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迷你南瓜 Mininangua英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-09 02:28:41


迷你南瓜 Mininangua英语短句 例句大全



1.A New Mini-pumpkin TrihybndMininangua;小型南瓜新品种迷你南瓜的选育

2)mini cucumber迷你黄瓜

1.Effect of biogas slurry and biogas residues on quality of greenhousemini cucumber;沼液沼渣对温室迷你黄瓜品质的影响

2.Effects of different fertilizer treatments on the yield and nitrate content ofmini cucumber;不同肥料处理对迷你黄瓜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响

3.In this article,appearance characters and nutritive quality of fourmini cucumber varieties were compared,the result showed that the appearance characters of ‘mini NO.对4个迷你黄瓜品种的外观品质和营养品质进行了测定。


1.Studies on Heterosis and Genetics of Mini-cucumber (Cucumis Sativus.L) for Special Using in Greenhouse;温室专用迷你黄瓜杂种优势利用与遗传研究

2.Research on Water Consumption and Irrigation Scheduling of Mini Cucumber in Solar Greenhouse日光温室迷你黄瓜耗水规律及灌溉制度研究

3.The Study of Altering Regularity about the Nitrate Content of the Fruit and Greenhouse Soil of Mini Cucumber and Cherry Tomato in the Different Conditions of Applying Fertilizer不同施肥条件下迷你黄瓜、樱桃番茄果实和土壤硝酸盐含量变化规律研究

4.A New Cucumber F_1 Hybrid-"Jiza Mini No.1"黄瓜新品种“吉杂迷你一号”的选育

5.Sarah : Star Trek is for dorks. Do you want to be a dork all your life?莎拉:《星舰迷航记》是给呆瓜看的。你这辈子都要当呆瓜吗?

6.Preliminary Report on Effect of Ethephon on Mini-pumpkin Feminization乙烯利对迷你桔瓜雌性化效应研究初报

7.The Series of New Varieties and Cultivating Keys in Mini-Pumpkin迷你型西洋南瓜系列新品种及栽培要点

8.you can still see and feel the @[email protected] on cucumbers.你仍然可以在黄瓜身上摸到鸡皮疙瘩。

9.Double white/ yellow eye. Medium green, plain. Miniature.重瓣白底黄眼花。中绿色平坦叶。迷你型。

10.Progresses in Fusarium wilt study of watermelon,cucumber and melon西瓜、黄瓜、甜瓜等瓜类枯萎病研究进展

11.Single pink wasp. Small dark foliage. Miniature.单瓣粉红色黄蜂型花。小的深绿色叶。迷你型。

12.just listen to that cucumber phone.去听“黄瓜风”吧。

13.pork and cucumbers, fish and ...猪肉炒黄瓜、鱼和……

14.Hating you is cucumber, eating you is watermelon, scolding you is wax gourd, hit you this is goofy.恨你是胡瓜,吃你是西瓜,骂你是冬瓜,打你这傻瓜。

15.7 pieces of mini White Lotus Seed with Egg Yolk and 1 piece middle size Green Alga with Egg Yolk Moon Cake.七只迷你白莲蓉蛋黄月饼和一只中粒金翡翠(螺旋藻)蛋黄月饼。

16.Resarch on Antioxidant Role of Cucumis sativus Linn.,Luffa cylindrica(L.) Roem and Momordica charantia Linn丝瓜、黄瓜、苦瓜抗氧化作用的初步研究

17.a family of herbaceous vines (such cucumber or melon or squash or pumpkin).草本蔓生植物科(如黄瓜或西瓜或南瓜或南瓜)。

18.Colonization of Antifungal Endobacterium B504 in Cucumber黄瓜内生生防菌B504在黄瓜体内的定殖


mini cucumber迷你黄瓜

1.Effect of biogas slurry and biogas residues on quality of greenhousemini cucumber;沼液沼渣对温室迷你黄瓜品质的影响

2.Effects of different fertilizer treatments on the yield and nitrate content ofmini cucumber;不同肥料处理对迷你黄瓜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响

3.In this article,appearance characters and nutritive quality of fourmini cucumber varieties were compared,the result showed that the appearance characters of ‘mini NO.对4个迷你黄瓜品种的外观品质和营养品质进行了测定。


1.The result indicated that when the concentration is above 50mg·L~(-1),it was effective to promote the mini-pumpkin\"s female flower to differentiate.秋季栽培中,在迷你桔瓜不同的幼苗期,不同的时间,喷施不同浓度、不同次数的乙烯利,结果发现50 mg/L以上浓度的乙烯利是促进迷你桔瓜雌花分化的有效浓度,其中以80 mg/L为最佳喷施浓度;最佳的唢施时期为1叶1心期;6:00点喷施效果要好于17:00点时的喷施;而且用合适浓度的乙烯利连续喷施2次,可以增加雌花数量和单株平均座果数。


1.Studies on Heterosis and Genetics ofMini-cucumber (Cucumis Sativus.L) for Special Using in Greenhouse;温室专用迷你黄瓜杂种优势利用与遗传研究


1.Mini Manhattan: The Skyscraper Museum in New York;迷你曼哈顿——记纽约摩天楼博物馆

6)melon [squash] vine瓜 [南瓜]秧




原料:带皮黄瓤小南瓜200g、糯米粉120g、澄粉15g、砂糖30g、豆沙适量 、萄干少量。过程:1、南瓜去皮洗净切小块,放入耐高温保鲜袋或其它微波炉容器。2、把南瓜放入微波炉加热至南瓜酥烂取出用勺子辗成南瓜泥。3、把糯米粉 澄粉 砂糖,加入微热的南瓜泥中揉匀合成面团。4、把面团分成小块,搓圆,捏扁,包入豆沙馅,收口搓圆,再把包好馅的粉团稍微压扁下做出南瓜的形状,然后用刀背在整好形的南瓜上压出纹路,最后在中上方放上一粒葡萄干装饰成南瓜的蒂。5、锅内放水烧开,把小南瓜坯放入蒸架, 盖上锅盖大火蒸5-8分钟取出放凉,好吃又好看的小南瓜就做好了!甜甜的,香香的,软软糍糍的。南瓜 砂糖 微波炉
