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落后 backward英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-21 20:43:36


落后 backward英语短句 例句大全



1.The article analyses the cause ofbackward of 1500m race from match, body pattern, physical quality and training among the decathlon.文章从比赛、身体形态、专项身体素质和训练4个方面,分析其落后的原因,认为项目速度力量的专项因素是决定1500m跑成绩落后的主要因素。

2.Consequently, the negative effects brought bybackward education were presented in many aspects, such as the disorder of society, increasing criminals,backward agriculture production technique and obstinate and benighted social customs.20世纪上半期的苏北农村教育相对滞后,导致其产生的原因主要有社会与教育界自身两大因素,而教育落后对苏北社会所产生的不利影响则表现在乡村社会秩序紊乱、匪化现象严重,农业生产技术落后,愚昧、落后的社会习俗依旧盛行等方面。

3.Some of these viewpoints arebackward and blackguard but others are progressive.本文从女性崇拜文化母题的演变角度, 分析了《西游记》所反映的妇女观, 既有其落后庸俗的一面, 也有其进步的一面; 既有对半原始男性优越意识的批判, 也有对男性文化原形题旨的继


1.All beat her-because of her backwardness, because of her military backwardness, cultural backwardness, political backwardness, industrial backwardness, agricultural back wardness.谁都能打垮它--因为它落后,军事落后,文化落后,政治落后,工业落后,农业落后。

2.Never fall behind, keep up!不要落后,要跟上!

3.The act, process, or condition of lagging.落后落后的动作、进程或状况

4.We cannot reconcile ourselves to lagging behind others;if we do, we will not survive.谁也不能安于落后,落后就不能生存。

5.Both countries were backward, China even more so.两个国家都落后,中国则更落后。

6.We must recognize our backwardness, because only such recognition offers hope.要承认落后,承认落后就有希望了。

7.Don"t drop behind in your work.在工作上不要落后。

8.France has fallen behind in coal production.法国在产煤方面落后了.

9.He lags the others in the race.他在竞赛中落后于他人。

10.old-fashioned fossilized attitudes落后的、 固定不变的看法.

11.And those who fall behind get beaten.落后的人就会被打败。

12.trailing by two goals to one at half-time上半场以二比一落后

13.You are altogether backward, and below the mark.你完全落后了,不及格。

14.Illness kept him behind in his school work他患病使功课落后了。

15.A later period or time晚期,后期,衰落期

16.Down and down fell Tom Thumb, till at last he struck the water.大姆指汤姆落呀、落呀,直到最后溅落到水面。

17.When he finished his recitation, there was a spatter of applause.他朗诵完了以后,有阵稀稀落落的掌声。

18.The second team tailed off behind.第二队零零落落地跟在后面。



1.On the Backwardness of the chinese Science and Technology in Modern Times;近代中国科学技术落后的思考

2.Another source of modern China s technologicalbackwardness is the characteristics of traditional science and technology;传统科技特点:中国近代科技落后根源的另一视角

3.Cause Analysis of Backwardness of Higher Vocational Education in Xinjiang;新疆高职教育落后原因分析


1.The Cause of TheLag in China s Net Search and Countermeasures Against It;我国网络信息检索落后的原因与对策

2.The model of "lag-alteration" in novels of the liberation area was brightly incarnated imperative effect of revolutionary ideology.解放区小说中的“落后-改造”模式鲜明地体现了革命意识形态的规范作用。

3.There were some reasons why the empire had gone to decline as follow:founding a state by the military so as to its foundation being unstable; studying from the west being an action of catching up with and surpassing something equidistantly; culture and education lagging behind and lacking the delayed effe.帝国之走向衰落的原因是:靠军事立国,大厦根基不稳;向西方学习,是一种等距离赶超;文化教育落后,缺乏发展后劲;专制官僚制度日益腐败,问题严重积重难返;调节机制不良,后期改革拾级而下。


1.In this paper,negative impacts to steel industry development in China bydisqualified production capacity and why it s difficult to eliminate are analyzed.分析了落后产能给钢铁行业发展带来的严重恶果、落后产能难以淘汰的原因,指出了加快淘汰落后钢铁产能的必要性、途径和措施。

2.In this paper,negative impacts to steel industry development in China bydisqualified production capacity and why it s difficult to eliminate are analysed.本文分析了落后产能给钢铁行业发展带来的严重恶果、落后产能难以淘汰的原因,指出了加快淘汰落后钢铁产能的必要性、途径和措施。

5)backnard tribes落后部落

6)mental retardation智力落后

1.The Research on Mental Health Education for Students with Mental Retardation Learning in Regular Classroom;随班就读智力落后学生心理健康教育问题研究

2.Researchers have long focused on the adaptive behavior,quality of life,dual diagnosis,personality motivation and families of persons withmental retardation,but failed to address virtue and well-being.现有的大量关于智力落后研究都集中在适应行为、生活质量、双重诊断、个性动机和家庭等领域,很少涉及幸福感、美德等。

3.There was a lot of debate on the causes ofmental retardation.智力落后的成因历来存在争论。


落后1.在行进中落在同行者后面。 2.不如人。 3.迟慢;拖延。 4.怠慢。 5.指处于较低的发展水平上。 6.犹后来,最后。
