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突发性污染事件 the sudden pollution accident英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-16 18:14:40


突发性污染事件 the sudden pollution accident英语短句 例句大全

突发性污染事件,the sudden pollution accident

1)the sudden pollution accident突发性污染事件

1.Numerical model forthe sudden pollution accident in the lower of the Yellow River;黄河下游突发性污染事件数值模拟

2.At the same,the sudden pollution accident can be i.该求解方法具有守恒性好、算法简单、通用性强,在预测一般洪水及溃坝洪水波演进方面有较好的实用性,并能对黄河下游突发性污染事件进行初步模拟。

2)sudden environmental pollution incidents突发性环境污染事件

1.It is obvious that artificial compensation must be done to make it back to the original or desired state,for that,eliminating medium or long range influences on ecosystem which are brought about by thosesudden environmental pollution incidents.为了最大限度地消除突发性环境污染事件给生态环境造成的中、长期影响,就必须对其进行人工补偿,使其恢复到原来或所期望的状态。


1.Research on Sudden Environmental Pollution Accidents for Compensation Strategies of Ecological Damage突发性环境污染事件的应对及补偿策略研究


3.On the Environmental Information Publicity of Sudden Environmtnal Pullution Event;突发性环境污染事件中的环境信息公开问题研究

4.Environmental Risk Assessment and Management of Sudden Air Pollution Accident突发性大气污染事件的环境风险评估与管理

5.Study on Preliminary for Water Environment Operation and Accidental Water Pollution Management of Liuhe District;六合区水环境调度预案与突发性水污染事件管理预案研究

6.Emergency Support Systems of Unexpected Water Environmental Pollution Based on GIS基于GIS的突发性水环境污染事件应急保障系统研究

7.Emergency Mechanism of Sudden Pollution of the Marine Environment突发海洋环境污染事件应急机制法律问题研究

8.Analysis of risk and emergency countermeasures for pollution eventualities区域突发环境污染事件风险与应急对策

9.Study on Risk Prevention of Environmental Pollution Accidents in Fu Zhou City;福州市突发性环境污染事故风险防范研究

10.Study of Emergency Monitoring Plan of Sudden Environmental Pollution Accident;突发性环境污染事故应急监测预案的研究

11.Research on Legal Policy of Preventing Environmental Pollution Emergency;预防突发性环境污染事故的法律对策研究

12.The Criminal and Civil Responsibility of Sudden Water Pollution Accident;突发性水环境污染事故法律责任追究探析

13.Consideration of Paroxysmal Pollution in Water Exigent Monitoring;对突发性水环境污染事故应急监测的思考

14.Improvement of Emergency Legislation of Accidental Pollution in China;论中国突发性环境污染事故应急立法的完善

15.The Development of Emergency Management System for Environmental Pollution Accidents突发性环境污染事故应急管理系统研究进展

16.Study on Emergency System of Environmental Pollution Accidents of Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省突发性环境污染事故应急系统的研究

17.Discussion on Improvement of Ability for Emergency Environmental Pollution Disposal提升应对突发性环境污染事故处置能力的思考

18.Design and Application of Emergency Dealing and Response of Sudden Environment Pollution Accident System突发性环境污染事故应急处理系统设计与应用


sudden environmental pollution incidents突发性环境污染事件

1.It is obvious that artificial compensation must be done to make it back to the original or desired state,for that,eliminating medium or long range influences on ecosystem which are brought about by thosesudden environmental pollution incidents.为了最大限度地消除突发性环境污染事件给生态环境造成的中、长期影响,就必须对其进行人工补偿,使其恢复到原来或所期望的状态。

3)sudden water pollution accident突发性水污染事件

1.Our country has taken place severalsudden water pollution accidents in recent years.近年来,我国发生了多起突发性水污染事件,造成了严重的生态灾难。

4)sudden air pollution accident突发性大气污染事件

5)pollution incident突发污染事件

1.This paper introduces the concept and characteristics of waterpollution incident in drinking water source area and its meaning for safe drinking water supply and city security.阐述了水源地突发污染事件的概念、特点及其对于供水安全和城市经济社会系统安全运行的重要意义。

2.The emergent response processes in four steps of before,happening of,during and afterpollution incident in drinking water source were analyzed.分析了饮用水源突发污染事件的"事先、事发、事中、事后"4个阶段的应急反应过程,初步探讨了饮用水源突发污染事件的应急预案编制方法及应急机制设置方式,提出了"应急中心—附属组织"式的应急机制,可供我国建立和完善饮用水源突发污染事件应急管理体系时参考。

6)pollution emergent accident污染突发事件


