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饵剂 bait英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-13 07:59:15


饵剂 bait英语短句 例句大全



1.Efficacy of chain killingbait;连环杀蟑饵剂的药效研究

2.Efficacy of 0.08% sulfluramidbait against termites;0.08%氟虫胺灭白蚁饵剂防治白蚁的药效研究

3.The Study on the Efficacy of the Insect Growth Regulation Baits AgainstBlattella germanica;昆虫生长调节饵剂对德国小蠊的药效研究


1.The effect of gossypol and curcumol baits on anti-fertility of white rat棉酚饵剂和莪术醇饵剂对小白鼠抗生育药效试验

2.Conclusion It could test chain killing rate of cockroaches quickly using quadrate box, while simulating house could evaluate the chain killing efficacy against cockroaches externally.结论方箱法能快速检验饵剂的连环杀蟑效果,模拟现场法能更客观的评价饵剂的连环杀蟑效果。

3.Control effect of 0.045% indoxacarb on the red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta0.045%茚虫威饵剂对红火蚁的田间防治效果评价

4.Objective To study on two methods for the efficacy testing of chain killing bait.目的研究两种能客观评价杀蟑饵剂连环杀蟑效果的方法。

5.Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration-Bait.农药登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价毒饵.

6.Study on the High-Efficient Enviromental Protection Type Aquatic Fodder Additives That Nisin-Chinese Traditional Medicine Compounds;Nisin-中药复合高效环保型饵料添加剂的研究

7.Effect of using gel bait and aerosol to control cockroaches杀蟑胶饵与灭蟑烟雾剂防治蟑螂的效果观察

8.Construction and transformation of bait fusion vector used in high throughput screening assay model for telomerase inhibitors端粒酶抑制剂筛选模型诱饵载体的构建与转化

9.3 [I](of fish)take or try to take the bait(指鱼)吞饵,吃饵,咬饵

10.Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration BAITGB/T17322.8-1998农药登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价毒饵

11.The Application of the Multiple Factor Experiment to the Screen of the Combinations of the Attractants of Rodenticidal Baits;多因素设计分析在灭鼠毒饵引诱剂组合筛选中的应用

12.Control efficacy of two rodenticides with different treatment methods against Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)2种杀鼠剂不同投饵方式防治长爪沙鼠的灭效比较

13.ledger bait [fixed in one place]底饵[固定于一处之饵

14."He"s taken it, "he said.“它咬饵啦,"他说。

15.A lure, such as a spoon or spinner, that is used for trolling.钓绳、诱饵曳钓法中用的诱饵,如匙状假饵或旋转匙状诱饵

16.live bait,ie small fish used to catch larger fish活饵(用作鱼饵引诱大鱼上钩的小鱼).

17.To place a lure in(a trap)or on(a fishing hook.置诱饵于…在(网子里)或在(鱼钩上)放诱饵

18.A lure to which hooks are attached, used especially in angling.鱼饵系于鱼钩的诱饵,尤用于垂钓



1.Efficacy Test of SpinosadBaits on Solenopsis invicta(Buren);多杀菌素饵剂对红火蚁的药效试验

3)gel bait胶饵剂

1.Formulation and efficacy ofgel bait against cockroaches;杀蟑凝胶饵剂的研制及其药效研究

4)termitcid bait诱饵剂

5)microencapsules bait微囊饵剂

1.The formulations of microencapsules emulsion(ME)、microencapsules bait and microencapsules suspension(MS) of three kinds of pesticides Fipronil 、 Cyhalothrin and Emanmectin benzoate as well as their mixture,selected from eight kinds of insecctsides based on their toxicity to blattella germenica,were studied in this research .根据筛选出的杀虫剂的性质,研究了微乳剂、微囊饵剂和微囊悬浮剂等较新的剂型的制备方法。

6)termite bait白蚁诱饵剂

1.Thetermite baits were maded by the handmade molding instrument,and the crackle degree oftermite baits was regarded as the evaluation index.笔者在多次试生产白蚁诱饵剂的经验基础上 ,通过模拟电动成型机制作出手工成型器 ,并用它来制作白蚁诱饵剂 ,分别对甘蔗粉诱饵剂和松木屑诱饵剂的成型工艺进行了研究 ,研究结果为土栖堤坝白蚁诱饵剂在电动成型机中大批量生产提供成型工艺方面的参考。


大理饵块大理饵块饵块是大理地区常见的传统食品之一。系用优质大米加工制成。其制作过程是将大米淘洗、浸泡、蒸熟、冲捣、揉制成各种形状。一般分为块、丝、片三种。制成的饵块色泽洁白、质地细嫩、有筋骨,味美可口。以大理喜洲、巍山等地所产饵块为最出名,是云南饵块的上品。这些地方生产的饵块,在色、香、味上独具特色,无论煮、炒皆不粘糊,其干制品保质期长,便于携带,最受外地旅游者的喜爱。 每年冬季,年头岁尾时,大理民间按习俗都要做小饵块。小饵块用木模压制成花卉、动物图样,亲朋好友之间互相赠送,相互品尝,这时的饵块即是风味食品,又是民间工艺品,还颇有喜庆之意。 大理饵块食用多样,最有特色的是新鲜现揉的烧饵块,其加工过程是:将蒸熟、冲捣后的饵块团放在光滑洁净的大理石板上,用手揉成饼状后,按各自品食习惯,内包白糖、核桃仁或芝麻酱、卤腐、油条等佐料,加放在木炭上慢慢烘烤至表皮微黄后,即可食用。这种烧烤出来的饵块香脆可口,食后许久还余香在口,倍受人们的青睬。
