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完整 completeness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-27 03:49:47


完整 completeness英语短句 例句大全



1.The five principles of writing biomedical research papers in English is clarity, conciseness, correctness,completeness, and coherence.医学英文论文写作的五原则,即清楚(clarity)、精练(conciseness)、准确(cor-rectness)、完整(completeness)和前后一致(coherence)。

2.Structure is the most significant element among all the form elements since itscompleteness will impose a direct impact on the aesthetic expression of content.完整是文本内容和形式的审美追求,二者只有在审美高度上实现完整的融合,才会有佳作的诞生。

3.They are clarity,completeness, conciseness and consideration.商务写作有几个基本要求,即:清楚,完整,简明,体贴。


1.perfect or complete or pure.完全、完整或者纯净。

2."Analysis destroys wholes.“分析破坏完整性。

3.THE Comparison of Dynamical Equation About Holonomic Constraint and Nonholonomic Constraint;完整约束与非完整约束的动力学比较

4.Not an article was left entire.留下的东西无一完整。

5.an unreduced or unbroken completeness or totality.没有受损的完整状态。

6.The books arrived in good order.书籍寄到时完整无损。

7.His honor remained intact.他的名誉完整无损。

8.We will pleased to send you a complete range of samples.欣寄上一套完整的样品。

9.a quarter-hour TV package一刻钟的完整电视节目

10.integrity of fire main system消防总管系统完整性

11.The circle wanted to be whole,圆环想让自己保持完整,

12.structurally complete positive sample set结构完整的正样本集

plete schematic diagram总线路图,完整原理图

14.gate oxide integrity栅极氧化层的完整性

15.centralized data integrity集中式数据处理完整性

16.with which he succeeded in opening up the human skull把骨骼完整地分开了,

17.Now it could be whole,这下它终于完整了,

18.There is a wholeness about the person,这样的人是完整的,



1.Historical practice and logical reinforcement establish in Chinese thoughts the national passion forintegrity and unity which constitutes the national psychology,emotion and will.统一完整的国家观来自于"天","天意"、"天理"影响,"统则兴、不统则乱";历史实践和逻辑的强化,在中国人的思想里融入统一和整体的民族情结,成为民族心理、民族情感、民族意志的组成部分;这种完整统一国家观念也有直接的人本的原因。

2.Thomas Aquinas summarized the form ideas of ancient Greek and Middle Ages, and made a systematic exposition on the three elements of aesthetics (integrity, proportion and splendor).托马斯·阿奎那总结了古代和中世纪的形式观念,以亚里士多德的形式观念为基础,阐述了美的三要素(完整、比例、鲜明)说;现代新托马斯主义者马利坦、吉尔松复活了亚里士多德的形式观念,并且从存在论(最高的存在即上帝、纯形式)上论证了包括美和艺术在内的整个世界。

3.China drama is well known as a comprehensive art for its abstractive and stylize performance way contrary to itsintegrity and audience consciousness.中国戏剧作为一门综合艺术 ,其虚拟性和程式化表演方式是尽人皆知的 ,但完整性及观众意识 ,却鲜为人提及。


1.The author has suggested following three issues: Development and rcdcvelopmant, conservadon and rehabilitation,integration and equilibrium.指出城市更新应拓展为开发与再开发,保护与整治,完整与平衡三方面的含义,文中强调更新着重在城市整体结构的完整上,保护的意义也在于保护城市的历史文脉、民族传统、文化风俗和地方特色。


1.Join the individual movements together to form thecomplete movement of weight lifting on the basis of training each individual movement perfectly.试验表明,同传统的"先易后难"教学方法相比,采用"完整—分解—完整"教学法对少年运动员进行训练指导能取得较好的效果。




完整1.谓具有或保持着应有的部分,没有损坏或残缺。 2.指使完整。
