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生物碱 Alkaloid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-17 04:24:20


生物碱 Alkaloid英语短句 例句大全



1.Optimization of the Extracting Technique ofAlkaloid from Cactus;仙人掌中提取生物碱工艺的优化

2.Separation and preparation of alkaloid derived from the hull of water chestnut by high performance preparative liquid chromatography;高效制备液相色谱法分离制备菱角壳中的生物碱

3.Study on the optimal technical extraction of totalAlkaloid from Sophora alopecuroides L.;苦豆子总生物碱提取工艺的优化研究


1.poisonous crystalline alkaloid occurring with ephedrine and isomorphic with it.有毒的晶状生物碱,与麻黄碱共生、同形。

2.An alkaloid that is the active component of curare.筒箭毒碱作为箭毒活跃成分的生物碱

3.Qualitative and quantitative analyses of 13 constituents of alkaloids from Sophora alopecuroides by GC-MSGC-MS分析苦豆子总碱中的13种生物碱

4.aliphatic amine alkaloid脂(肪)族胺(类)生物碱

5.angostura alkaloids安哥斯吐那生物碱类

6.tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloid四氢异喹啉类生物碱

7.bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid双苄基异喹啉类生物碱

8.alkaloid battery special electrifier生物碱电池专用充电机

9.indolylalkylamine alkaloid吲哚基烷基胺类生物碱

10.Synthesis of Subincanadines Alkaloid;Subincanadines生物碱的合成研究

11.Conclusion? Alkaloid salt possesses better effect on lowering blood lipid than alkaloid.[结论]荷叶生物碱盐组的降血脂作用强于生物碱。

12.Relationship of nicotine conversion rate with individual alkaloid contents and Anat/Nnic in burley tobacco白肋烟烟碱转化率与生物碱含量及新烟草碱/降烟碱值的关系

13.Extraction of Matrine-type Alkaloids and Purification of Oxymatrine;苦参生物碱的提取及氧化苦参碱的纯化

14.Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Protoberberine Alkaloids on the Mechanism of Multiple Activities;原小檗碱类生物碱作用差异的机理研究

15.Structures of Protoberberine Type Alkaloids in Coptis黄连中原小檗碱型生物碱分子构型和结构研究

16.An alkaloidal extract or tincture derived from this plant and used in medicine.颠茄碱从此种植物中提取的一种生物碱提取物或酊剂,用在药物中

17.Study the alkaloids in aconitum plants by RP-HPLC;乌头属植物生物碱高效液相色谱研究

18.Affection of Thunberg Fritillary bulb omni-alkaloids on Pharmacokinetic of Aconite Alkaloids in Rabbit浙贝母总生物碱对乌头生物碱在兔体内药动学的影响



1.Study on extraction conditions of flavonoids andalkaloids from mistletoe;槲寄生中黄酮及生物碱的提取研究

2.Extraction and analysis ofalkaloids in tobacco:a review;烟草中生物碱的提取和分析方法研究进展


1.Study on the microwave-assisted extraction method ofDNJ from mulberry leaves;微波辅助提取桑叶生物碱DNJ的工艺研究

2.A microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method was studied for the extraction ofDNJ from mulberry leaves.以无菌过滤水为溶剂,以微波处理为辅助条件,提取了桑叶中的DNJ,考察微波功率、微波处理时间、固液比和提取次数这些因素对生物碱DNJ得率的影响。

4)total alkaloid总生物碱

1.Determination of the content oftotal alkaloid in Nao Mai Tong Recipe;脑脉通有效部位中总生物碱的含量测定

2.Determination of the content oftotal alkaloid in Huperzia serrata by UV spectrophotometric;紫外分光光度法测定蛇足石杉中总生物碱含量

3.Research on the Method for Quantitatively Determining Total Alkaloid in the Effective Fraction of the Extract of Kushen Decoction;苦参汤有效部位总生物碱含量测定方法研究

5)Total alkaloids总生物碱

1.Study on separation and purification of total alkaloids from Herba Ephedrae and Flos Daturae by macroporous adsorption resin;大孔吸附树脂分离纯化麻黄及洋金花总生物碱的研究

2.Determination of berberine hydrochloride and total alkaloids in compound Er-xian decoction;复方二仙汤中盐酸小檗碱及总生物碱的含量测定

3.Study on the solvents extracting the total alkaloids from Uncaria macrophylla Wall and the purity of Rhynchophylline;大叶钩藤总生物碱提取溶剂的研究及钩藤碱的纯度测定


1.Study on the supercritical CO_2 extraction ofalkaloids from sophora flavescens ait;超临界二氧化碳流体萃取中药苦参的生物总碱

2.Toxicity of Chenopodium ambrosioidesalkaloids to Musca domestica and influence on insecticides susceptibility;土荆芥生物总碱对家蝇的毒杀作用及药剂敏感性的影响

3.The extraction ofalkaloids from the stem of Solanum melongena Linn.以茄秆为原料,用索氏提取法进行生物总碱的提取,用酸碱滴定法对提取的生物总碱的含量进行测定。


