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工具主义 instrumentalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-04 00:09:27


工具主义 instrumentalism英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of Daniel Dennett s Intentional Instrumentalism;丹尼尔·丹尼特的意向工具主义评析

2.The theory of meaning is one of Dewey sinstrumentalism,he studied meaning in the view of cognizing object on the basic of his Pragmatism,and he understood the problem of meaning through method of Naturalism and behaviorism,so he thought meaning was an instrument of cognition.意义理论是杜威工具主义的组成部分,他立足于其实用主义,从认知对象的维度,应用自然主义的方法,借助于行为主义来诠释意义问题,将意义视为认知的一种工具。

3.Daniel Dennett s intentionalinstrumentalism has the great effects in contemporary philosophy of mind.丹尼特的意向工具主义思想在当代西方心灵哲学中有着广泛而深刻的影响力。


1.Propertism or instrumentialism:probe into A Philosophy of Intellectual Property;独占主义抑或工具主义——《知识产权哲学》探微

2.An advocate or a student of instrumentalism.工具主义的支持者或门徒

3.management development instrumental view管理发展的工具主义观点

4.Analysis of Daniel Dennett s Intentional Instrumentalism;丹尼尔·丹尼特的意向工具主义评析

5.Analyzing the influence of the law instrumentalism to the belief in law;浅析法律工具主义对法律信仰的影响

6.On the Research Paradigm of the Instrumentalism of Western Art Education论西方艺术教育的工具主义研究范式

7.An Approach to John Dewey’s (1989-1952) Instrumentalist Ethics in a Change from Practical Rationalism to Instrumental Rationalism实践理性向工具理性的蜕变——杜威工具主义伦理观探析

8.A pragmatic theory that ideas are instruments that function as guides of action, their validity being determined by the success of the action.工具主义一种实用主义理论,认为思想是指导行为的工具,行为的成功证明其手段合理

9.Instrumentalist Scientific and Technological Value and the Modernization of Military Technology in Late Qing Dynasty;工具主义科技价值观与晚清军事技术近代化

10.a witting tool of the Communists.共产主义的自觉工具。

11.It was only a tool of imperialism for pushing neo-colonialism.它只是帝国主义推行新殖民主义的工具。

12.The Research on Semantic Analysis Tools Based on Theme-Interview;基于主题会话的语义分析工具的研制

13.On the Instrumental-rationality Characteristic of Technical Design in Traditional Engineering;试论工程主义传统中技术设计的工具理性特征

14.We entered the ethical process through an introduction to the main instruments of ethical analysis-the utilitarian and deontological approaches.前文我们介绍了主要的伦理分析工具——实用主义和道义法,

15.Analytical Tools of Social Constructivism and Their Significance for Social Engineering Study;社会建构主义的分析工具及其对社会工程研究的意义

16.Google is a capitalist tooland a useful oneGoogle是一个资本主义的工具——也是一个有用的东西。

17.And local nationalism has become a tool in the struggle for party interests.地方民族主义成为党派利益斗争的工具。

18.On the Policy Tools-Choice to the Construction of New Socialist Countryside;社会主义新农村建设中的政策工具选择


the traditional tools of criminal law工具主义刑法观

1.The root cause of the conviction of Xu-Ting is the biased operation ofthe traditional tools of criminal law."许霆案"有罪判决的根源在于传统工具主义刑法观偏颇运行。

3)instrumental rationalism工具理性主义

4)moral instrumentalism道德工具主义

1.Horkheimer opposedmoral instrumentalism created by capitalism,combating its invention of facts,the growth of falsity and hypocrisy,as well as both the degeneration and the weakness of human nature induced by those.霍克海默反对资本主义制造的道德工具主义,反对工具理性编造事实、制造虚假、滋生虚伪和所导致的人性的堕落与软弱;认为传统父系家庭结构的解体,家长权威的急剧减弱、婚姻原有功能的丧失、以及新型家庭悲剧将越来越少,将是一个不可逆转的趋势。

5)legal instrumentalism法律工具主义

1.The (possible) costs of the theory islegal instrumentalism, political authoritarianism or even totalitarianism.这种理论的(可能)代价是法律工具主义、政治威权主义甚或极权主义;这种规范整合的理论限度是其效果与社会规模和复杂程度成反比,谋求实质性判准的文化整合也不符合后形而上时代社会复杂化、多元化和理性情境化的需要。

2.But because of the influence of historical background,cultural tradition and social realities ,his ideology is characterized bylegal instrumentalism, can t break away from the influence of rule of man completely, whi.但是 ,由于历史背景、文化传统和社会现实等因素的影响 ,他的法治思想带有明显的法律工具主义色彩 ,没有完全摆脱人治的影响。

6)procedure instrumentalism程序工具主义

1.Process value theory undergoes a transition fromprocedure instrumentalism theory to procedure departmentalism theory.程序价值理论经过了由程序工具主义向本位主义的过渡,越来越多的学者关注于程序的内在价值,但尚未对其中的个别价值进行过详细论述和系统研究。


