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武器 weapon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-25 10:20:14


武器 weapon英语短句 例句大全



1.Spread of Vapor Phase Preservation Rust Prevention Technology on Weapon Ware house;武器仓库应大力推广气相封存防锈技术

2.Application analysis of magnesium alloys inweapon components;镁合金在武器装备中的应用分析


1.The modern weapons are classified as strategic, operational and tactical ones.现代武器分为战略武器、役武器、术武器。

2.One who designs weapons, especially nuclear weapons.核武器研制者研制武器尤其是核武器的人

3.Present sth. at sb.用(武器)对准某人

4.(esp of weapons)not nuclear(尤指武器)非核的

5.(formerly)contest between knights on horseback armed with blunted weapons,esp lances(旧时)武士骑马比武(用钝武器,尤指长矛).

6.threat or use of nuclear weapon以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器

7.An armored compartment for artillery on a rampart.武器间壁上放置武器的装甲小房间

8.Anti-nuclear organizations want to ban the bomb.反核武器组织要求禁止使用核武器.

9.Beam Weapon- Your primary weapon for busting through shields.死光武器—击破防御的主要武器。

10.The UN Register of Conventional Arms and the Issue of Small Arms常规武器转让登记和小武器问题

11.nuclear weapons核武器/nucleardisarmament核裁军,裁减核武器

12.Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermonuclear Weapons禁止使用核武器及热核武器公约

13.To equip with better weapons.配备更好武器给…配备更好的武器装备

14.Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermo-nuclear Weapons禁止使用核武器和热核武器宣言

15.We are developing nuclear weapons to do away with such weapons.我们发展核武器是为了消灭核武器。

16.Man dictates to weapons, not vice versa.是人指挥武器,而不是武器指挥人。

17.One who prepares a nuclear weapon for release.核武器专家为核武器发射做准备的人

18.Throwing Weapon Specialization: Increase Throwing Weapon skill.投掷武器专精:增加投掷武器技能。



1.Preliminary Studies on Non-lethal Chemical Weapons;化学型非致命性武器初探

2.New ways of differentweapons coordinated attacking多种武器综合使用新方式探究

3.Research on configuring methods of air-to-ground attackingweapons for aircraft作战飞机对地攻击武器配置方法研究

3)engines of warfare武器,兵器

4)an engine of war兵器, 武器

5)thermal weapon热武器(激光武器)

6)strategic weapon战略武器

1.The application of CFRM on variousstrategic weapons is introduced in this article.主要介绍碳纤维复合材料在战略武器上的应用,指出碳纤维是军民两用新材料,是敏感的战略物资。

2.So it is viewed as astrategic weapon for commercial competition.它具有开发成本低、适应性强、协作性高等优势,它必将成为企业现代化商业竞争的信息化战略武器。


