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国家与国际组织 nation and international organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-07 01:35:42


国家与国际组织 nation and international organization英语短句 例句大全

国家与国际组织,nation and international organization

1)nation and international organization国家与国际组织


1.Articles on Relations Between States and International Organizations关于国家与国际组织间关系的条款草案

2.International Organization of Citrus Virologists国际柑桔病毒学家组织

3.International Union of Family Organizations国际家庭组织联合会

4.Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间的条约法

5.Conflicts and Harmonies between the Sovereign of States and the Power of International Organizations;国家主权与国际组织权利的冲突与协调

6.an organization of independent states to promote international peace and security.独立国家为促进国际和平与安全而成立的组织。

7.On the Strategy of Chinese Experts Participating in International Organization Activities;中国专家参与国际组织活动的对策研究

8.The Legal Personalities of International Institutions and Their Relations with Other Nations;试论国际组织的国际法律人格及其与国家的关系

9.INGOs and “Multinational Legislation”in the International Law--From the Perspective of Global Governance;国际非政府组织与国际法之“跨国立法”

mittee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations [International Labour Organization]实施公约与建议书专家委员会〔国际劳工组织〕

11.On the International Religious NGOs Participation in the International Affairs;国际宗教非政府组织的国际参与刍议

12.relations between states and international organizations国家和国际组织间的关系

13.The International Association of State Lotteries lists 63 members,国家彩票组织国际协会有63个成员,

14.any of several international socialist organizations.国际间的社会主义国家的组织。

15.The United Nations is an inter-governmental international organization composed of sovereign states.联合国是由主权国家组成的政府间国际组织。

16.The Anti-dumpling of the Western Countries and International Organizations and the Countermeasures of Our Country s Enterprises;西方国家和国际组织的反倾销与我国企业应对策略

17.Articles on the Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations or Between International Organizations,draft国家和国际组织间或国际组织相互间的条约法条款草案

18.Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations关于国家和国际组织间或国际组织间的条约法会议


International Organization of Experts国际专家组织

3)Participation in International Organisations参与国际组织。

4)International organization国际组织

1.On the Course of China s Participation in International Organizations;探析我国参与国际组织的历程

2.International Organizations independent Behavior:Two Theoretical Perspectives and Their Comparison;国际组织的自主性行为:两种理论视角及其比较

3.On the Law-making Function of the International Organization;试论国际组织的造法功能

5)international organizations国际组织

1.On the changes of the relations between China andinternational organizations after the enforcement of the reform and open policy;试论改革开放后中国与国际组织关系的变化

2.Research on Relations between China and International Organizations after the Cold War;冷战后中国与国际组织的关系研究

3.Based on the interpretation ofinternational organizations IOs documents and the IOs opinion about the impound implication that science literacy has for individuals and society the author suggests that the IOs understanding of public science literacy should be of the characteristics of continuous organic functional and comprehensive.在解读国际组织有关文献、总结国际组织关于公民科学素质有关论述的基础上,研究国际组织对公众科学素质的理解。

6)National organization国家组织


