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对生 opposition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-08 21:16:17


对生 opposition英语短句 例句大全



1.It can exploe writer’s Eco-aesthetic ideals to regardopposition、coexistence and integration as the basic Eco-aesthetic category .而这种自然审美感知的形成是与作家少年时代所处的芦青河审美生境分不开的,多彩的地域生境、动人的生命故事与作家的温柔情感相对生,进而整生为萦绕在作家心中不灭的自然情愫,使他在作品中执着的寻找大地的味道,不断流露出对自然生命的爱与关怀,人类、艺术、自然在其作品中浑然一体、动态平衡。


1.Eg: Food is essential to life (for the preservation of life).食物对生命(对维持生命)是绝对必要的。

2.Biology is the study of living things.生物学是对生物的研究。

3.Pig Price Fluctuations on the Impact of Pig Production and Countermeasures生猪价格波动对生猪生产的影响及对策研究

4.Decussate Describing leaves in opposite pairs and with alternating pairs at right angles to each other up the stem.交互对生的:两个相邻节上的对生叶交叉成垂直方向,称为交互对生。

5.a pair of people who live together.一对生活在一起的人。

6.having adverse effect on living things.对生物有不利的作用。

7.-- Yes, Mr Deasy said.“对,”迪希先生说。

8.Don"t you agree, Mr. Tu?嗳,屠先生,你说对不对?

9.Do you like life in the country better than town life?你对农村生活比对城市生活还喜欢吗?

10.A Study on the Relative Sensitivity of Terriecosystem toward Acid Deposition;陆生生态系统对酸沉降的相对敏感性

11.The biological study of protozoans.原生动物学对原生动物的生物性研究

12.planted so as to give an effect of wild growth.为对野生状态的生长产生影响而种植。

13.The students objected to being treated like children.学生们反对像对孩子似地对待他们。

14.Analysis of Symmetry and Asymmetry in Physician-patient Conversation;医生患者对话中的对称和不对称分析

15.The captain turned to Shusheng小队长回头对水生说:

16.I was forced to disbelieve him.我不得不对他产生怀疑。

17.students apple - polishing the teacher;对老师卑躬屈膝的学生;

18.influence of the substrate to plant growth基质对植物生长的影响


communication between students and students生生对话

3)ecological countermeasure生态对策

1.Environmental problems andecological countermeasures for the Honghu lake in Hubei province;洪湖的环境变迁及其生态对策

4)ecological countermeasures生态对策

1.At last, theecological countermeasures to prevent sandy wind were put forward.最后提出了防治风沙的生态对

5)Birth health policy优生对策

6)joint and lifesaving对口救生


