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混杂 hybrid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-14 18:53:53


混杂 hybrid英语短句 例句大全



1.Dynamic viscoelasticities of CF/GFhybrid reinforced epoxy composites under high load;CF/GF混杂增强环氧树脂复合材料的高载动态黏弹特性

2.Anti-seizure property of aluminosilicate short fiber and graphite particle reinforced Al-12Sihybrid composites;(Al_2O_3-SiO_(2f)+Gr_p)/ZL109混杂增强复合材料的抗咬合性能

3.Study on Property of Jute (Sisal) Fiber/Glass Fiber Hybrid Reinforced PP;麻纤维/玻璃纤维混杂增强聚丙烯复合材料的性能研究


1.mixed feelings or emotions.混杂的、复杂的感情。

2.A mixture of different races.杂种不同种族的混杂

3.a bastard style, language混杂的文体、 语言.

4.An accumulation of miscellaneous things.混合成团混杂物的堆积

5.Security men mingled with the crowd.保安人员混杂在人群中.

6.a motley assortment of things.各种各样混杂的事物。

7.It was confused among many objects.它混杂在许多物品中。

8.Fact is inextricably commingled with fiction.事实与虚构混杂难分。

9.Coal seams intermixed with iron ore.煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。

10.The fibers are glass fiber and core-spun yarn.混杂纤维由玻璃纤维和复合包芯纱混杂构成。

11.Study on Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Batch/Continuous Processes Using Hybrid Petri Nets;混杂生产过程的混杂Petri网建模及分析技术研究

12.Containing intricately combined or involved parts.复杂的具有错综复杂的结合或混杂部分的

13.a welter of controversy争论的混杂, (思想、理论上的) 一片 [阵] 混战

14.Experimental Study on Pavement Concrete Reinforced by Layered Hybrid Fiber;层布式混杂纤维路面混凝土试验研究

15.Research on Application of the Carbon and Polypropylene Fiber concrete in Canal Lining渠道衬砌混杂纤维混凝土的应用研究

16.Impact resistance behavior of layered hybrid fiber reinforced concrete层布式混杂纤维混凝土的抗冲击性能

17.Effects of fibrous brucite/polypropylene hybrid fibers on properties of concreteFB/PP混杂纤维对混凝土性能的影响

18.Hybrid effect of steel-polypropylene fiber on fracture property of high strength concrete钢-聚丙烯混杂纤维高强混凝土断裂性能的混杂效应



1.A study of the carbon and nylon fibremixture modified cement has been conducted by the authors, which shows that this way is the most effective method to enhance the strength and toughness of themixture modified cement.对碳纤维─尼龙纤维混杂改性水泥基复合材料研究表明,该方法是提高水泥基复合材料强度和韧性的最有效方法。


1.This paper, combining Said and Homi Bhabha\"s post-colonial theory, intends to make a study and analysis on the "hybridity" discourse constructed by Salman Rushdie in Midnight Children from perspective of cultural identity.作品中历史事实和神话故事,现实与虚构并存,古老的印度文化独有的素材与西方现代主义手法相融合,向我们展现了一个多元混杂的文学世界。

2.Bhabha explores the "hybridity" theory in the location of culture,taking it as an effective way to eliminate cultural dominance and opposition in post colonialism language context.霍米·巴巴是后殖民主义理论的大师之一,在其鸿篇巨制《文化的定位》中他提出了"混杂"的概念,并将其作为后殖民理论话语中消解文化霸权和两级对立的有效策略。

4)assembly of words with different background杂混

5)ambivalence & hybridity混杂、含混



