more users and increase more operational income for the mobile operators.随着移动通信技术和市场的不断发展,移动增值业务逐渐成为移动运营商吸引用户、增加收入的重要手段。

3.In order to effectively manage and develop themobile value-added service, there must be an excellent method of management.移动增值业务是指在移动通信网上开发的除了语音等基本业务以外的服务类型,近几年来发展势头迅猛。

5)mobile value-added services移动增值业务

1.With the development of 3G technologies,as a kind ofmobile value-added services,location-based services draw more and more attention.移动位置业务作为一种移动增值业务,随着3G技术的发展越来越受到关注。

2.Some technical issues are discussed onmobile value-added services development.为解决当前移动增值业务开发中的若干问题,从设计和实现面向移动通信终端的业务支撑平台(MSSP)的原型系统出发,对基于J2ME(Java 2 micro edition)的移动业务支撑系统进行了分析和研究。

3.The application ofmobile value-added services, together with some problems during the development in China is reviewed.本文对我国移动增值业务的应用现状和面临的问题进行了总结; 结合相关国际标准化组织近期的研究动向,对我国近期的热点移动增值业务及关键技术进行了分析和介绍; 预测了我国移动增值业务的基本发展趋势。

6)mobile value added service移动增值业务

1.With the fast development of mobile communication, the need for themobile value added services grow rapidly.随着我国移动通信的迅猛发展 ,用户对于移动增值业务的需求越来越高。


