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混杂性 hybridity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-11 21:05:29


混杂性 hybridity英语短句 例句大全



1.Obviously,his cultural identity had the feature ofhybridity,and he could only mediate and coordinate between that two cultures in the cultural crack made by historical displac.由于历史和自身经验的原因,南非白人作家库切,面临着一种身份认同危机:从族裔上讲,他属于欧洲,但却对欧洲的意识予以抵制;他虽然同情非洲黑人的不幸,却又无法拥有和进入黑非洲的文化传统,他的文化身份具有明显的混杂性特征,他只能以中间人的身份在历史的移位造成的文化夹缝中进行调适和协商,以期能最终实现消除了种族差异的理想的南非国民身份。

2.Borrowing the termhybridity from postcolonial theory, this paper tries to make a tentative study of thehybridity of translation in terms of language and culture and argues thathybridity, which is a normal result of communication between two languages and cultures, reflects the nature of translation and builds a tension to promote the development of the target language and culture.本文借用后殖民理论的混杂性概念 ,从语言和文化两个方面探讨翻译的混杂性。

3.For instance,the notion that authenticity is possible in the 21st century is one of the main challenges of Ozeki’s novels,and she explores various notions abouthybridity in each,whether it is thehybridity of Jane Tagaki-Little and her mixed heritage in My Year of Meats or thehybridity of transgenic crops in All Over Creation.这两部小说向读者提出了一些实质性的问题,如21世纪的真实性、混杂性的问题(例如,《食肉之年》中简·小田垣及其杂糅的文化传统、《天下苍生》中的转基因农作物等)。


1.It has the characteristics of contradiction (mixture), motion, transcendence (morality).它具有矛盾性(混杂性)、运动性、超越性(道德性)特征。

2.Impact resistance behavior of layered hybrid fiber reinforced concrete层布式混杂纤维混凝土的抗冲击性能

3.Effects of fibrous brucite/polypropylene hybrid fibers on properties of concreteFB/PP混杂纤维对混凝土性能的影响

4.Hybrid effect of steel-polypropylene fiber on fracture property of high strength concrete钢-聚丙烯混杂纤维高强混凝土断裂性能的混杂效应

5.Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete;混杂纤维混凝土力学性能及耐久性能试验研究

6.Study on Crack and Freeze-thaw Resistance of Hybrid Fibers Reinforced High Performance Concrete;混杂纤维高性能混凝土抗裂和抗冻融性能研究

7.Effect of S-P hybrid fibers on long-term behaviors and durability of high-performance concreteS-P混杂纤维对混凝土长期性能与耐久性影响

8.Experimental Study on Flexural Performance of Layered Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete;层布式混杂纤维混凝土抗弯拉性能试验研究

9.Experimental Study on Glass Fiber Reinforced and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced High Performance Concrete;玻璃纤维及混杂纤维高性能混凝土的试验研究

10.Experimental Study on Bending Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthen by Hybrid Fiber;混杂纤维增强钢筋混凝土梁抗弯性能试验研究

11.Research on Mechanics Performance of Hybrid Fibres Concrete after High Temperature;混杂纤维混凝土高温后力学性能试验研究

12.Research of Flexural Capacity about RC Beam Reinforced with Hybrid Fiber Sheet;混杂纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁抗弯性能研究

13.Experimental Study on Flexural Fatigue Performance of Layer-Hybrid-Fiber-Reinforced-Concrete;层布式混杂纤维混凝土抗折疲劳性能试验研究

14.Research on Dynamic Response of Wavy Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete;混杂柔性纤维混凝土动力耗散机理研究

15.Research on Producing Plastic Lumber of Commingled Plastics by Heterosexual Blending Molding Technology混杂塑料异性混容制备聚合木技术研究

16.Testing Research on High Temperature and Carbonization of Hybrid Fiber Concrete混杂纤维混凝土高温和碳化性能试验研究

17.Testing study of high-strength and high performance hybrid fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete高强高性能混杂纤维轻骨料混凝土的试验研究

18.Seismic Behavior of RC Corroded Columns Strengthened With Hybrid FRP混杂FRP加固腐蚀混凝土柱抗震性能试验


Hybrid modification混杂改性


1.There is a 2 m thickmixtite between laterite and loess in Fengyi section of Lishi area.对离石丰义剖面红土与黄土之间发育的厚约 2 m的岩性混杂层从磁性地层、稳定同位素、天体撞击事件等方面进行了分析与探讨 ,初步认为 M/ Ga界限位于岩性混杂层中部 ,从 N2 红土到岩性混杂层 ,气候由干热向暖湿转变 ;由岩性混杂层到第四纪黄土 ,气候由暖湿向干冷转化 ;在岩性混杂层中发现有大量的强磁性微颗粒 ,可能为微玻璃陨石或铁质陨石 ,这可能意味着一次天体撞击事件的发生。

4)complexity of chaos混沌复杂性

5)mixed inheritance混杂遗传性

6)Polymer hybrid modification聚合物混杂改性


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
