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本真 authenticity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-14 03:58:01


本真 authenticity英语短句 例句大全



1.The present thesis aims at explicating the "authenticity" of Santiago s existence,through an existentialist reading of Hemingway s The Old Man and the Sea.本文试图从存在主义角度解读《老人与海》,旨在阐释主人公圣地亚哥的存在之“本真”。

2.John Fowles thinks deeply on the issues such as individualauthenticity, freedom, choice and independent existence.在这部作品中,福尔斯对个人本真、个人自由、个人选择和个人的独立生存等人类普遍关注的问题给予了深刻的思考,所以这部作品自问世以来,受到了世界各地读者和评论家的关注。

3.With the support of a close reading,the analysis of the various characters according to the three patterns of bad faith,the suggestion ofauthenticity as the sole virtue of true human existence, the elaboration on the parallel of the development from the solipsistic phase to the ref文章以小说中显现出来的存在主义向度为切入点,运用法国哲学家萨特关于自欺、本真等理论从一新的角度探讨了小说《土生子》的存在主义特征,以期对赖特小说和萨特存在主义理论的研究有所裨益。


1."Shading"and"Clarifying"--The True-self State and Non-self State of Education;“遮蔽”与“澄明”——教育的非本真状态与本真状态

2.The Quanzhen (entire true) means the natural true of all the physical, which is the Tao within the creation; the Tao is just the true.全真即全有形之物的本真,这个本真就是万物所蕴涵的道,道也就是真。

3.You have just enunciated a fundamental financial truth.你这话真是说出了金融界的一条基本真理。

4."On Practice" manifests the Marxist philosophy truly the candid spirit;《实践论》真正体现马克思主义哲学的本真精神

5.pure and original text(未经窜改的)真本

6.show one"s (true) colors露出真面目 [本性],说出真心话,吐露真言

7.This book is really boring stuff.这本书真是枯燥无味.

8.Innocence, Monsieur, is its own crown.先生,天真本身就是王冕。

9.Curious, fifteenth of the month too.真巧,又正是本月十五号。

10.reveal the true nature of.揭露出某物的真正本质。

11.Such is one sample of the earliest true men.这是最早的真人的标本。

12.That is the test of a real hero.这是真正英雄的本色。

13.That was a beautiful bit of paper, that was.那本子真不错,纸张很美。

e out in one"s true colors露出某人的真面目 [本性]

15.Analysis of Logical Truth and Actual Truth from the Standpoint of Essential Characteristics;从真理的本质特性看逻辑真理与事实真理

16.Cezanne,A Truly Realm in the Painting--From the Visual to the Soul;塞尚绘画的真实观:从表象真实到本质真实

17.I really like your new laptop computer. It"s very light!我真的喜欢你的新笔记本电脑。它真轻!

18.An exact copy or reproduction, as of a document.摹真摹真本或复制品,如文件的



1.He deeply thought over the question of human snature in his opus 《Wemen in France lientenant》.在他的作品《法国中尉的女人》中,福尔斯对人的本真的问题给予了深刻的思考。


1.Return totruth, simplicity and nature is the connotation of TAO s poems.向本真、淳朴、自然的人性回归,是陶诗回归主题的本质内涵。


1.Lady Chatterley: A Woman from Inauthenticity to Authenticity;从沉沦到本真的查泰莱夫人

2.Laozi advocated pristine andauthentic clothing concept which impacts profoundly on future generations and reflects its’ philosophical outlook.老子反对过多装饰,崇尚"质朴、本真"的服饰观,在后世产生了深远影响,并折射出其哲学观。


1.Candid and Disassimilation: A Paradox in "Being and Time";本真与异化:《存在与时间》中的一个悖论

6)the true copy真本

1.Lan Ting Kao by Sang Shi-chang and Lan Ting Xu Kao by Yu Song records howthe true copy of Lan Ting Xu was destroyed by Wen Tao when he excavated the mausoleum of Tang Tai-zong and how various imitated copies were passed down.唐人何延之的《兰亭记》是一篇对王羲之书写《兰亭序》的全过程,及此序尔后的收藏、传世、御命临摹、著录及后殉于唐太宗昭陵的有系统地记叙的信史,桑世昌《兰亭考》及俞松《兰亭续考,》记载了《兰亭序》真本为温韬发掘昭陵时所毁以及传世至今的临摹各本的来龙去脉。


本真1.犹正道,准则。 2.真实情况;本来面目。 3.犹天性,本性。 4.质朴。
