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表述 expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-16 23:14:14


表述 expression英语短句 例句大全



1.Architectural tradition:transmission,transformation and modernexpression;建筑传统:传承、转化与当代表述

2.Two sections,such as the measure taken and theexpressions used and the degree of the introduction to food,are taken to discuss the problems above-mentioned with some existing examples.多年以来,我国食品外包装的成分说明往往存在一定的问题:比如,某些食品包装说明上所列出的各种组成部分的重量,其总和要大于这种食品自身的重量;某些食品包装的说明文字,对包括重要组成成分在内的一些关键内容语焉不详;结合若干实例,对上述问题分两部分进行了探讨:组成成分的计量和表述,与食品文字说明的详略程度问题;在指出问题的同时,进而分析了解决问题的办法。

3.It offers modern scientificexpression of the five fundamental elements in the basic theory of TCM.对中医基础理论中的阴阳平衡、阴阳、气、经络及思维的物质性等 ,在现代科学物质观及系统论方法上进行了讨论 ,给出了中医基础理论中上述五个基本概念的现代科学表述。


1.On the Bottom Expression and Female s Expression in FangFang s Novels;论方方小说中的底层表述与女性表述

2.To express in systematic terms or concepts.用公式表述或简述用系统的概念或术语阐述

3.Now the condition of the above-written Guarantee is such that兹将上述书面保证的条件表述如下:

4.He had great powers of lucid exposition.他具有清晰的表述能力。

5.A vivid description or representation.描绘生动的描绘或表述

6.She is diffident about expressing her opinions.她怯于表述自己的意见。

7.On the Narrating Crises of Anthropology from the Point of Representation;从“Representation”看人类学“表述危机”

8.Try Talking about the Accurate Statement of the Chinese Course Outline of High School with Stating Fuzzily;试论高中语文课程纲要的精确表述与模糊表述

9.The Politics of Heritage:The Relation between Expression and the Expressed in the Modern Context;遗产政治学:现代语境中的表述与被表述关系

10.A system of shorthand based on phonetic transcription.表音速记法基于语音表述的速记方法

11.Eco culture has two representative opinions.“生态文化”的表述,有两类代表性的认识。

12.Let us restate the assertions above as a theorem.我们把上述的断言重新表述为一个定理。

13.A false representation is a statement of fact that is untrue.虚假陈述是对不真实事实作的一种表述。

14.Expression of experience and description of vision: Different views of Chinese painting and western painting;经验表述与视觉描述——论中西绘画的不同观念

15.The automatic translation from one representation to another. The translation may involve codes, languages, or other systems of representation.将一种表述自动翻译成另一种表述,所翻译的内容可以是代码、语言或其它表述系统。

16.Primary Chinese as Second Language Textbooks Language Points Reviewing and Multimedia Expressing Research;初级汉语教材语言点表述考察及多媒体表述研究

17.Integrated Picture of Africa in Self-Expression and Others" Expression--On the Perspectives and Methods of Africa Studies自我表述与他者表述整合的非洲图景——兼论非洲研究的视角与方法

18.An affirmative statement or vote.肯定的陈述肯定的陈述或表示赞成



1.It has manyrepresentations on the three basic laws of thermodynamics, but their presuppositions are often conclusions under the positive temperature and the isolated system.热力学三个基本定律的表述繁多 ,但其前提常常是正温度条件下孤立系统的结论 ,鲜见有关于负温度系统下的有关表述 。

2.In order to imitate human beings′ intelligence,AI breaks through logic definition about formalization,developing the new models ofrepresentation and algorithm.为了模拟人的智能 ,人工智能的形式化突破了逻辑的限定 ,在表述和算法上发展出自成特色的模式 ,但是与自然语言和日常推理相比仍有很大局限性。

3.The transplantation and re-presentation of the words, therepresentation modes of texts and power of discourse of one language into another through translation reveals the unsymmetrical relationship between two languages.词语、文本的表述模式和话语权力随着翻译在另一种语言中得以移植和再现 ,这一过程深刻揭示了不同语言间不对称的权力关系。


1.As a special civil subject,merchant has taken up the core position in commercial law system,there are differentstatements of the concept of merchant in different country,we should learn advanced legisilation from foreign country and have the Chinese characteristicsstatements of the concept of merchant in《The General Principles of Commercial Law》.商人作为一种特殊的民事主体,在商法体系中具有核心的地位,不同国家对商人概念的表述有所不同,我国《商事通则》应该在商人条件、范围开放的基础上表述商人概念。

2.With the development of Mazu s cultural tour,tourists involvement,planning and packaging of the tourist enterprise,thestatement of modern goods appears gradually in the Mazu s folk culture.随着妈祖文化旅游的发展、旅游者的介入、旅游企业的策划和包装,莆田妈祖民俗文化的表述逐渐出现商品化的倾向。

3.The function idea of Ming dynasty s sentimental novels is mostly reflected by the authors writing inclinations,while it is embodied from the novel theorists theoreticalstatements.明代言情小说功用思想主要从小说家的创作倾向中反映出来 ,同时也体现在小说理论家的理论表述上。


1.Formation andFormulation of Idea of Running a Modern University;现代大学办学理念的形成与表述


6)declarative expression表述性表达


