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辞格 figures of speech英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-15 07:33:27


辞格 figures of speech英语短句 例句大全

辞格,figures of speech

1)figures of speech辞格

1.Figures of Speech Commonly Used in CommercialAdvertisement Writing;浅谈商业广告写作常用辞格

2.This article dis- cusses the mainfigures of speech of proper nouns.文章通过谐音、别解、趣释、比喻、借代、转类等辞格对专有名词的修辞作用进行了探讨。


1.Rhetonic has three types: Figure rhetoric, Cultural rhetoric and Philosophical rhetoric.辞格学可以有三种:修辞辞格学、文化辞格学和哲学辞格学。

2.A Study of the Figure Parallelism;英语Parallelism修辞格

3.Obtain a Precise Understanding by Rhetoric Styles--Examples of Sentences in Rhetoric Grammar;借助辞格 准确句读——利用辞格句读举要

4.A Constructional Approach to Transferred Epithet移就辞格的构式新解——辞格的认知研究

5.Three Topics on Speech Figures during the Cultural Revolution(1966-76);文革修辞格三题——文革修辞研究之十

6.Rhetorical Function of Onomatopoeia;英语拟声辞格的形式及文本修辞功能

7.The Methods of Constructing Understatement and Its Rhetorical Function;英语修辞格understatement的构造方法及修辞功能

8.On the Usage of Similarity-Difference Rhetoric and Differences between Same Synonyms;谈修辞中“同异”辞格与同义词的区别

9.A comparative study of Chinese rhetorical device" canhu;杨树达《中国修辞学》“参互”修辞格辨析

10.Rhetoric Cohesion and Coherence Rhetoric Function in Text修辞格在篇章中衔接连贯的修辞功能

11.What"s the figure of speech of the sentence?这句话用了什么修辞格?

12.On the Decoding of Hendiadys;英语修辞格“重言”(hendiadys)解码

13.English Figure of Speech-Metaphor Is Chinese Figure of Speech-Metaphor ?;英语辞格Metaphor是“暗喻”吗?

14.Malapropism: Origin, implication and translation;Malapropism辞格:词源、涵义与译名

15.Rhetorical Structure Hendiadys: Its understanding and application;Hendiadys修辞格的理解与运用

16.Syllepsis vs. Zeugma and their translation;Syllepsis和Zeugma辞格比较与翻译

17.Discussion of Similarities and Differences Between Antithesis and Its Chinese Counterpart;Antithesis与“对照”辞格异同初探

18.A comparative study of Syllepsis and Zeugma;英语辞格Syllepsis与Zeugma辨析


figure of speech辞格

1.Metaphor is the most frequently usedfigure of speech in both Chinese and English,but English metaphor does not exactly match Chinese metaphor(Biyu).比喻在英语和汉语中都是最常用的一种修辞手法,然而英语中并不存在与汉语"比喻"完全对应的辞格,双方在这一辞格的细分类上也存在不少差异。

2.There are three phenomena: a word with multiple figures of speech,a word coming from two figures of speech,and afigure of speech inside another one.本文以当代汉语新词语为考察对象,对修辞造词中一直为人们所忽略的多辞格并用现象:一词兼有多格、二格合为一词和格中有格等三种情况,进行了初步的考察和分析,并对其产生原因和研究意义作了说明。


1.The language style of uninhibitedness has following remarkable characteristics: rotund and sonorous voice,magnificent words and states, flexible syntax,variousrhetorics and majestic manner,which is opposite to the one of grace.豪放是和柔婉相对应的一种语言表现风格,豪放语言风格最突出的特点是:声音洪亮、铿锵有力;词语壮丽、境界广阔;句法灵活、豪迈奔放;辞格多样、气势磅礴。

2.This article tries to analyze it from the sound,type of sentence,rhetoric,paragraph and chapter,so as to explain the cause which Xiao Yao You can get through the ages.本文试从声音、句式、辞格、篇章等方面对《逍遥游》的语言特色做一分析,从而揭示其影响后世、流传千古的原因。

3.In daily use of the Chinese language,there exist deviations of cooperative principles,many of which are manifested inrhetoric forms.然而,在实际语言运用中,人们常可见到违反合作原则的言语现象,许多以汉语修辞格的方式体现出来。

4)rhetorical devices辞格

1."Pun" and "shuangguan" have long been regarded as two correspondingrhetorical devices,but they are in fact not equivalents."pun"和"双关"长期以来被视为英汉两种语言中对应的修辞格,事实上,这两种修辞格并非完全对等。

2.This paper explores into the theoretical basis of relevance by discussing the usage of fourrhetorical devices in collocation variation,namely metaphor,hypallage,zeugma and pun.本文通过隐喻、移就、轭式搭配和双关等辞格的表现,探讨关联理论对搭配变异修辞效果的理论支持和诠释。

5)rhetorical figures辞格

bined with specific advertisements,this paper probes into the use of some majorrhetorical figures in advertisement English and demonstrates the unique charm of advertisement language.辞格在广告英语中有重要作用,本文结合具体广告事例,探讨了广告英语中一些基本辞格的使用,展示了广告语言的独特魅力,并且分析了广告英语的翻译技巧,让目的语和原文达成形式和内容的对等,忠实再现辞格在目的语中的修辞效果。

2.The theory ofrhetorical figures has always been slow in maturity, their classification quite confusing, and their system in want of modification and perfection.辞格理论一直比较薄弱,辞格分类一直比较混乱,辞格系统一直没有很科学地建立起来。

6)Figure Rhetoric修辞辞格学


辞格1.诗文的格调或风格。 2.修辞学术语。指积极修辞的各种修辞格式。
