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趋同性 convergence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-10 06:03:31


趋同性 convergence英语短句 例句大全



1.On the Convergence of Eugene O neill s and Cao Yu s Tragedic Ideas:A Contrast of Desire Under the Elms and Thunderstorm;论尤金·奥尼尔与曹禺悲剧观念的趋同性——以《榆树下的欲望》、《雷雨》为例

2.Empirical Analysis of Convergence and Conglomeration of Wealth in China;中国经济增长趋同性和财富聚集的实证分析

3.In the Qing dynasty,Both of Dispute resolution jurisdiction and norm source of Zang ethnic group,which was characterized by pluralism andconvergence,developed greatly.清代,云南藏区的纠纷解决管辖和规范渊源都发生了重大变迁,表现出多元化和趋同性的特点,多元和趋同的成因是中央王朝对云南藏区社会控制的加强和云南藏族对中央纠纷解决机制与当地固有纠纷解决机制的博弈取舍。


1.Study on the Difference and Similarity Between English and Chinese;浅论英汉两种语言的差异性和趋同性

2.Economic Nationalism and Convergence in Merger Regulation;合并规制中的经济民族主义与趋同性

3.A Positive Research on the Convergence of Metropolitan Regions in China中国四大都市圈经济增长趋同性研究

4.The convergent inclination in universities is the result of legality mechanism.高校的趋同性正是合法性机制作用的结果。

5.Study on the Convergence and Diversity of Corporate Governance Systems;公司治理体制的多样性和趋同性问题研究

6.The Unanimity and Divergence of Semantic Association in Discourse Acceptance;话语接受中语义联想的趋同性和差异性

7.The complementary and similar features between modern distance education and traditional education;现代远程教育与传统教育的互补性与趋同性

8.Empirical Analysis of Convergence and Conglomeration of Wealth in China;中国经济增长趋同性和财富聚集的实证分析

9.Research on Convergence of Regional Economic Growth in Jilin Province Based on ESDA;基于ESDA的吉林省区域经济增长趋同性研究

10.A Comparison and the Global Trend of the Personal Bankruptcy Systems;自然人破产制度的国际比较及趋同性研究

11.Study on the Tendency to Similarity of Industry Structure and Its Performance Result in Chengdu and Chongqing Industrial Corridor;成渝地区工业产业趋同性及其绩效研究

12.On the Convergence Trend of Taxable Basis with Accounting Information in Associated Transactions;关联交易中会计信息与计税基础的趋同性研究

13.On Translational Convergence --A Concept of Translation Guided by Relevance Theory;浅谈翻译的趋同性——关联理论指导下的翻译观

14.Parallels between Modern Physics and Pre-Qing Taoist Thought;试论现代物理学和先秦道家思想之间的趋同性

15.Grasp the Essence of Medical Contracts by the Development Tendency of Contract Law;从合同法发展趋势看医疗合同的特性

16.Industrial Structure Convergence across Regions;区域产业结构趋同——个人理性与集体理性的冲突

17.The government tended to have a tentative negotiation with those terrorists.政府趋向于同那些恐怖分子进行试探性的谈判。

18.Study on selective preferences of Harmonia axyridis(Pallas) collected from different habitats to predating aphids不同生境源异色瓢虫对蚜虫选择趋性研究



1.This result caused the fact of homoplasy in cross-cultural.相异文化的互相影响、互相渗透导致跨文化交流的趋同性。


1.OriginalExploration of theSimilarity of Traditional Architectural Space;传统建筑空间趋同性探源


1.Through example analysis on features of psychological coordination in modern team sports,which include integrationassimilation,mutual influence and so on,this paper tendls to call the attention of coaches to value the function of psychological coordination in team sports,when training,as to better the results of their team members.本文通过对心理协调在现代运动队运行中的整体性、趋同性、互动性的特点进行实例分析 ,使现代教练员在现代运动队运行中重视心理协调在运动队中的运用 ,使自己的运动队取得优异的成


1.It is an experimental product of post modernism,which reflects both thetendency of the post war development in English literature and the poet s own uniqueness in technique.这种尝试既反映出英国战后文学发展的趋同性 ,又分明突出了诗人的个性化。



连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
