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场站 Station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-06 13:04:21


场站 Station英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on the Construction of Urban TransitStations;城市公共交通场站建设研究


1.Discussions on Experiences in The EasternStations Design;东部地区站场设计经验浅谈

2.Research on the planning of the surrounding area of city track station;关于城际轨道站场周边地区规划的研究

3.A current situation of highway freight transport station in Yunnan Province and development countermeasure;云南省公路货运站场现状及发展对策


1.geographical control panel按站场布置的控制盘

2.Analysis of Actual Measurement of Electromagnetic Environment of Substations in Chongqing Area重庆市典型变电站站场外工频电磁场实测分析

3.Investigation on Construction Technology and Security of Underpassing Metro Station Crossing Railway Ground;地铁车站下穿铁路站场施工技术与安全性研究

4.Research on Protection Schemes for Railway Station in Shield Construction盾构隧道下穿火车站站场保护方案的探讨

5.Specification for computation center fieldGB/T2887-1989计算站场地技术条件

6.Standard for quality inspection and assessment of railway station and yard construction铁路站场建筑工程质量检验评定标准

7.We crossed the brickyard, and stopped at the main dressing station.我们穿过砖场,在包扎站总站前停

8.If I were in you shoes.如果我站在你的立场

9.English Sentence365 12如果我站在你的立场上。

10.The experimental farm is near the waterpower station.实验农场在水电站附近。

11.Talking about the Aesthetical Significance of Reconstruction of Taiyuan Railway Station Square谈太原火车站站前广场改建的美学意义

12.Research on the Compound Character of Space and Environment of the Urban Railway Passenger Station s Front Sqare;城市铁路旅客站站前广场空间环境复合性研究

13.Pondering over the Tendering for the Airport Terminal Area Planning and Terminal Station关于机场航站区规划和航站楼投标的思考

14.On behalf of your train ambassador, welcome. This train will stop at Tsing Yi, Kowloon and Central, Hong Kong.欢迎各位搭乘机场快线列车前往青衣站、龙站和香港站。

15.The next station: Shuang Liu International Airport, end of the Airport Line.下一站:双流国际机场航空港,这是机场线的终点站。

16.When criticizing either others or oneself, one should do it from a Marxist point of view, not from a "Left" point of view.批评或自我批评都要站在马克思主义立场上,不能站在“左”的立场上。

17.Numerical Simulation of Welding Temperature Fields and Stress Fields of T91 Steel in Power Boilers;电站锅炉T91钢焊接温度场和应力场的数值模拟

18.Seismic Ground Motion Analysis of Shanghai Pudong Airport Site Considering the Effects of Spatial Correlation and Irregular Topography;浦东机场二期航站楼不规则场地的地震动分析



1.Discussions on Experiences in The EasternStations Design;东部地区站场设计经验浅谈

2.Research on the planning of the surrounding area of city track station;关于城际轨道站场周边地区规划的研究

3.A current situation of highway freight transport station in Yunnan Province and development countermeasure;云南省公路货运站场现状及发展对策

3)railway station站场

1.This paper mainly discusses the content,object and mechanism of group control of labour safety onrailway station,meanwhile,makes the evaluating model for the effect of mutual control,external control and safety infomation to labour safety.本文主要论述了铁路站场劳动安全联防联控的内涵、对象和运作机理,给出了互控、他控、安全信息对劳动安全作用的评价模型,探讨了联防联控有效运作的条


1.The paper has analyzed about actuality of road transportation stations in details firstly, then has summarized the developmental environment of road transportation stations.本文首先对我国道路运输站场发展状况及存在的问题进行了总结和概括,在分析和归纳道路运输站场发展环境的基础上,借鉴国外道路运输站场发展政策的成功经验上,确立了我国道路运输政策的目标、原则及方向,并从明确站场性质及地位、加强站场系统规划等方面提出了政策措施及建议,以确保道路运输站场能够得到有序的发展。

2.At present, the transit stations as basic facilities of transit have lack of constructing and management, which constraints the development of transit.公交站场作为公共交通的基础设施,是公交车辆停放、保养与维修的重要场所,对其布局规划进行研究,是优先发展公共交通,方便居民乘车,解决城市交通问题的重要内容。


1.Based on the research of railwayyard data while developing integrated dispatching system included organization of train operation,train control,security and alarm,this paper has brought forward the method and key arithmetic to establish railwayyard topological relationship data.分析了列车行车组织、列车控制、列车安全预警等综合调度平台运行所需的站场基础数据,提出铁路站场拓扑数据的建立方法、思路和关键算法,并参考铁路站场设备设置规范,使用地理信息系统(Geography Information System,GIS)技术,开发了相应的建立铁路站场拓扑数据的工具软件,利用此工具软件生成了铁路综合调度平台所需的站场拓扑数据。

2.Based on the background of railway in south of Malaysia and itsexisting technical conditions, combining with both domestic and overseas relevantrailway regulations and standards, in aspect of general rules, station design,siding track, turnout and temporary solution during construction, the papersuggests the design criteria for meter-gage railwayyard and with operation speedof 180km/h.分析马来西亚南部铁路背景及既有技术条件,结合国内外相关铁路规范和标准,对一般规定、车站设计、站线轨道及道岔、施工过渡措施等方面,提出列车时速180km的米轨铁路站场设计标准。

3.The railwayyard layout is a graphic abstract of station and is widelyutilized in the research fields such as computer simulation and linkage, etc.铁路站场配置图是车站的图形抽象,广泛应用于站场计算机仿真、联锁等研究领域。

6)station and yard站场

bining the preliminary study and design circumstances of high speed railways in China,it conducts valuable study on several problems corresponding tostation and yard of high speed railway that have not been conducted deep study at current stage.本文通过总结日本、德国等国家高速铁路建设、运输组织模式等方面的经验和教训 ,结合我国高速铁路的前期研究和设计情况 ,对现阶段尚未开展深入研究的几个高速铁路站场问题 ,如高速线与既有线车站的的衔接方式、高速铁路宜采用的运行模式、高速站标准平面布置图形及其适应范围等 ,进行地了有益的探讨 ,对京沪高速铁路站场设计进行了针对有关问题的归纳总结 ,可供在今后高速铁路的研究和设计中参考。

2.Research purposes:This paper mainly studies several key points about the design of high speed railwaystation and yard for the purpose of providing the technical criterions of turnout type,available length of receiving-departure track,high-speed railway andstation and yard type and so on.研究目的:针对高速铁路站场设计中几个关键问题进行研究,为高速铁路站场设计提供方案图型及到发线有效长、道岔类型等相关技术标准。


