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承包 contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-13 12:52:14


承包 contract英语短句 例句大全



1.Safety Management Should Be Strengthened After the Tank Truck Been Contracted;油罐汽车承包后应强化安全管理

2.Discussion on international engineeringcontract management;国际工程承包合同管理探讨

3.Exploration and Experience about Contracting Signal Equipment Maintenance at small station;小站信号设备承包的探索与体会


1.In case a contractor deceases during the term of a contract, the successor of the deceased contractor may continue the contract.承包人在承包期内死亡的,该承包人的继承人可以继续承包。

2.sub-contract award再承包合同, 分包合同

3.form of international contracting and subcontracting国际承包和分包形式

4.The contraced term for operation is to be agreed upon in the land use contracts.土地承包经营的期限由承包合同约定。

5.Risk Analysis of Contractor under EPC General Contracting Model;EPC总承包模式下承包商的风险性分析

6.International Market for Contracted Projects and the Trend of Contracting Workin;国际工程承包市场与承包工程新趋势

7.Contracting by an individual, if permitted by law to be continued by the successor, shall be treated in accordance with the terms of the contract.个人承包,依照法律允许由继承人继续承包的,按照承包合同办理。

8.A sub-contractor is prohibited from further sub-contracting its contracted work.禁止分包单位将其承包的工程再分包。

9.Within the term of the contracted rehabilitation, if a contractor dies, his or her successor(s) may, in accordance with the agreements stipulated in the contract, continue to undertake the contract.在承包治理合同有效期内,承包人死亡时,继承人可以依照承包治理合同的约定继续承包。

10.someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things.承包建筑的人(人或公司)。

11.Failure by Contractor to Submit Drawings承包商未能提交图纸

12.demolition contractors做拆除工作的承包者.

13.sprinkler contractor service喷水灭火装置承包服务

14.owner contractor agreement所有人和承包人合同

15.AGC (Associated General Contractors of America)美国通用承包商协会

16.withdraw a Bid撤消投标,撤消承包

17.In agriculture I favour the system of contracted responsibility for larger tracts of land.农业搞承包大户我赞成,

18.They bid on the new building.他们投标承包新楼房。



1.Influence of Overall Design-constructionContracting Tender on Projects;设计-施工总承包招标对工程项目的影响

2.On fund management for international engineering contracting projects浅析国际工程承包项目中的资金管理

3)Sub-area Contract区块承包

4)directly signed contract单项承包

5)general contract总承包

1.The cost control ofgeneral contract in the FGD project of coal-fired power plant;火电厂烟气脱硫工程总承包的造价控制

2.Analysis on the questions frequently encountered ingeneral contract project in institute of industrial design;工业设计院总承包项目中常见问题分析

3.On Industry Innovation from the Prospect of the General Contracting of Landscape Projects;从园林景观总承包的前景看行业创新


1.Views on HSE management oncontractors.;浅谈对基建承包商的HSE管理

2.How to deal with project amount listing price risks for thecontractors;承包商如何应对工程量清单计价风险

3.The Risking Research of Contractors in Engineering Construction Bidding Stage;工程施工招投标阶段承包商的风险研究


