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社会发展模式 patterns of social development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-25 07:39:14


社会发展模式 patterns of social development英语短句 例句大全

社会发展模式,patterns of social development

1)patterns of social development社会发展模式

1.On the basis of comprehensive study for pattern selection and design principles of social development, the author selects and designspatterns of social development for modern China in accordance with the reality of China as a latter developed nation.当代中国社会发展模式必须遵循社会发展模式的一般特征和相关因素,从内源性、自主性、动态性原则出发,科学合理地对待中国作为一个"后发展"国家的优势与难题,从三个维度上选择与设计当代中国的社会发展模式,即:在发展目标上建立一个"富强、民主、文明"的国家,在现代化的推进形式上选择渐进型的现代化模式,在现代化所实现的社会转变上实现经济发展和人文发展的双重超越。


1.The Modes of the Economic and Social Development between Capitalism and Socialism;资本主义、社会主义与经济社会发展模式

2.Selection and Design of Patternsfor Social Development in Modern China;当代中国社会发展模式的选择与设计

3.From “Peasant Society”to“Citizen Society”-The Comment on the Development Pattern of the Chinese Society;从“乡民社会”走向“公民社会”——对中国社会发展模式的评析

4.Party Member of China Develops the Pattern Exploration and Enlightenment to Society;中国共产党人对社会发展模式的探索及启示

5.Hangzhou Model: A Development Paradigm of Constructing a Harmonious Society;杭州模式:构建和谐社会的发展模式

6.Development model of community sports in China in period of social transformation;社会转型期我国社区体育的发展模式

7.Chapter 2 Cyclic society: the model suitable to the view of sustained development.第二章 循环型社会:可持续发展观下的社会模式。

8.The Well-off Society: the Goal Integration and Model Innovation of Chinese Social Development;小康社会:社会发展的目标整合与模式创新

9.Man s Development in A Risky Society: New Mode and New Format;风险社会中人的发展:新模式与新样态

10.The Adjustment of Developmental Mode for Forestry in a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会与林业发展模式的转变

11.Development Pattern of Social Work Theory and Its Basic Characteristic;社会工作理论发展模式及其基本特征

12.The Relationship Between the Mode of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development;循环经济模式和经济社会可持续发展

13.A Study on the Problem in the Development of Chinese Society and its Answer for Institutional Construction;中国社会发展的问题与制度建设模式

14.A Review of the Developmental Mode of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics中国特色社会主义发展模式研究述评

15.The Mode of Multi-agent and Polycentric Governance Development多主体多中心的社会治理与发展模式

16.On Aim,Model and Value of Social Development Of Deng Xiaoping"s Viewpoints邓小平社会发展观的目标、模式及价值

17.The Strategy of the Sustainable Development of the Society and the Selection of the Mode of Civilization Development;社会可持续发展战略与文明发展模式的选择

18.Making for the Sustainable Development Society(Ⅰ): On the Sustainable Development Pattern;通向可持续发展的社会(Ⅰ)——可持续发展模式论


the model of social economy社会经济发展模式

1.the model of social economy is a diversified unity.现代科学技术革命不仅使社会经济增长 ,而且使社会经济发展模式发生了重大转变。

3)the developing model of socialism社会主义发展模式

1.The choice ofthe developing model of socialism is of vital importance to the existing and developing of socialism.社会主义发展模式的选择是一个关系到社会主义存在和发展的重要问题。

4)community development mode社区化发展模式

5)Community Development as a Model社区发展模式

6)social development社会发展

1.Government"s responsibility in the game between ecological balance andsocial development;生态平衡与社会发展博弈中的政府责任

2.The effects of natural disasters on thesocial development since the founding of the People"s Republic of China;新中国成立以来自然灾害对社会发展的影响

3.Sustaining utilization of water resources andsocial development;水资源可持续利用与社会发展


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
