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法度 law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-25 19:19:50


法度 law英语短句 例句大全




1.My soul has kept your unchanging word; great is my love for it.我心里守了你的法度。这法度我甚喜爱。

2.FP(flame photometry)火焰光度[测定]法

3.fiscal leverage measure“财税杠杆”测度法

4.Government of India Act (1935)印度政府法案(1935)

5.contrast variation对比(度)变换(法)

6.nephelometry and turbidimetry浊度测定法和比浊法

7.testing method for fineness of cotton fibers:micronaire method棉纤维细度测定法:micronaire法

8.CLA=Centre Line Average (Methd)平均高度法,算术平均法

9.serial anticipation method序列预测法 序列预度法

10.a dogmatic attitude, approach, view, etc武断的态度、 方法、 看法等

11.determination of flexural stiffness of fabrics:flexometer method织物弯曲硬挺度的测定法: 挠度计法

12.paper-determination of stiffness by clark stiffness tester克拉克挺度法测定纸的挺度测定法

13.New Way to Quantify and Measure Program Complexity--Improved McCabe Method程序复杂程度定量量度新法——改进McCabe法

14.Rule of law opposing over-interpretation: On limit of legal interpretation;法治反对过度解释:论法律解释的限度

15.Mana Va-Dharma-Sastralois de Manou and legalization of the Ancient India Marriage System;《摩奴法典》与古印度婚姻制度法律化

16.Legal Institutions,Extra-Legal Institutions and Financial Governance Efficiency法律制度、法律外制度与财务治理效率

17.A law court or system of law courts;a judiciary.司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度;司法系统,司法部

18.A secular law, rule, or code of law.世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典


temperature gradient method温度梯度法

1.Tabular gem-grade diamond crystal synthesized withtemperature gradient method at HPHT;高温高压温度梯度法合成板状宝石级金刚石单晶

2.When growing large diamond crystals bytemperature gradient method under high temperature and high pressure,if all the diffused carbon source from higher temperature region cannot be absorbed by the seed crystals,the different present forms of superfluous carbon source,regrown graphite or diamond nuclei,would have great effects on the growth process of large diamond crystals.温度梯度法生长宝石级金刚石单晶过程中,当籽晶无法完全吸收由高温端扩散下来的碳源时,多余碳源的不同析出形式(再结晶石墨或者自发核)对晶体生长速度有明显的影响。

3.Large synthetic diamond was grown bytemperature gradient method(TGM) under HPHT.用高温高压温度梯度法作为实验手段来生长优质宝石级金刚石单晶。

3)temperature gradient technique温度梯度法

1.(001) γ-LiAlO_2 plates grown bytemperature gradient technique (TGT) have been annealed in Li-rich and O_2 atmosphere at 1100 /70 h.研究了温度梯度法生长的γ-LiAlO2晶体在1100℃下富Li气氛和空气中退火处理后的表面形貌、表面结构以及吸收光谱。

2.Transparent and integrate calcium fluoride crystals, 75mm in diameter, were grown bytemperature gradient technique (TGT) .用温度梯度法成功生长了直径75mm、完整、透明的氟化钙晶体,对晶体进行了TG-DTA测试分析,确定了其熔点为1413。

3.The growth of LiGaO 2 bytemperature gradient technique (TGT) is reported.以温度梯度法生长LiGaO2 晶体 ,通过形貌观察、X射线衍射分析和X射线光电子能谱分析确认在样品的中部形成了单一相的LiGaO2 晶体。

4)density gradient column method密度梯度法

5)temperature gradient technique (TGT)温度梯度法

1.This paper studied the inclusion in the calcium fluoride crystals grown by temperature gradient technique (TGT).本文对温度梯度法生长的氟化钙(CaF2)晶体中的包裹物进行了研究,用光学显微镜和SEM观察了包裹物的形貌,对晶体中的包裹物和透明部分作了微区EDX成分分析,对包裹物所含的杂质进行了解释,提出了减小或消除包裹物的措施。

2.A transparent γ-LiAlO_2 crystal has been grown by temperature gradient technique (TGT).利用温度梯度法生长出了透明的γ LiAlO2 单晶 ,通过扫描电镜和X射线薄膜衍射分析了不同退火气氛对所切得的 ( 0 0 1 )晶片表面结构的影响。


1.Susceptibility of Fluconazole to 8 Fungi Species by Disk Diffusion andEtest for Application in the Routine Laboratory;纸片真菌药敏法与浓度梯度法检测氟康唑对8种酵母样真菌的敏感性

2.MethodsEtest method was used to test the in vitro susceptibilities of itroconazole,voriconazole,caspofungi,and amphoteriin B against aspergillus fumigatus,A.方法采用浓度梯度法(etest)测试伊曲康唑、伏立康唑、卡泊芬净和两性霉素B对中国协和医科大学北京协和医院-12-01~-07-30的临床分离菌株82株(包括烟曲霉,黄曲霉,黑曲霉,土曲霉,构巢曲霉等)丝状真菌的体外敏感性。


