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实践的科学 The science of practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-20 14:36:05


实践的科学 The science of practice英语短句 例句大全

实践的科学,The science of practice

1)The science of practice实践的科学


1.Two Scientific Ways of Thinking and the Scientific Nature of University Curriculum Practice;两种科学思维方式与大学课程实践的科学性

2.Environmental science is a science of combining theory with practice;环境科学是理论与实践相结合的科学

3.Innovation and Practice for the Undergraduate Course Teaching of "Foundation of Materials Science"《材料科学基础》本科教学的改革与实践

4.The Exhibition Imitates The Law Court Practices Teaching And Educating With Improve The Student s Fulfillment Ability;模拟法庭实践教学与提高法科学生的实践能力

5.Research on practice teaching quality of engineering college工科高等学校实践教学质量的探索与实践

6.Reform and practice of practice teaching system construction in bachelor degree of forestry林学本科专业实践教学体系建设的改革与实践

7.Exploration and Practice of Practical Teaching Reform in Animal Science Specialty动物科学专业实践教学改革的探索与实践

8.The Exploration and Practice of Undergraduate Experimental Teaching Model大学本科实验教学模式的探索与实践

9.Practice and Exploration on Making Experiment Teaching Syllabus科学编制实验教学大纲的实践和探索

10.Scientific Orientation of Newly-founded Universities:Research and Practice;新建本科院校科学定位的研究与实践

11.Research of Cooperative Learning in Primary Science Class;小学科学课小组合作学习的实践研究

12.A Discussion of Class Practical Form of Dialogue Teaching in Chemistry Subject;论化学学科对话教学的课堂实践形式

13.A Practical Research on Bilingual Science Teaching in Middle School双语教学在初中科学学科教学中的实践研究

14.Exploration and practice of engineering practice teaching system in engineering colleges and universities;工科院校工程实践教学体系的探索与实践

15.Construction and Application of a New Teaching System of Engineering Practice for Application-oriented Undergraduate Courses;应用型本科工程实践教学体系的构建与实践

16.Construction and practice of practical teaching system of mechanics for application-oriented undergraduates;机械类应用型本科实践教学体系的构建与实践

17.Reform and practice on practicalteaching model for animal and veterinary speciality;畜牧兽医专业(专科)实践教学模式的改革与实践

18.The Inspiration of Hegel"s Concept of Practice to Marxist Scientific Concept of Practice黑格尔实践观对马克思科学实践观的启示


Practical Conception of Science实践的科学观

3)scientific practice科学实践

1.From historical to theories ofscientific practices: HPS and its problems;从历史转向到科学实践理论

2.Exploring study should be encouraged in teaching and integrate theory with practice to arouse students interest, making science education be closely to realscientific practice.文章提出在教学中应倡导探究性学习,理论联系实践,更好地激发学生学习兴趣,使科学教育尽可能接近真实的科学实践。

3.The scientist s point of view has turned into thescientific practice because of the conflict between the Logical Positivism and the Social Construction in Philosophy of Science so that the scientific concept with a strong sense of history can be shown and many scholars start thinking of the value of Marxist dialecti.科学哲学中逻辑实证主义与社会建构主义的冲突使人们研究的角度走向了科学实践,从而使一种具有强烈历史感的科学观得以显现,也使不少学者从不同视角开始思考马克思主义的辩证法与实践观的价值。

4)scientific practice view科学实践观

1.On Scientific Practice View of Marx;试论马克思的科学实践观

2.The development of theories concerningscientific practice view and the harmonious relations between human and nature indicate the generation of Marxist environmental philosophy.异化史观下的自然观是马克思主义环境哲学形成的前奏,科学实践观的提出和人与自然和谐思想的创立标志着马克思主义环境哲学的生成,而自然价值论对马克思经济学思想的误读与现代性困境则构成了马克思主义环境哲学发展的曲折和现代境遇。

3.Deng Xiao-ping sscientific practice view played a very important role in the establishment of scientific development view and in the development of socialism in our country.邓小平坚持马克思主义的彻底的唯物实践观,并结合我国建设有中国特色社会主义的实际发展了这种科学实践观,体现了鲜明的时代特征和强烈的个性特色。

5)scientific concept of practice科学实践观

1.Therefore,to establish ascientific concept of practice and recognize thoroughly the complexity showed in the process of testing truth has become.全面科学实践观的构建,需要在制度建设以及长效监督控制机制建设上下功夫。

2.Marx\"s theory about the nature of people,all-round development of people andscientific concept of practice has become the important theoretical foundation and features of the performing psychology,and also has greatly affected generation and development of the performing psychology.马克思关于人的本质的论述、人的全面发展理论以及科学实践观成为表演心理学的重要理论基础与特征,并对其产生与发展有着极其重要的影响。

3.The paper,after investigating the history of concept of practice,focuses on analyzing Hegel\"s thought of practice and then points out that there are many valuable opinions in his views of practice,laying a foundation for the putting forward of Marxistscientific concept of practice.考察了实践观的历史发展,重点分析黑格尔的实践思想,指出黑格尔关于实践的论述中有许多有价值的见解,为马克思主义的科学实践观的提出奠定了基础,但他的实践观带有浓重的神秘主义与唯心主义的根本缺陷。

6)scientific Marxist viewpoint of practice科学实践观

1.The foundation ofscientific Marxist viewpoint of practice has solved the problems of historical epistemology.科学实践观的确立解决了历史认识论问题。

2.The foundation ofscientific Marxist viewpoint of practice has solved these problems.科学实践观的确立解决了历史价值论问题。


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