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恶俗 BAD英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-06 01:43:45


恶俗 BAD英语短句 例句大全



1.Kuso,Preaching with "Evil Intention",BAD;恶搞·恶炒·恶俗——论作为媒体诗歌事件的“梨花体”与“裸体朗诵”


1.And the vulgar villas of the idle rich布尔乔亚的恶俗的洋房,

2.Kuso,Preaching with "Evil Intention",BAD;恶搞·恶炒·恶俗——论作为媒体诗歌事件的“梨花体”与“裸体朗诵”

3.Vice Advertisement --the Serious Problem Anatomy in Brand Molding by Advertising;恶俗广告——广告塑造品牌过程中的主要问题剖析

4.Fan Po-wen found everything an eyesore: it was all so conventional, vulgar and disgusting that he could hardly contain himself.范博文觉得什么都是不顺眼的,都是平凡恶俗。他简直有点生气了。

5.The item about himself was in such supreme bad taste that the stench was enough to make the reader hold his nose.自己这段新闻才是登极加冕的恶俗,臭气熏得读者要按住鼻子。

6.Everyone is tired of their blatant effronteries.大家都厌恶他们粗俗.

7.I"m disgusted with his rude manner.他粗俗的态度令我憎恶。

8.I hate and loathe Bohemianism.我恨的就是不拘世俗,恶心的就是不抱世俗。

9.Removal of Evil Practices and Corrupt Customs and the Shaping of New Folk Customs After the Land Reform in the Countryside农村土改后恶风陋俗的革除与新民俗的形成

10.A Comparison of the Buddhist View of Good and Evil with that of Common Law;佛教的善恶观及其与世俗法律之善恶观的比较

11.a detestable compound of vulgarity and rodomontade(John Morley.令人厌恶的庸俗加自吹自擂(约翰 摩勒)

12.The black earthly spirit of the priests wounded my life.牧师邪恶的世俗灵魂伤害了我的心灵。

13.an inveterate dislike of foreign customs对外国风俗根深蒂固的厌恶

14.As the saying goes, @Where there is music, there can be no evil.俗云:“有音乐的地方就没有罪恶。”

15.As saith the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: but mine hand shall not be upon thee.古人有句俗语说,恶事出于恶人。我却不亲手加害于你。

16.[bbe] There is an old saying, From the evil-doer comes evil: but my hand will never be lifted up against you.古人有句俗语说、恶事出于恶人.我却不亲手加害于你。

17.and frightening away demons that might threaten the future.驱赶会威胁未来的恶魔的古老习俗的延续发展。

18.It was some foul parody, some infamous ignoble satire.这是一个卑劣的讽刺,一个鄙俗、邪恶的嘲弄。


Dispute of Vulgarity恶俗之争

3)evil and dirty character"恶俗"人物

4)vice advertising恶俗广告

1.The most serious one isvice advertising.广告为很多品牌的塑造立下了汗马功劳,但广告在塑造品牌的实际运作中存在很多方面的问题,恶俗广告就是其中最典型的。

5)vice and undesirable customs恶习陋俗

1.One is to abolish the feudalvice and undesirable customs and build up the new social fashion.这场针对封建恶习陋俗的社会改造,是中共为促进闽西土地革命及闽西社会的发展和进步而进行的,改造的内容是丰富的,改造的效果也是很好的。

6)To reform the evil customs挽回恶俗


