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分叉现象 bifurcation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-18 13:32:15


分叉现象 bifurcation英语短句 例句大全



1.It is very interesting that there isbifurcation in this kind flow.与Parr和McGuirk的试验资料进行了对比、两者吻合较好,进而给出温度和速度的沿程变化规律以及浮力射流的分叉现象。


1.Study of Bifurcation Behavior and Its Control in Boost Converter;升压型变换器中的分叉现象及其控制研究

2.Exploration of the Closed Orbits and Its Bifurcation of the Electric Particle in the Electric and Magnetic Fields with any Orientation带电粒子在成任意夹角的电场和磁场中的闭合轨道及其分叉现象研究

3.An Analytic and Regulatory Framework on Shares Cross-holding交叉持股现象的分析框架与规范思路

4.Pitch-fork bifurcation of Lorenz-like SystemLorenz-like系统的叉形分支现象

5.Analysis of Bifurcation and Chaos Phenomena in Power Systems Based on Matlab/Simulink基于Matlab/Simulink研究电力系统的分叉与混沌现象

6.Study of Bifurcation, Chaos Behavior and Its Chaotic Control in Buck Converter;Buck型变换器中的分叉与混沌现象及其混沌控制研究

7.A tentative Talk on "Overlap" of Underground Criminal Investigation and Temptation Investigation;卧底侦查与诱惑侦查的“交叉现象”探微

8.A Study on Pragmatic Vagueness in Cross-examination;交叉质询的语用含糊现象及功能解析

9.Legal Thoughts on the Phenomenon of Living Organ Transplantation关于器官“交叉移植”现象的法律解读

10.The state of being divergent.叉开被分叉(叉开)的状态

11.Co-relationship of the Conjunctions for Selective Complex Sentences and Hypothesis Complex Sentences;选择复句和假设复句关联词交叉现象略谈

12.On Crossover Transfer Phenomenon and Common-Mode Rejection Characteristics of Practical Differential Amplifier实际差放的交叉转换现象与共模抑制特性

13.Object-Oriented Design and Implementation of Quadtree Pyramid Terrain Model四叉树地形金字塔模型面向对象的设计与实现

14.To lift or toss with or as if with a pitchfork.用干草叉叉用或象是用干草叉叉起或翻动

15.MRI Diagnosis and Evaluation with Multiple Signs of Tears of Anterior Cruciate Ligament膝关节前交叉韧带损伤的MRI诊断及多征象分析

16.A forked device or part.分叉装置,分叉部分

17.The Definition of Modern Interdisciplinary and the Analysis of the Relative Models;现代交叉科学的概念界定及例证分析

18.A Research on the mode of interdisciplinarity for development in modern sciences --A theoretical analysis framework of the mode of interdisciplinarity;现代科学发展学科交叉模式探析——一种学科交叉模式的分析框架


bifurcation phenomena频率分叉现象

1.Secondly,how to choose the switching frequency whenbifurcation phenomena occurs is analyzed,besides,the transfer capability is also analyz.其次,分析了发生频率分叉现象时工作频率该如何选择,并利用反映阻抗的概念分析了变换器的功率传输能力。

3)" overlap"交叉现象

1.Practically,the" overlap" between underground criminal investigation and temptation investigation happens frequently,which put forward new questions to the academic circles.实践中,卧底侦查和诱惑侦查的"交叉现象"频繁出现,这给学界探讨卧底侦查和诱惑侦查提出了新的问题。

4)multiplicity/static bifurcation多态现象/静态分叉

5)style crossover文体交叉现象

1.Objectively,style crossover is the dynamic and evolutionary result of merging and penetration among different styles.古代文体交叉现象,是指两种文体在外延上的部分迭合。

6)potential energy surfaces crossing势能面交叉现象


