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对立和谐 opposite harmony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-22 10:17:43


对立和谐 opposite harmony英语短句 例句大全

对立和谐,opposite harmony

1)opposite harmony对立和谐

1.Specifically,the harmonious idea mainly includes universe harmony,system harmony andopposite harmony.具体来说,和谐理念主要包括宇宙和谐、系统和谐和对立和谐,它们并不是相互对立的,相反具有极强的内在关联性。

2)opposite harmonious ideas对立和谐观念

1.Based on some one-sided understanding about the socialist harmonious society,this article discussed the connotation of harmonious society: lasting harmonious society,theopposite harmonious ideas,the dynamic harmonious ideas,the rational harmonious ideas from the viewpoint of constitutionalism.从宪政主义的基本理念来看,社会和谐观念包含了短期与长期相统一的持久和谐观念、对立与妥协相统一的对立和谐观念、稳定与发展相统一的动态和谐观念以及相对和谐与至上人权相统一的理性和谐观念。

3)Harmonious Legislation和谐立法

1.On The Theory of Balancing of Interests inHarmonious Legislation;试论和谐立法中的利益衡量

2.From the vision of cultural philosophy,harmonious legislation means such a process that an appropriately legal regulation is built on the basis of some social value concept relating to the idea of harmonious society,and different subjects of interests in legislature target can completely express themselves,interact harmoniously,and realize reciprocal adjustment or sound transference.在文化哲学视域,和谐立法即人们基于与和谐社会理念相联系的社会价值观,在促进不同利益主体有差异的立法诉求充分表达、良性互动,整体上相互协调、良性过渡中产生良性法律规范的运行过程。

4)contrast harmony对比和谐

5)relative harmony相对和谐

6)compatible pair和谐对

1.Integral self-affine Tiles with prime determinant andcompatible pair;素行列式整自仿Tile与和谐对

2.Some conditions from spectral measure tocompatible pair are obtained by using of Fourier transform and Parseval equality,and by discussing the properties of the zero points of the self-affine measure′s Fourier transform,it is proved that there are at most three orthogonal exponentials in a special L2(μM,D) space.借助于测度的Fourier变换,利用Parseval恒等式,给出了谱测度得到和谐对的条件。


1.The Significance of Psychological Harmony in Building Harmonious Society;心理和谐对构建和谐社会的重要意义

2.On the Function of Harmonious Work in Developing Harmonious Socialism Society;劳动和谐对促进社会主义社会和谐的作用

3.Harmonies·Opposites·Dialectical Harmonies --Historical morphologic analyses on beauties;和谐·对立·辩证和谐——美的历史形态分析

4.The couple live together in harmony .这对夫妇生活得很和谐。

5.Constructing Harmonious Sexual Culture:the Enrichment and Development of Harmonious Culture;构建和谐性别文化对和谐文化的丰富和发展

6.Social Harmony and Psychological Harmony--A Test of the Handicapped People s Psychological Harmony Level;社会和谐与心理和谐——对残障人心理和谐程度的测评

7.A Discussion on the Contemporary Value of Confucius and Mencius Idea of Harmony in Building A Harmonious Society;论孔孟和谐思想对构建和谐社会的当代价值

8.Harmonious Education Needs Harmonious Philosophy--The Perspective of Trans-cultural Dialogues;和谐教育需要和谐哲学(纲要)——跨文化对话的角度

9.Molding Harmony Multiplexly:Consideration of Constructing a Harmonious Social Relief Valve;多元化塑造和谐:对构建和谐社会安全阀的思考

10.Value of harmonious ideas in Confucianism on harmonious society construction in the present age;儒家和谐思想对建设当代和谐社会的价值

11.Influence of "Harmony" Thought of Zhouyi on Building Harmonious Society;《周易》的“和谐”思想对构建和谐社会的影响

12.Enlightenment of Confucius Thought of Harmony for the Construction of Harmonious Society;孔子的和谐思想对构建和谐社会的启迪

13.Implications of Confucianism Doctrine on Harmony for Socialist Harmonious Society Construction;儒家“和谐观”对构建社会主义和谐社会的启示

14.Order and Harmony--On the First Idea to the Harmonious Society of the Pre-Qin Dynasty;秩序与和谐——论先秦儒家对和谐社会的构想

15.On the Social Harmony and Building a Harmonious Society论社会和谐与构建和谐社会的发展对策

16.Whitehead"s Concept of Harmony and Its Relevance to Creating a Harmonious Society in China怀特海和谐思想对构建和谐中国社会的启示

17.The harmonic, sub-harmonic and multi-harmonic response of the premixed flame to acoustic perturbation was observed.预混火焰对声波扰动的谐波、分谐波和高阶谐波响应并存。

18.A Train of Thougts and Measures in Dongguan City of Establishing Harmoniouos Society东莞市构建和谐社会的思路和对策


opposite harmonious ideas对立和谐观念

1.Based on some one-sided understanding about the socialist harmonious society,this article discussed the connotation of harmonious society: lasting harmonious society,theopposite harmonious ideas,the dynamic harmonious ideas,the rational harmonious ideas from the viewpoint of constitutionalism.从宪政主义的基本理念来看,社会和谐观念包含了短期与长期相统一的持久和谐观念、对立与妥协相统一的对立和谐观念、稳定与发展相统一的动态和谐观念以及相对和谐与至上人权相统一的理性和谐观念。

3)Harmonious Legislation和谐立法

1.On The Theory of Balancing of Interests inHarmonious Legislation;试论和谐立法中的利益衡量

2.From the vision of cultural philosophy,harmonious legislation means such a process that an appropriately legal regulation is built on the basis of some social value concept relating to the idea of harmonious society,and different subjects of interests in legislature target can completely express themselves,interact harmoniously,and realize reciprocal adjustment or sound transference.在文化哲学视域,和谐立法即人们基于与和谐社会理念相联系的社会价值观,在促进不同利益主体有差异的立法诉求充分表达、良性互动,整体上相互协调、良性过渡中产生良性法律规范的运行过程。

4)contrast harmony对比和谐

5)relative harmony相对和谐

6)compatible pair和谐对

1.Integral self-affine Tiles with prime determinant andcompatible pair;素行列式整自仿Tile与和谐对

2.Some conditions from spectral measure tocompatible pair are obtained by using of Fourier transform and Parseval equality,and by discussing the properties of the zero points of the self-affine measure′s Fourier transform,it is proved that there are at most three orthogonal exponentials in a special L2(μM,D) space.借助于测度的Fourier变换,利用Parseval恒等式,给出了谱测度得到和谐对的条件。


对立①两种事物或一种事物中的两个方面之间的相互排斥、相互矛盾、相互斗争:~面ㄧ~物ㄧ~的统一 ㄧ不能把工作和学习~起来看。②互相抵触;敌对:~情绪。
